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Priceless to Jehovah

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This came my way today and I thought it was encouraging.  Forgive me if it's already been posted before.



Just think about it, Jehovah could have chosen anyone he wanted to serve

Him. But He reads HEARTS. Out of all the people on this planet, He chose you.


Look at it this way. You walk into an antique shop. You are looking around and 

you see something you like. You turn it over and the price tag is $1,000. So you 

walk up to the till and you offer the shop owner $10. Imagine how he would react!


Now think of us. Jehovah PAID a dear price for you with the blood of His Son's sacrifice.


We are PRICELESS to Jehovah. You know that Jehovah would not pay the price if we

were not worth it. Now, how do you think Jehovah feels if we place a much smaller 

price tag on ourselves? He would be insulted!


You are a very special person, priceless, hand-picked out of all the world of mankind personally by Jehovah to know the truth and to serve the greatest person in the universe. And He did all of this while we were still imperfect and unworthy of 

this honor.


You keep on hanging in there. Remember, Jehovah NEVER forgets his people and 

neither do we.


When you feel buffeted by the world and of little value, think of yourself as a 

hundred dollar bill. Would you accept a gift of a crisp new note? Of course! 

What if the bill were not new, but slightly used? Still, just as good, right? 

What if you found the bill in the mud? Still, worth a hundred, right? But what 

if it's tattered and smudged and the corners are worn? Is it worth any less? Not at all!


Whether bright and new or battered and beaten, a hundred is still ahundred.


And we are precious to Jehovah and to our brothers, whether things are going fine 

or we have been through the mill. It's not the outer appearance or the current 

condition that determines worth, but what backs us up that gives us our value.


Our currency is backed by the First Universal Bank of Jehovah. And you will 

remain just as valuable as ever, as long as you stay in circulation.


So keep enduring, and one day we will all be in 'mint condition'.



from your fellow tattered banknote

Edited by Brenda

"Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12

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This was great! I know a sister who is going thru a lot right now who really needs this....think I'll share...

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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This reminds me of a comment somewhere in the forums about how when we think a past mistake or course of action is too bad to be forgiven.....we are saying that the ransom wasnt enough...and how many of Jehovah's sons do we think it would take to be 'enough'?

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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