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Zimbabwe elephants poisoned by poachers in Hwange

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Zimbabwe Parks spokeswoman Caroline Washaya Moyo said it was suspected that cyanide was used to poison salt pans but tests are still being carried out. She said it was Zimbabwe's worst case of elephant poaching. There has been a rise in the killing of elephants and rhinos in parts of Africa in recent years, mostly to feed demand for horns and tusks in Asia. The horns and tusks are used in traditional medicine in parts of Asia, even though scientists say they have no beneficial properties. Five of the suspected poachers have been arrested, Ms Washaya Moyo told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme. She said touching the poisoned carcasses posed a danger to any animal or human. She said the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority had reminded people who live near the park, in western Zimbabwe, not to eat the meat of any dead animals they find. Some poachers were found with a large haul of tusks and cyanide earlier this year. Two years ago, nine elephants, five lions and two buffalo were poisoned


. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-23991510

Edited by Musky
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When people hurt the elephants like this I alway whisper to myself: "please don't hurt them, please." I would beg them not to hurt them. They are so defenseless. Why can't they just love the elephants and hug them. I beg Jehovah to please help us all. 

Edited by paulc

Preach The Word....Be At It Urgently. 2 Tim. 4:2

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This story breaks my heart.  They are so defenseless indeed.  Soon, the poachers will kill off all the elephants in Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world that these gracious creatures live.  The only elephants I'll see will be in books, magazines, and zoos.   I hope Jehovah's day is near, not only for his earthly organization, but the all living creatures. 

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saw this headline and had to turn away. could not read the story


    so sad   :crying:

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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  • 2 weeks later...

The death toll is now 80 elephants and 9 poachers arrested.


The poachers are paid by Chinese gangsters to do this and it is money used to exploit poor people, so too tempting even though they risk getting shot themselves.


The rarer the animals get, due to the poaching, the more money they can get fro their horns. Rhino horn is now worth more than diamonds and gold. Many UK museums and wildlife centres/zoos have been raided by gypsy/traveller or Eastern European gangs, also paid by criminals in Asia, to get horn from live or stuffed exhibits. Arrests are made but then others are paid by criminals to take their place.


Museums are replacing horn with resin on their stuffed exhibits.


The horror with this report is that they have moved on from shooting elephants to poisoning water-holes to get more of them. The result of this abomination is that any animal or bird drinking from or swimming in a poisoned water-hole dies and they are finding corpses of other smaller animals who have died a slow asphyxiating death of cyanide poisoning under bushes and trees away from the water-hole. Also, carrion eating animals and birds who tried to clean up the poisoned dead corpses are dying too - When will it end?! - We know, but it can't come soon enough as this crime gains momentum! 

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This story utterly breaks my heart.  Elephants are some of the smartest and kindest anmimals. Sickening! It's always about money!  The Q is whether getting caught will even curtail these people's heinous criminal activity.  Appalling!


. . .praying that Jehovah watch over all his precious animals and bring this nutty system to an end soon  ~

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