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  1. 2024-2025 Circuit Assembly Notebooks View File These are the notebooks for our upcoming 2024-2025 Circuit Assemblies. The materials are…. 1- Notebooks With & Without Songs 2- Combined Notebooks With & Without Songs 3- Bookmarks 4- Extra Lines Page if You Need More Submitter alecia2902 Submitted 07/14/2024 Category Circuit Assemblies  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    These are the notebooks for our upcoming 2024-2025 Circuit Assemblies. The materials are…. 1- Notebooks With & Without Songs 2- Combined Notebooks With & Without Songs 3- Bookmarks 4- Extra Lines Page if You Need More
  3. 2024 Declare the Good News! Convention Notebook View File Please enjoy! Notebook with Songs Notebook without Songs and the extra sheets. Bookmarks Submitter alecia2902 Submitted 05/11/2024 Category Regional Conventions  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Please enjoy! Notebook with Songs Notebook without Songs and the extra sheets. Bookmarks
  5. Sis Little You are welcome! All for you with the help of Jehovah!!!!
  6. FelisMater68 You are so welcome! Happy you are finding them useful!
  7. I’m patience, thank you for letting me know it wasn’t announced.
  8. Usually, the year text for the upcoming year is announced at the Annual Meeting. Does anyone know what it is?
  9. 2023-2024- Circuit Assembly Notebooks View File What is Here: * 2023-24- CA- Eagerly Wait for Jehovah Notebooks With Songs and Without * 2023-24- CA- Enter Into God’s Rest Notebooks With Songs and Without * Front & Inside Covers- If you like to combine both books * Bookmarks Submitter alecia2902 Submitted 08/06/2023 Category Circuit Assembly  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    What is Here: * 2023-24- CA- Eagerly Wait for Jehovah Notebooks With Songs and Without * 2023-24- CA- Enter Into God’s Rest Notebooks With Songs and Without * Front & Inside Covers- If you like to combine both books * Bookmarks

About alecia2902

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  • Baptized
    Yes, I'm Baptized

How I Found the Truth

  • How I found the Truth
    I grew up as a Witness. My parents were baptized in the 70's. I was about 4 years old. But,I do remember celebrating Christmas. I was young I do remember both my parents getting baptized also. But, I made the truth my own. I made this decision in high school I knew this was the truth and I wanted to stay. I was baptized in 1984

My Hobbies & Interests

  • My Interests
    Helping the friends with spiritual activities such as the notebooks for the assembly, etc... I make them and email them out print a few for the older friends. I love playing SUDOKU. I've have got into picture taking and making collages. I just help a sister with scrap booking now, that was hard work

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Since 2006, JWTalk has proved to be a well-moderated online community for real Jehovah's Witnesses on the web. However, our community is not an official website of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is not endorsed, sponsored, or maintained by any legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses. We are a pro-JW community maintained by brothers and sisters around the world. We expect all community members to be active publishers in their congregations, therefore, please do not apply for membership if you are not currently one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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