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Supreme Justices struggle with church-state case

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The Supreme Court struggled Wednesday with a church-state case that could give a clear green light for prayers at many public events, even when those blessings are clearly sectarian in nature.


Advocates of a greater role for religion in the public sphere hope that the case the justices are considering, a dispute over invocations at meetings of the town board in Greece, N.Y., serves as the death knell for the legal premise that the mere recitation of a prayer in an official context can violate the Constitution’s ban on establishing a state religion.


Two local women who sued over the New York town board’s practice said about 75 percent of the prayers were explicitly Christian, though occasionally, they have been delivered by others, including members of Jewish, Bahai and Wiccan religions.


The case appeared to turn on the views of Justices Anthony Kennedy and Stephen Breyer, judges who have been swing votes in the past on disputes over religion in government.



TROTTIGY - This will be a case to watch  :yes:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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In local news - 



Religious leaders want the Reno City Council to once again begin meetings with a prayer, a tradition that has been replaced with a moment of silence in recent years because of concerns about the constitutional separation of church and state.



Universal Society of Hinduism President Rajan Zed and a dozen other leaders of different religions told Reno Mayor Bob Cashell on Tuesday that invocations are standard practice at many city councils across Nevada, including Las Vegas, Carson City, Henderson, Boulder City, Sparks and North Las Vegas.


Representatives of Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Wiccan beliefs also said they believe they can pass constitutional muster by offering prayers that don’t speak to a specific religion.


“It does take a little more skill or creative thinking to create an invocation that’s good for all religions without pushing any one particular religion,” said Ellyn Darrah of the Children of Temple Earth, a network of Wiccans and pagans in Northern Nevada


Yes, even the "Wiccans and pagans" enjoy a good prayer with the politicians - in for a little in for a lot!!!

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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There has been a recent outcry against the separation of Church and State. Too many people are speaking out against prayer in public/goverment meeting places. The opposition to prayer is garnering strength in public opinion. The most lenient (or rather liberal) justices tend to rule in favor of public opinion.

That stated, there are nine justices: six Catholics - two Jewish - one non-practicing Jew turning Atheist. In retrospect, the three Jewish justices (Kagan, Ginzburg and Breyer) typically will vote in favor of public opinion. Thus, much of their legal writings validate such. On another note, most often followers of Judaism highly criticize Christendom philosophy, including its prayers. And, according to Family Research Council, which organization filed a religion expression brief to clear up differences, stated that "97% of the prayers used to open House sessions were Christian," as opposed to Jewish or Muslim. It might be fair to state that the Jewish justices might already be in favor of removing what many consider "Christian" prayer. The two swing votes will most likely come from Kennedy and Sotomayer. The remaining Justices are quite conservative.

Typically, a ruling by a Supreme Court Justice is based on his/her own personal religious philosophy, unless it blatantly violates the Constitution.  Then again, there are times where the Constitution has no say in a Supreme Court decision. 

Indeed, it will be interesting to see the outcome of this Opinion.


Edited by Mei
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