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Has anyone seen this new series and if so, what do you think about it?

I thought the first hour was somewhat conceptually interesting. The second hour was pretty boring and the third showed that basically this show has devolved into introducing some messed up criminal murderer and watching people chase him down in the most unlikely way. I gave up on it early into the 3rd hour; simply not for me.

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Thanks for opinions! LOL Musky! I am quite aware of the "differing" in opinion of what is "acceptable" opinion or not! It was just kind of a weird concept. These prisoners coming back years later, unchanged, and the whole human testing facility (testing facility being somewhat very real..... who would ever have Known? Human testing on Alcatraz.... a concept not too far off from a very real truth)... I have not made up my mind about it.....

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Before Alcatraz aired, I checked it out online first. The show is full of violence. This is one show I definitely will not be watching.

Last night I came across Alcatraz online and decided to watch it to see if it really was as bad as I was led to believe it was on the internet. It was. This is one show that I will never watch again. In the 44 minutes that the show was on the air, four people were murdered and another shot. Although I never actually saw anyone murdered because I closed my eyes during those scenes, it was obvious from the scenes that followed that they had been.
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Has anyone seen this new series and if so, what do you think about it?


Forum lesson one: Never, ever, ever mention a TV program or movie you have seen or are interested in seeing on this forum! :tongue:


I'm thinking we need a list of forum rules similar to the 'Mens Rules' thread that was posted earlier....

you know----all the rules are numbered #1....lol:idea:

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Has anyone seen this new series and if so, what do you think about it?


Forum lesson one: Never, ever, ever mention a TV program or movie you have seen or are interested in seeing on this forum! :tongue:


I'm thinking we need a list of forum rules similar to the 'Mens Rules' thread that was posted earlier....

you know----all the rules are numbered #1....lol:idea:

LOL! Sure didn't mean to offend anyone! It is violent, less than CSI, CSI NY and Criminal Minds, though.. I love those shows! I also love The Mentalist! I find The News rather violent as well!

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Has anyone seen this new series and if so, what do you think about it?


Forum lesson one: Never, ever, ever mention a TV program or movie you have seen or are interested in seeing on this forum! :tongue:


I'm thinking we need a list of forum rules similar to the 'Mens Rules' thread that was posted earlier....

you know----all the rules are numbered #1....lol:idea:

LOL! Sure didn't mean to offend anyone! It is violent, less than CSI, CSI NY and Criminal Minds, though.. I love those shows! I also love The Mentalist! I find The News rather violent as well!

Unfortunately when it comes to the topic of tv shows and movies, no matter what it is, someone will be offended that you watched it, lol. I know some who are offended by Disney movies.

I have learned to not discuss my tv viewing or movie watching with the friends, lol. Not that I'm hiding anything, but it is just easier, lol.

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I am not worried! I know of some who are offended by Disney Movies too! And that is fine, I would never want someone to "cave" on their view-point because of someone else's opinion. But just take it in stride and give the same courtesy to those who are not offended by such things. As long as we "respect" it, we will all be fine and able to discuss many things!

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Don't be a hater but I use to watch Boston Legal---till it was mentioned by name---then I caught myself sloooowly turning the channel when channel surfing... . I liked the quirky friendship of Denny and James Spader. I just started watching Big Bang Theory after seeing so many friends saying they liked it. I do too! I think Sheldon makes the show.



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Don't be a hater but I use to watch Boston Legal---till it was mentioned by name---then I caught myself sloooowly turning the channel when channel surfing... .

I never watched this show, but was there something wrong with it? I am just confused by your comment "til it was mentioned by name".

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I am not worried! I know of some who are offended by Disney Movies too! And that is fine, I would never want someone to "cave" on their view-point because of someone else's opinion. But just take it in stride and give the same courtesy to those who are not offended by such things. As long as we "respect" it, we will all be fine and able to discuss many things!

I know you are not worried, lol.

