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Middle East Protests

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It is very likely - even countries that are relatively free and open such as Bahrain are seeing protests, though what is interesting there is that the protests are by Shia in Shia dominated cities in a country that is majority Sunni.

We will probably see more regimes fall, I am willing to predict (though not prophesy :D) that the majority that fall will be those who are at least neutral to the US and who have trade and other agreements with Israel. I believe that everything that is happening is caused by a very large coalition of Socialist groups (e.g. unions and political groups) aimed at bringing to fruition plans they announced back in the 30s when they realised that America could not be brought down by encouraging workers to revolt. They have been working on destroying the US for decades and one of the best ways is by getting turning her allies into enemies and this is happening at a phenomenal pace as these groups work and as the current government insults allies.

It is really interesting to watch the process happen, the world is changing at a very rapid pace and will not remain this friendly for long.

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Activists demanded an end to Gaddafi's 41-year rule

Hundreds of protesters have reportedly torched Libyan police outposts in the eastern city of Beyida, while chanting: "People want the end of the regime."

"All the people of Beyida are out on the streets," said 25-year-old Rabie al-Messrati, who said he had been arrested after spreading a call for protests on Facebook.

Online calls of dissent have been growing rapidly over the past few days, with Facebook groups calling for "Uprising on February 17" doubling in popularity between Monday and Wednesday.

In the southern city of Zentan, 120km south of Tripoli, hundreds of people marched through the streets and set fire to security headquarters and a police station, then set up tents in the heart of the town, as a wave of unrest spread south and westwards across the country.

Chants including "No God but Allah, Muammar is the enemy of Allah," can be heard on videos of demonstrations uploaded to YouTube. Independent confirmation was not possible as Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's administration keeps tight control over the movements of media personnel.

Anti-government protesters have also called on citizens to observe Thursday as a "Day of Rage". They are hoping to emulate recent popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia to end Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's 41-year-old rule.....

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I was just reading this article in the WTL-written in 80' so it is so much worse now.


Rather than realizing their hopes for relief, people today see a continued prevalence of worldwide problems. In fact, human failures have taken on a new

proportion of seriousness, actually threatening civilization itself. Consider man’s efforts to eliminate war. Have these succeeded?Far from it!

Since 1945 more than 25 million persons have been killed in some 150 wars fought around the globe. On any given day, there have been, on the average, 12 wars going on somewhere in the world. Human governments spend well over $1,000,000,000 (U.S.) a day on military preparedness, using funds that could otherwise be put to beneficial uses for construction, land beautification, education, research, and so forth. What a failure to meet the needs of people!

Reason would dictate that governments get together and agree to disarm. But do they? They are unable to come to agreement. So they continue their

arms race to maintain ‘a balance of terror.’ Last summer the United States secretary of state, Cyrus Vance, gave some idea of the destructive power that his country has available, saying:“Some of today’s missiles carry—in a single weapon—five times as much explosive force as was dropped from all of our bombers, in all theaters, in all of the Second World War. Most of our weapons are smaller than that, of course. But altogether we have over 9,000 nuclear warheads and bombs distributed among our missiles and long-range bombers. The Soviet Union has about 5,000 aimed at us—and the capacity to increase that number dramatically. Just one or two of those weapons could obliterate a city the size of Milwaukee.”

What potential for totally ruining the earth and every living thing upon it! Does such capacity for nuclear devastation make you feel safe and secure? Does it contribute to ‘life, liberty and happiness’ for you and your loved ones?

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It is really interesting to watch the process happen, the world is changing at a very rapid pace and will not remain this friendly for long.

