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One week to go dear friends

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We have lots of fun and banter and all sorts of discussions here, but there's something approaching of a sombre yet remarkable and wonderful nature.

Dear friends, if you've not yet started contemplating Jesus' last week on earth then I urge you to get into the right frame of mind.

Can you imagine being with our Saviour during those last few days? Knowing what we now do, how would you have lived this last week with him?

These are things we can ponder in heartfelt appreciation of an event that all heaven and earth are indebted to.

Say your prayers my brothers and sisters, and may God bless you.

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I was thinking about this just yesterday at lunch break. All of a sudden, it hit me like it was a "fresh" new thought (but of course, it's NOT): Jehovah didn't HAVE to do that--he didn't have to come up with the plan to send his Son to rescue us!


He didn't HAVE to do that. He could have just wiped us out and started all over.


But that's not the kind of person He is.....how wonderful He is! And what a loving gift.


It humbles me. 

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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   I have been thinking about it all week. But now that we  have begun the daily Bible reading I want to spent

many hours in deep meditation on all of the events, from his triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem, to his

impalement and resurrection. One of the things that had already hit me I will share with you friends. Right after

his triumphal entry, he enter the temple and cleansed it in fulfillment of Mal. 3. So here we have back to back

scripture being fulfilled, that of Zech. where it fortold the entry of their king on a donkey. Perhaps that is the

reason they hailed him as such. So that would give any sincere Jew added reason to believe in Jesus. And this

all was climaxed by the voice of Jehovah from heaven. And Jesus said, this voice was  given, not for my sake

but for yours, so that you might believe. What an amazing final visit to the temple before the people, goaded

by the scribes and Pharisees, cried out: " Impale HIm.! " They had both their eyewitnesses account of his fulfill-

ment of prophesy, as well as Jehovah's voice giving his true identity, and yet they executed him as a fraud. What

Satan and his henchmen will not stoop to to slander the real Christ and all of his followers !



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