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I Am H.E.R.E. Are You?

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At times I will greet a brother or a sister at the Kingdom Hall or Meeting for Service and ask them,” How are you?” They look at me with tired eyes and say, “I’m H.E.R.E.”

This poem is for all of US who are glad that YOU are H.E.R.E.

The kids were cranky; your husband/wife was late.The dinner was ready on time but just had to wait. But you’re H.E.R.E.


A long week in service with ‘I’m not interested’, and most not at home, you’d just like to have some time all alone. But you’re H.E.R.E.


The job was exhausting, you come home feeling beat. You keep thinking you have that deadline to meet. But you’re H.E.R.E. Your eyesight is failing; you can’t hear all the talk.Your legs feel feeble; it’s a challenge to walk. But you’re H.E.R.E.

You've faced challenges, you’ve faced trials.


 So we’re happy you made it, we know it took courage.You did not let the world get you discouraged. Because when you’re H.E.R.E.

at the meetings you’re really…

Helping Everyone Remain Encouraged!


You pushed yourself that last mile.

But you’re H.E.R.E.


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  • 3 years later...

I shared this with an older sister last night and she loved it so much that she had me write it down so she could share it...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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