Yes things are "speeding up" it seems. Places like Egypt and surrounding area, the poor are truly struggling. It has been reported that they pay about 80% of their income on food. We see too, that news programs are beginning to report coming higher cost of staples, such as bread, milk, eggs, juice, etc. As America borrows more money, the dollar continues to be devalued and the end result is everything costs more money. The unrest in the Middle East is another indication of people there w/the desire for fairness and freedom. Things are changing in the world for sure, at a seeming rapid pace, as you have mentioned, Stuart. Let us do all we can to "keep awake" spiritually by doing our best to share w/all who will listen, that it is only God's kingdom that can and will satisfy the needs of all, in true peace and security. :readbible:

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It is really interesting to watch the process happen, the world is changing at a very rapid pace and will not remain this friendly for long.

Interestingly enough, Our WT article for this coming week starts out by saying: " In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and enviromentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?" ....hmmm...... buckle up your seatbelts.

Visit my website: www.Hcgessentials.com

Growth Demands Change!

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It is really interesting to watch the process happen, the world is changing at a very rapid pace and will not remain this friendly for long.

Interestingly enough, Our WT article for this coming week starts out by saying: " In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and enviromentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?" ....hmmm...... buckle up your seatbelts.

That is our spiritual food from the faithful discreet slave, isn't it.....always right on time. :yes:

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It is really interesting to watch the process happen, the world is changing at a very rapid pace and will not remain this friendly for long.

Yes things are "speeding up" it seems. Places like Egypt and surrounding area, the poor are truly struggling. It has been reported that they pay about 80% of their income on food. We see too, that news programs are beginning to report coming higher cost of staples, such as bread, milk, eggs, juice, etc. As America borrows more money, the dollar continues to be devalued and the end result is everything costs more money. The unrest in the Middle East is another indication of people there w/the desire for fairness and freedom. Things are changing in the world for sure, at a seeming rapid pace, as you have mentioned, Stuart. Let us do all we can to "keep awake" spiritually by doing our best to share w/all who will listen, that it is only God's kingdom that can and will satisfy the needs of all, in true peace and security. :readbible:

I have to wonder about those figures and how much they are left wing propaganda - take Egypt as an example, they have the lowest unemployment rate in the Middle East at less than 10% as well as one of the highest living standards. The same goes for Bahrain which has a GDP of US$19,900 per capita (Australia is about US$38,000), Libya is US$14,400. There's something else going on here, particularly since every country that has had one of these uprisings so far has been a US ally and at least somewhat friendly with Israel which are two important things in this situation. America stands between chaos and order without the US in the world Socialists have a free reign to do whatever they want because now Europe is so weak and corrupted by Socialism that it more often sides with dictators than with the free world. Likewise Israel is on the front line in Islam's war against the West without Israel the entire Middle East would be free to focus its attention on the rest of the world - it may not appear so but there is a constant simmering hatred in many quarters of the ME for Israel, during the Egypt protests there were thousands calling for immediate war against Israel and many other Muslim countries will not even talk to Israel let alone deal with them. Turkey has been an ally of Israel for a long time and they are turning very hostile as evidenced by Turkish support and Turkish terrorists aboard that "freedom flotilla", both the Turkish government and at least one major Turkish Islamist group provided cash and people who were attempting "martyrdom" in order to provoke the world to turn on Israel by making the Israeli military look like they were attacking innocent peace activists (who were armed with an alarming array of weapons).

On the subject of food what is interesting is how much of the rise in costs is down to government interference. When the Bush II government was convinced to force the use of ethanol many maize crops were turned to this purpose which caused a drastic rise in the cost of maize and led to the riots in Mexico. The same has happened in several other major countries where crops like maize and wheat are being turned in to fuel for vehicles instead of food for the masses. Another artificial food shortage is being caused by China stockpiling many thousands of tonnes of crops like wheat and rice. There is no need for them to do so but they seem afraid of a shortage and are, ironically, causing such a shortage themselves. Other things contributing to rises in food costs are governments who believe in the "anthropogenic global warming" (AGW) myth and are preventing the building of new power stations and forcing the creation of tax payer funded "alternative" power supplies which are currently incapable of breaking even let alone running at a profit. The rising cost of energy generation (also spurred by government taxes aimed at punishing traditional power sources such as coal and gas) leads to a rise in other costs, petrol costs more to produce which makes transport of food more expensive which makes it more expensive for suppliers to buy food to sell to us which forces supermarkets and the like to raise the price to keep up.