I just have had soooooo many bad experiences in the past discussing TV shows and movies with friends, that I just don't do it anymore, lol.

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Don't be a hater but I use to watch Boston Legal---till it was mentioned by name---then I caught myself sloooowly turning the channel when channel surfing... . I liked the quirky friendship of Denny and James Spader. I just started watching Big Bang Theory after seeing so many friends saying they liked it. I do too! I think Sheldon makes the show.

I love Boston Legal! My "mom" got me hooked on it a few years ago! I watched it just to watch James Spader.... oooooh! Hotty! I love him! Sorry if inappropriate! What was mentioned about it?

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This was something I could never understand. As witnesses, we preach "no violence, no immorality, no swearing", yet lots of witnesses has no problems watching movies that contains all three of them. For example, where I live, LOTS of people LOVE "Transformers". I personally don't care for it. It's boring. LOL I don't mind the computer graphics and awesome sound effects. However, it contains all three. Yet, we are instructed not to watch rated R movies, which contains all three of them as well. I asked about it, "Rated R movies contains more." So??? Whether there is one cuss word or 50, in Jehovah's eyes it would be inappropriate, right? Am I missing something???

Otherwise, I have no problems with the shows mentioned so far.

Alcatraz, COPS (My dad was a cop for Denver, so a lot if it brings memories), Glee, Criminal Minds, Law and Order, NCIS, etc etc etc... These have the same bad stuff as the next. So because of that, does that mean we need to absolutely stop watching tv since there is nothing good on anymore? One elder brought out a good point that I think can be applied to almost any situation, as long as it doesn't interupt your worship of Jehovah, not committing a sin, disrupting your conscience, you should be okay. Each person has to be their own judge, voice, conscience, and in the end we each answer to Jehovah on our own. Jehovah sees all and understands more than ANYONE can realize, more than anyone can fathom.

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I guess my conscious is not as sensative or well trained as others because I really enjoyed Boston Legal. There was alot of sexual inuendo. sexual content, references to gays, but it touched on every subject that is main stream. We actually did not watch it until the final season then picked up reruns. I loved the closing arguments of each case--they were so well thoguht out. But the talk was if any series contain immorality, gays, violence---would we invite these stranges into our homes or have contact with them? I began to think that I counld not have Denny Crane or James Spader over or be friends with them in real life so why was I watching them? I had a battle with myself about these things. I found them lovable and very witty, funny. It gets very exhausting because everytime I think I have found a show I like it starts going downhill.

We had an elder that was a writer for Love American Style and Love Boat if anyone remembers these series. He said that he gave up hiw writing career because that was a turning point in television--everything was required to have alot of sexual inuendo and I think back and realize that was so MILD compared to todays televsion standards. If he gave up his lucrative career to work for UPS then I should be able to do the same. Mind you I still like these things--I have not learned to have them completely--but I am trying to weed them from my life. Having a husband not in the Truth makes it hard because if I want to spend any time with him he is usually watching these type of shows.



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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I just started watching Big Bang Theory after seeing so many friends saying they liked it. I do too! I think Sheldon makes the show.

My kids got my hooked on Big Bang Theory, I find it absolutely hilarious, especially because of Sheldons quirky charachter!! There's an occasional off color comment but compared to what we hear everywhere it's tame, like my old favorite Three's company...Also The Middle & Raising Hope...Sorry if I'm :offtopic: I am also watching Alcatraz, so far I'm still interested because I enjoy a good mystery and am curious of the why's & how's these prisoners are coming back...I'm into the CSI, Criminal minds shows for the same reason, Who done it cop shows I like, the best is Hawaii 5-0 because it has a lighthearted side & of course it's filmed close to home (tu)

I don't like to see violence glorified & there have been times I turn away of change channel during a scene that shows the crime re enacted, but the inner workings if a psyco brain are interesting, as some of these stories are similar to real crimes & Im

fascinated by figuring out people...I am always excited when they catch the guilty party especially if I guessed right on who it was...

