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This from the New York Evening Mail

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     It is a fact that in their offensive tactics many of our
public men are deficient either in conscience or in manner
or in both. They make charges against their opponents
 They say things which they cannot
prove and which it is only charitable to their intellectuals
to assume they do not believe

     It seems to be the idea that if you throw enough mud
some of it will stick, and none of it will spatter yourself;
that if you throw enough clubs some will land, and none
return, boomerang fashion, on your own head.
     We say this notion is wrong. We believe that men
who are careless in their words are equally careless in
their acts
. The man who, without justification, calls
another a rogue is the man who will bear watching, for
too often he credits the other man with the same motives
that control himself
, and assumes that the other man has
done what, with the same opportunities, he would do
     Bearing false witness, however, is more than an unfavorable
symptom. It is itself an offense almost equal--
in the scales of eternal justice probably held entirely
equal--to the offense charged.
     The habit is not even good politics. It goes against
average human nature, which is sportsmanlike and fair;
and even the brutalized atmosphere of the ringside instinctively
hisses the foul blow. What does it profit one
to exhibit himself as a man eager to win, regardless of
everything else? There is real chivalry in human nature.
Every manifestation of it has a universal response. Why
should it be considered bad politics?
     Maybe we are wrong, but our theory is that conscienceless
accusation derives as much from ignorance as
from malice. Many public men conduct campaigns on
personalities because they have not qualified to conduct
them on issues.
 It is easier to accuse, to clamor, to rail,
than it is to get clear to the bottom of a political or
economic issue, understand it yourself, and then so present
it that others can understand it.
     The most sobering thing in the world is adequate
knowledge of a subject, an appraisal of it from all sides.
Those who achieve this knowledge necessarily speak
words of truth and soberness. They have neither the inclination
nor the time to utter anything else.--New York
Evening Mail.
OH! I forgot to say that this was recorded in the April 15th Watch Tower of 1911.
Not much has changed has it?
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On 9/30/2020 at 7:01 PM, Old Guy said:

The man who, without justification, calls
another a rogue is the man who will bear watching, for
too often he credits the other man with the same motives
that control himself
, and assumes that the other man has
done what, with the same opportunities, he would do

Psychiatry calls this projection. It really is nothing new: “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”—Matt. 12:34.

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This from the New York Evening Mail



Can you please provide a link?  News stories in this forum need to include a link.


If this is not a news story, then it's in the wrong section and we can move it.  

Edited by Shawnster

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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