We actually currently produce enough food to supply everyone on the planet comfortably but thanks to the AGW religion, government mismanagement and the like many starve in the midst of plenty.

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We actually currently produce enough food to supply everyone on the planet comfortably but thanks to the AGW religion, government mismanagement and the like many starve in the midst of plenty.

w80 1/15 pp. 6-8 Can Human Government Meet the Challenge?

millions of people are starving throughout the world. Yet granaries in some places are bulging with food. But even in lands with food surpluses, prices are skyrocketing so fast that many are unable to buy enough food to keep healthy. The failure of human governments to solve this problem is indeed heartsickening.

Visit my website: www.Hcgessentials.com

Growth Demands Change!

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It is really interesting to watch the process happen, the world is changing at a very rapid pace and will not remain this friendly for long.

Yes things are "speeding up" it seems. Places like Egypt and surrounding area, the poor are truly struggling. It has been reported that they pay about 80% of their income on food. We see too, that news programs are beginning to report coming higher cost of staples, such as bread, milk, eggs, juice, etc. As America borrows more money, the dollar continues to be devalued and the end result is everything costs more money. The unrest in the Middle East is another indication of people there w/the desire for fairness and freedom. Things are changing in the world for sure, at a seeming rapid pace, as you have mentioned, Stuart. Let us do all we can to "keep awake" spiritually by doing our best to share w/all who will listen, that it is only God's kingdom that can and will satisfy the needs of all, in true peace and security. :readbible:

I have to wonder about those figures and how much they are left wing propaganda - take Egypt as an example, they have the lowest unemployment rate in the Middle East at less than 10% as well as one of the highest living standards. The same goes for Bahrain which has a GDP of US$19,900 per capita (Australia is about US$38,000), Libya is US$14,400. There's something else going on here, particularly since every country that has had one of these uprisings so far has been a US ally and at least somewhat friendly with Israel which are two important things in this situation.

. Likewise Israel is on the front line in Islam's war against the West without Israel the entire Middle East would be free to focus its attention on the rest of the world - it may not appear so but there is a constant simmering hatred in many quarters of the ME for Israel, during the Egypt protests there were thousands calling for immediate war against Israel and many other Muslim countries will not even talk to Israel let alone deal with them.

On the subject of food what is interesting is how much of the rise in costs is down to government interference.

Other things contributing to rises in food costs are governments who believe in the "anthropogenic global warming" (AGW) myth and are preventing the building of new power stations and forcing the creation of tax payer funded "alternative" power supplies which are currently incapable of breaking even let alone running at a profit..

We actually currently produce enough food to supply everyone on the planet comfortably but thanks to the AGW religion, government mismanagement and the like many starve in the midst of plenty.

Stuart, I believe you have made some very good points. I just don't think we can know all the details of how, what where, when and why these things occur. We do know from the Bible some points as to what will occur. Without a doubt there is propaganda, there has always been that in human governments. But the numbers of people that came out and were willing to quite possibly die....for what? Many young educated ones were on the front lines. Desperation will cause one to risk their life for food, and a desire to live free. Just like the US, there are many wealthy people here....but in my territory I easily see blight of old, run-down neigborhoods and the just barely making it poor. The young man who made a facebook page which started the unrest in Egypt was interviewed on 60 minutes, a reputable news program that has been on the air for decades. The young college educated have not the jobs that would provide the income they desire, w/some of them unemployed. Numerous news programs, what one would consider both, left and right leaning, have reported the 80% of an Eygptian's income going to food. Now whether the reason for the food hikes and the expense of food is contrived or not, it is still a problem. We have the prophecies that say that basic staples will become expensive for many. The near collapse of the world market in the fall of 08 exposed greed in all areas. Jeremiah 6:13,14 says: "For from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them, every one is making for himself unjust gain; and from the prophet even to the priest, each one is acting falsely. And they try to heal the breakdown of my people lightly, saying, 'There is peace! There is peace!' when there is no peace."

