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One Week to Download Your Kindle Books

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I used to think that a large library would be a nice addition to any home.  I enjoyed reading.


When the first Kindle came out, I bought one.  The screen got broke in the first year and Amazon replaced it for free.   I still have it.


I made some of my own eBooks from the publications.  These were for personal use only and my wife and I studied from them.  Making eBooks was time consuming, so I no longer do it.  I have used Calibre to change ePub books to MOBI for the Kindle.  


I bought a kindle with a touch screen for my wife.  We were having family Bible studies daily for a while using our kindles.  She has stopped using her Kindle and uses an android device for Bible study.


Recently I have used ChatGPT to write books which I could read on the Kindle.  I don't usually buy books anymore unless it is really interesting.


I did buy a Kindle Paperwhite a couple of months ago and really enjoy it.  With the old Kindles I had to have a light on to read anything on them.  With the Kindle Paperwhite I can actually read it in the dark.  Even though you can't download any apps on it, the Kindles are so much lighter than other devices that it makes reading far more enjoyable.  And you can store 1,000's of books on the Kindle.



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1 hour ago, Witness1970 said:

Eu costumava pensar que uma grande biblioteca seria uma boa adição a qualquer casa. Eu gostava de ler.


Quando o primeiro Kindle saiu, comprei um. A tela quebrou no primeiro ano e a Amazon a substituiu de graça. Eu ainda o tenho.


Eu fiz alguns dos meus próprios eBooks a partir das publicações. Eles eram apenas para uso pessoal e minha esposa e eu estudávamos a partir deles. Fazer eBooks consumia muito tempo, então não faço mais isso. Usei o Calibre para mudar os livros ePub para MOBI para o Kindle.  


Comprei um kindle com tela sensível ao toque para minha esposa. Estávamos tendo estudos bíblicos familiares diariamente por um tempo usando nossos kindles. Ela parou de usar seu Kindle e usa um dispositivo Android para estudo bíblico.


Ultimamente, usei o ChatGPT para escrever livros que eu podia ler no Kindle. Normalmente, não compro mais livros, a menos que sejam realmente interessantes.


Eu comprei um Kindle Paperwhite há alguns meses e realmente gostei. Com os antigos Kindles eu tinha que ter uma luz acesa para ler qualquer coisa neles. Com o Kindle Paperwhite eu realmente consigo ler no escuro. Mesmo que você não possa baixar nenhum aplicativo nele, os Kindles são muito mais leves do que outros dispositivos, o que torna a leitura muito mais agradável. E você pode armazenar milhares de livros no Kindle.




The Kindle is amazing! I have a 2018 Paperwhite and have been reading almost every day since I bought it. Even after dropping it multiple times, it has never let me down. But it's incredible how much Amazon seems to want to ruin its own product. I enjoy listening to audiobooks on Audible, but it's not available in my country. Even though I have a subscription, I can't access it with my Brazilian account. I have to go to their website and change my account's location, but then I can no longer buy books from the Brazilian Amazon store. I have to go back to the site and change my region again. This also applies to Goodreads and even to enable Bluetooth on the Kindle 😖.


Although the feature to download purchased books isn't very popular, it's a consumer right. I had bought the entire collection of Jules Verne books on Google Play Books because it was cheaper, so I was able to request the DRM unlock key, use Calibre, and put my books on my Kindle. Is it a hassle? Yes, but at least it's possible on Google Play. Will people stop buying eBooks from Amazon and choose another store instead?


But why remove USB file transfer to the Kindle? What if my Kindle’s Wi-Fi breaks? What if Amazon’s store goes offline or becomes restricted in some country? You bought the book, but it’s not really yours. You also bought the reading device, but it still doesn’t belong to you 😭. What does Amazon gain by restricting users like this?

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List of downsides 

• You can't escape the ecosystem now

• You can't use any open source eBook reader app

• You can't use an alternative eReader. Only Kindles

• Amazon can delete books you already paid for due to licensing issues and you have 0 recourse

• Amazon can modify contents of books after the fact

If you lose your account you also lose all your books. Phishing and malware are not uncommon.....


Maybe it's time to buy a kobo

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