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a heartwarming experience

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It is the timing and the unexpected (typical of Jehovah) that make this experience heartwarming for me.


Last Sunday (23rd June  6:00 pm) a sister at our meeting asked me and another elder to visit her, very soon. No details were relayed which made it difficult to think ahead but we made an arrangement for the next afternoon. (Monday 24th 2:00pm)


We let her pour out her heartfelt thoughts and just listening in, we were both in anguish over the anxiety/stress brought upon her through her own grown up family in our congregation. She had tried to get something sorted for two and a half years but got nowhere. These things were important.  We had not noticed much change in her spiritual routine (to her great credit) but she did say she had random bible reading where it was a staple in her spiritual diet. It was now hard to join the service groups with these pressures and she just wanted to give up.


Oh how hard it is not to go to others, grab their hands and drag them into a room and just say 'why don't you sort this out right now!' We couldn't. It is a family affair and often getting between family when it is none of your business can rebound on the elders; invariably being accused by both parties. The scripture are direct. people should 'first' sort thing out between them. (These thing were not of a spiritual matter involving gross sin)


So what to do or say. We used scriptures to show that she should not give up on trying to communicate to the others 'Do as much as possible, or as far as it depends upon you. Jehovah would see here trying to put his counsel into practice and Would Help.


We also mentioned that Satan will often make situations that are bad and already in motion and make them worse; she should see this and fight against Satan; Not letting him ruin her good routine.

She was given some other practical suggestions and she said she was now determined not to let Satan get at her anymore..  We left still thinking we'd like to sort it for her but we resolved to let her do the things we pointed out and let Jehovah comfort her in 'his own way'.


When i got home (still Monday 24th) i noticed a missed call (only an hour previous to getting home). No name.. I was a little concerned with phoning back as i do get a lot of 'Have you had an accident that wasn't your fault' calls. Anyway I felt compelled. I rang it and it was a brother from the local Polish Group. He said that they had contacted a German lady in our territory and she wanted to study with them. They already had a German sister in the Polish group and although this lady could speak fluent German, wanted the study in English. They though that parts where the English didn't get over well the German sister could just portray it in her native language...

this conversation went on for a good 5 minutes and whilst I didn't stop him in his tracks.. I'm thinking 'it's a very nice experience.. but why have you called me?'.


Finally.. he said she has suffered from a form of dementia for quite some years and did I know anyone who has some experience with dementia sufferers that would be particularly understanding and kind with this German lady?


Now I knew that there were quite a few who had had relatives with this condition in the congregation but despite really trying hard ,there was only one persons name that i could recall. This sister we called on and hour ago; she had nursing training as well. I said I had someone in mind.. but he (I thought at the time) was very pushy for me to get things rolling for this study. I said I would try and he should leave it with me. We were going to meet up with her the next day so I thought I'd leave it and ask her discreetly with no pressure on her to 'suddenly conform'.


This Polish brother phoned me again a couple of hours later (still Monday) asking what was her answer?! at first I was a little irritated that he perhaps though I was not going to do anything about it. So I phoned our sister and told her the story . and would she mind me giving her number to the Polish brother? of course she said.. glad to help.


They went on the study 'the next day'!  everything went well and our sister's skills were really appreciated. Our sister is over the moon now.. elated and so grateful!


reminds me of this scripture: Jas 5:11   Look! We consider happy those who have endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome Jehovah gave, that Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful.


Jehovah cared!   This Polish brother tried to phone me just as we were with our sister; not knowing what we could do for her! 


ps During the first call with this brother I asked the where the lady lived (was it really in our territory?_ turned out to be on the next block to where our sister lives.. walking distance!!!!!.. 


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