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JW Apostates and the blame game

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The world’s oldest and most played game is the BLAME GAME. Every second, countless people keep getting so immersed in this pastime, some have become addicted to it. People so easily adopt the blame-it-on-anything attitude, constantly blaming other people and or situations for something in the wrong  way and ceaselessly pointing accusing fingers at anyone or anything but themselves. Typically, there is always a straight or skewed allocation of blame at the root of the worst problems people are regularly confronted with. Adam and Eve  originated this game thousands of years ago, and since then, mankind has been attempting to master it.


Why are people so prone to blaming?


The reasons for blaming are usually centered on some irrational behaviors. Behaviours such as:


1. Extreme weakness: When a person constantly feels helpless about negative situations he tends to lose control of his mind and turns to a blaming anyone or anything. He would blame the weather for something as pardonable as waking up late.


2. Manipulation: Some persons just derive pleasure and make a duty out of controlling other people. The use of silent treatments, personal attacks and force are ways they use to coerce people into assuming responsibilities for wrongs they may or may not be a part of. The boss who makes a subordinate(s) pay for a bad situation he contributed to is being plain manipulative.


3. Avoidance: Persons with this behavior excuse it by telling themselves that it is better to avoid accepting responsibility for something negative than be messed up by it. They would rather walk away than even find out what went off beam because they don’t want to be bothered. But it soon catches up with them.


4. Negligence: This behavior demonstrates a lack of reasonable degree of care for a person or thing. The negligent person feels that it is okay for things not to be okay. They don’t pay attention to details, they don’t see any need applying any extra care in handling anyone or anything. When anything goes awry as a result of their attitude, people with this behavior will say “I thought it would work out right, it should have” rather than say “I will pay more attention next time”.


5. Unrealism: This behavior shows an unrealistic expectation for perfection. Never make a mistake! Persons with this behavior expect themselves and others never to go wrong. For them, making mistakes means being flawed and being flawed means being unworthy of respect. So when they fail, they never admit culpability. When others fail, they make them pay dearly for it.


The bottom line of this;


The only winning move in the blame game is to stop that next move. Quit the game.

why this thread

this was never meant to to discuss how could the behaviors explained made someone with the behaviors a straightfoward apostate but to relate how the behaviors could lead one into apostolic propaganda...

JW Apostates population seems to get on the rise as the bible foretells as the world ends.The use of internet where we can hide our identities has made the way out easily to many. We have been warned enough on apostasy but surprisingly the move is on and this justifies how easy one can be taken off mind for their irrational arguments/beliefs.


Sometimes we might point the fingers to others(apostates) but I find this piece of information valuable for self evaluation as we have seen/heard how sometimes, surprisingly a matured and reliable brother/sister may change status to be apostates out of addiction to the blame game towards the GB and Christian congregation elders and brother and sisters as this can just fall to anyone. I m  not just saying everyone is an apostate by a single action of blame  but addiction to it has led many to carry on playing the blame game without winning of course because the only way to win is to quit and has never easy to quit the game as they are already addicted.

As a remainder:the mission of the apostates has always be  to take Christ’s disciples with them rather than going out and making their own disciples, as pointed out by Paul.No one wish to change their  status from being Jesus disciple to apostate disciple.

Edited by raq
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http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200000309  What is Apostasy?


What characteristics identify apostates as distinct from true Christians?

An apostasy among professed Christians was foretold by the apostle Paul at2 Thessalonians 2:3. He specifically mentioned certain apostates, such as Hymenaeus, Alexander, and Philetus. (1Ti 1:19, 20; 2Ti 2:16-19) Among the varied causes of apostasy set forth in apostolic warnings were: lack of faith (Heb 3:12), lack of endurance in the face of persecution (Heb 10:32-39), abandonment of right moral standards (2Pe 2:15-22), the heeding of the “counterfeit words” of false teachers and “misleading inspired utterances” (2Pe 2:1-3; 1Ti 4:1-3; 2Ti 2:16-19; compare Pr 11:9), and trying “to be declared righteous by means of law” (Ga 5:2-4). While still making profession of faith in God’s Word, apostates may forsake his service by treating lightly the preaching and teaching work that he assigned to followers of Jesus Christ. (Lu 6:46; Mt 24:14; 28:19, 20) They may also claim to serve God but reject his representatives, his visible organization, and then turn to ‘beating’ their former associates to hinder their work. (Jude 8, 11; Nu 16:19-21; Mt 24:45-51) Apostates often seek to make others their followers. (Ac 20:30; 2Pe 2:1, 3) Such ones willfully abandoning the Christian congregation thereby become part of the “antichrist.” (1Jo 2:18, 19) As with the apostate Israelites, destruction is likewise foretold for apostates from the Christian congregation.—2Pe 2:1; Heb 6:4-8; see ASSOCIATION.



w08 8/15 pp 3-7 -- Jehovah will not leave his loyal ones

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