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Christian Persecution Escalating

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Russia has been ranked among the world’s 50 countries in which Christians face the most prosecution for the first time in seven years.


Persecution is escalating. This year's number is up from last year's 215 million--30 million more lives at risk.  https://twitter.com/OpenDoors/status/1085632801033080832?ref_src=twsrc^tfw


While churches of the Russian Orthodox denomination are sponsored by the state, Open Doors said unregistered evangelical churches “may face obstructions in the form of surveillance and interrogation.”


Jehovah’s Witnesses faced nationwide raids and arrests after the Russian Supreme Court declared the organization extremist in 2017. A package of anti-terrorist laws introduced in July 2016 have also made the missionary work of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, known as the Mormons, next to impossible in Russia.

Open Doors said Russia’s increasingly strained ties with the West “will particularly affect those Christians who belong to denominations regarded as Western.”


Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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