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Pushing and Shoving

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Putin shoves back on Syria


(Daniel 11:40, 41) 40 “And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through. 41 He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration, and there will be many [lands] that will be made to stumble. . . .


PUTIN PUSHES BACK AS OBAMA EDGES TOWARD SYRIA STRIKE - As America edges closer to a retaliatory strike against Syrian government forces in the wake of a deadly chemical attack, Russia is digging in against international intervention. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been increasingly dismissive of President Obama’s policy demands -- offering asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden and brushing off Obama’s insistence that gay athletes be included in the 2014 Winter Olympics set for Sochi, Russia. Putin’s government agrees that chemical weapons were used in Syria, but not with the U.S. assessment that they were deployed by government forces rather than Islamist rebels. News that the Obama administration scrapped plans to meet with Russian diplomats on Syria options reaffirms the new chill in the already icy U.S.-Russia relationship.


(This was on Fox News today)

Edited by allabord4jah
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is Dan 11:40,41 not already fulfilled?


*** w93 11/1 pp. 19-20 The Final Victory of Michael, the Great Prince ***
“In the Time of the End”
5 Daniel 11:40a reads: “In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing.” This and the following verses have been viewed as having a fulfillment in our future. However, if “the time of the end” here means the same as it does at Daniel 12:4, 9, we should look for the fulfillment of these words throughout the last days. Has the king of the south ‘pushed’ the king of the north during this time? Yes, indeed. After the first world war, the punitive peace treaty was surely a ‘pushing,’ an incitement to retaliation. After his victory in the second world war, the king of the south targeted fearsome nuclear weapons on his rival and organized against him a powerful military alliance, NATO. As the years went by, his “pushing” included high-tech espionage as well as diplomatic and military offensives.
........ the majority of the North vs. South conflict has already been fulfilled. 
The only thing left to come would be "disturbing reports" (possibly babylons destruction) that would bring the King of the North into an assault against God's people. (This assault also involves the other Kings of the earth) 

........ the King of the Norths next attack is not against the Anglo-American world power but against God's people. 

Notes from last circuit assembly's public talk.

"Keep Close in Mind Jehovah's Day":  some new light on the prophecy in Daniel 11:44 concerning the king of the north and the start of the great tribulation. The speaker made the comment that we don't have to wait to see who the king of the north is at the finale, that scripture does not apply to a political entity but that scripture applies to the final attack of Gog of Magog against God's people. He quoted the scripture in Ezekiel 38:15 that shows Gog and his hoards come from the remotest parts of the north. He said there is no further prophesy that we are awaiting the fulfillment. They have all been fulfilled. We are waiting for the cry of peace and security.

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You know I was actually thinking about this "pushing and shoving" part in Daniel myself yesterday when I saw this headline:






The United Nations said on Monday it plans to contact the United States over a report that the U.S. National Security Agency bugged its New York headquarters and warned that countries are expected to respect the world body's diplomatic inviolability.

On occasion we see the UN do a little pushing against the US/UK. This is just one instance.  Another that came to mind was when they didn't get what they wanted against North Korea or Iran - on multiple occasions.


But, yes as Samira pointed out - "They have all been fulfilled. We are waiting for the cry of peace and security."

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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The July 2013 study edition is so timely.  Proof that the Governing Body really is being used by Jehovah to keep our thinking properly aligned.

    right when we need it too, this world is getting weirder each day  :wacko:


been waiting with great eagerness to study our July WT... Nov WT is exciting also

  our mags have always been timely, it seems more so lately


  ... who would've thought anything of seeing a black hoodie on July Awake

          when it arrived at our Halls in April...

but when it came time to offer it, the cover picture was perfect with current events :yes:

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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