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Apathy In The Ministry

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Hi friends.  Today was special for me, I got out and went into the ministry.  That's not always easy.  My joy was in tack, and I had prayed all night long to Jehovah to help me get up with his H.S.  Well it worked, I was on my way out.  Made it to the field service group, we split up into two car groups.  Well since we have had a lot of rain (and I mean a lot of rain) the sister who drove decided we do RV'S.   Well we drove a few miles and got one from anothe sister in our car group.  Now mind you,  there were several cars and SUV's in the R.V's driveway.  People were behind those doors, she rang that door bell and afterwards knocked.  No one come to the door.  She tried to leave a small unnoticable track, but the door was to tight.  So we left.  Then she had 2 more calls, and took 2 other friends along with her.  Again, door bell (you could hear the bell ringing), and knocked enough for someone to come, no one came to the door.   Finally, I had stopped at a new RV's door, and I heard them inside, moving things around.  I knocked first, and then I rang the bell (you could hear that too), but no one came to the door.   That's how it went all morning long, people home, but not opening their doors, not even their garage doors.  Were we all discouraged!  NO!   We knew that we were doing Jehovah's will to the best of our ability.  And that we had been warned during the last days or the closeness of the Great Tribulation, that more and more people won't be listening to the message.   Reminded me of this WT I read (just the first paragarph)


*** w05 2/15 p. 12 par. 1 Christians—Be Proud of Who You Are! ***
APATHEISM.” A commentator on religious affairs recently used that word to describe the stance many people maintain toward their faith. He explained: “The greatest development in modern religion is not a religion at all—it’s an attitude best described as ‘apatheism.’” Elaborating, he defined apatheism as a disinclination to care all that much about one’s own religion.” Many people, he observed, “believe in God . . . ; they just don’t care much about him.”


That is how it went this morning in my territory.  I expect more and more of it to happen.   Is it going to stop me, or you?  NO WAY!  Jehovah knows us to well, he will give each and every one of us the POWERS OF HOLY SPIRIT, to do his will.  Doesnt matter if your in a nursing home, caretaker of a loved one at home, sick, cripple, blind, deaf, whatever sickness befalls us, not even losing a job.  Nothing can stop us.  Romans 8:35-39.    I love this scripture, I can imagine the intensity that Paul wrote this under, and this one Romans 5:3 - 5.   


Well, am sorry if I put this in the wrong forum.  If I did wrong, please correct me, and next time I'll put it in where its supposed to go. 

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Thanks for sharing :) I too am asking Jehovah for boldness :)

Is. 41:10 " I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. "

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We often comment about the HBH (home but hiding) marks on out house to house records. But they have to acknowledge that 'Jehovah's Witnesses are out today. A sister had an experience recently. She was working in midafternoon. The man cane to the door and told her that she surprised him. He never answers the door in the morning because he knows we work then. The afternoon call took him off guard. He still was not interested, but he had to talk to her.

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Even when they don't answer, Jehovah's name is in their mind. It is up to them to respond however they want. Our territory is getting harder and harder to find nice people. When we first came here, it was like a breath of fresh air going door to door. Now it is the same as it was in New England.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Well, am sorry if I put this in the wrong forum.  If I did wrong, please correct me, and next time I'll put it in where its supposed to go. 


It depends. The description for the Interchange is this....


"Members only in-depth discussion of anything related to our faith, meetings, ministry, the Bible, and our whole association of brothers. The Interchange is a theocratic discussion forum for encouragement and spiritual growth. (Members Only)"


So you may want to post your personal field ministry experiences in that forum, since it's private, especially if you are hoping it would blossom into a discussion.


The description for the Stuff of Interested to JW's forum is this....


"A publicly visible forum for sharing things related to Jehovah's people, but not necessarily topics for in-depth discussion, such as commonly circulated poetry, illustrations, non-firsthand experiences, & JW related pics/videos. (Publicly visible)"


So if the experience was not your's, but something that was forwarded to you via email or that you saw posted on Facebook, and you were just so bubbly wubbly over it on the inside that you just had to share, then you would share it in this forum, which was created for primarily as a place to put that encouragement junkie stuff so it would not clutter the Interchange, and now we use also to share stuff that we don't mind anyone in the world randomly reading (especially if they are our brothers and sisters but don't wanna register an account here at JWTalk).


If this is personal material with a discussion intent and needs moved, just say so. If you don't mind it here, then it can stay.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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It used to really get me down and give me a bad, negative attitude towards householders. And I used to write them down as 'not interested'.

But now I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Just because they are home doesn't mean they are in a condition to come to the door.

They might not be properly dressed, or sick and contagious, or have a bad headache, or getting ready for a important appointment with no time to spare. Or maybe they're just not in the mood for a spiritual/religious conversation. I know I wouldn't want to open the door every minute of the day to strangers, even though I'm home all day long.

I know some really are home but hiding because they just couldn't care less about the bible, us, God,....

But try to see it in a positive light so as not to get you down.

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I used to go out with an older sister many years ago and she would knock, knock, knock and then she would say,"I know you are in there, so you might as well come to the door." Sometimes she got results. But very embarrassing for me.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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