Now when it comes to the ever growing amount of demonic occult oriented shows, I

am super vigilant at not allowing those to stay on our tv screen, maybe some may feel that's a double standard, but those things get to me bigtime, I hate them! My kids

started watching that Zombie series(dont remember the name), recording it & watching

when I'm not around!, saying that it's about people who got infected by a virus not demonic, but

to me it's plain nasty food for nightmares...I was mad that they did that then they tell me well, so & so's parents watch it! Well I will not judge others for what they watch, that's between them & Jehovah but I don't want them watching certain things under my

roof if I can help it..., anyways, I didn't mean to go on & on about all that, it just got me

going! lol..... My point is....I'm ok SO FAR with Alcatraz :popcorn: Love big Bang


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This was something I could never understand. As witnesses, we preach "no violence, no immorality, no swearing", yet lots of witnesses has no problems watching movies that contains all three of them. For example, where I live, LOTS of people LOVE "Transformers". I personally don't care for it. It's boring. LOL I don't mind the computer graphics and awesome sound effects. However, it contains all three. Yet, we are instructed not to watch rated R movies, which contains all three of them as well. I asked about it, "Rated R movies contains more." So??? Whether there is one cuss word or 50, in Jehovah's eyes it would be inappropriate, right? Am I missing something???

Otherwise, I have no problems with the shows mentioned so far.

Alcatraz, COPS (My dad was a cop for Denver, so a lot if it brings memories), Glee, Criminal Minds, Law and Order, NCIS, etc etc etc... These have the same bad stuff as the next. So because of that, does that mean we need to absolutely stop watching tv since there is nothing good on anymore? One elder brought out a good point that I think can be applied to almost any situation, as long as it doesn't interupt your worship of Jehovah, not committing a sin, disrupting your conscience, you should be okay. Each person has to be their own judge, voice, conscience, and in the end we each answer to Jehovah on our own. Jehovah sees all and understands more than ANYONE can realize, more than anyone can fathom.

If we did, I would save $100 a month on Dish Network! lol! I loved Glee, but then the homosexuality got waaaaaaaay out of hand, when girls and guys are same sex kissing on tv, well, not a message I want my girls receive! But that is only "my" opinion. Otherwise, we loved that show! We love broadway music and the "big" musical numbers, but I don't want my kids to think that is ok, especially since they are at an impressionable age. I think adults need to use their own disgression as to what is crossing the line, based on our own consciences. Kids grow up way to fast as it is, they will be faced with that soon enough.

I have to say, the Daily Bible Reading has been among the "bloodiest" and most violent writings I can imagine! My kids asked me, "why do they always cut their heads off when they kill them and take them to someon"? What do you answer to that? I said, "well, they didn't have cell-phones, internet or tv's back then, how else would the people know if it was true or not? Can you imagine the "rating" this would have in a theater? Bible times were so violent and so bloody.... then another of the kids asked me "why are they always running someone through"? I said, "well, they didn't have tazers, guns, bombs or nuclear weapons back then, everything was either something to be stabbed with, smashed with or hand to hand combat"! Sometimes, they look at me like, and.... but I have nothing left to give them!

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Holly, on Dec 6, 2011, it had been one year since we dropped Direct TV. It was difficult at first, but I love the extra time I have. We have a digital antenna so we get our local channels. We also have netflix on the tv through our ps3.

It was hard at first, trust me, but we survived and saving 100 a month has been awesome. My personal study is better, I have more time to do a more thorough study for the meetings, more time to prepare for service. Dropping Direct TV has given my family many benefits.

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My husband is not a Witness, so, that would def. be a nono! lol! Believe me, I have often wondered how "freeing" it would be to rid ourselves of these "luxuries"!

It does free up your time. When my husband first suggested it, I was like, that ain't never gonna happen, lol. But it's been good, even the kids are fine with it and they are 15 and 13.

I understand though about your husband, probably wouldn't go over too well with him.

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