Then too, we have the prophecy in Revelation 6:5: "And I saw, and, look! a black horse; and the one seated upon it had a pair of scales in his hand." Our book, Revelation, It's Grand Climax At Hand!" states in regards to this Scripture on p 95, par 21: "Stark famine! That is the dire message of this prophetic scene. It points forward to situations early in the Lord's day when food must be rationed out by scales. Since 1914 famine has been a continuing problem. Modern warfare brings famine in its wake, for resources normally used in feeding the hungry are often diverted to supplying war weapons..............As the black horse continued its gallop, The World Food Council reported in mid-1987 that 512 million humans were starving and that 40,000 children die of hunger-related causes everyday." Then paragraph 22 goes on to say in regards to Rev. 6:6 about the quart of wheat for a denarius, and of the olive oil, etc., "All four cherubs are united in expressing a need to watch food supplies carefully---just as the people had to "eat bread by weight and in anxious care." prior to Jerusalem's destruction in 607 B.C.E.. In John's time, a quart of wheat was reckoned to be the daily ration for a soldier. How much would such a ration cost? One denarius---a whole day's wage! (Matthew 20:2)". ..........par. 23, as to the implication of not harming the olive oil and the wine.....the paragraph states, "Some have viewed it as meaning that while many would be short of food and even starving, the luxuries of the rich would not be harmed. But in the Middle East, oil and wine are not really luxuries. In Bible times, bread, oil, and wine were viewed as staples. Water was not always good, so wine was widely used for drinking and sometimes for medicinal purposes............Therefore, the command "do not harm the olive oil and the wine" appears to be advice not use up these basic commodities too quickly but to be sparing in their use. Otherwise, they will be 'harmed' that is, they will run out before the famine ends." The paragraph goes on to mention the promised abundance of food in paradise in Psalm 72:7,16; Isaiah 25:6-8 "......There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow."

As to mankind contributing to global warming, there are many opinions, oft times falling on political lines.....partisan politics, where you cannot trust either side's viewpoint, as it is always the other side that is evil or lying, not their side. But we know that Revelation 11:18 speaks of the time when Jehovah would have to step in "to bring to ruin those ruining the earth." Page 173/174, par 9 says: "Throughout history the nations have been ruining the earth by their incessant warfare and bad management. Since 1914, however, this ruination has escalated to an alarming degree. Greed and corruption have resulted in expanding deserts and temendous loss of productive land. Acid rain and radioactive clouds have damaged large areas. Food sources have been polluted. The air we breathe and the water we drink are contaminated. Industrial wastes threaten life on land and in the sea. And the superpowers threaten complete ruination by way of nuclear annihilation of all humankind. Happily, Jehovah will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth"' he will execute judgment on those proud, godless humans who are responsible for earth's sorry state. (Deut. 32:5,6; Psalm 14:1-3)"

So you are correct, Stuart, many things are involved in what we see going on in the world today. But it should reinforce what we know God's Word to say on these matters, as we cannot trust the words of any in government or media completely....they ALL have an agenda. Are we not blessed to have the truth as to what is happening around us, being found only in God's Word, the Bible?!! :readbible:

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I for one will be amazed if the people managed to bring the governments of both Bahrain and Libya down.... !! but then we know that Jehovah can maneuver events so we will have to wait and see.

the preaching prospects in these countries in the future will be immense

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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America stands between chaos and order without the US in the world Socialists have a free reign to do whatever they want because now Europe is so weak and corrupted by Socialism that it more often sides with dictators than with the free world.

I am uncomfortable with this sort of political comment. The US is the major part of the 7th World Power and is just as controlled by Satan as the rest of the political system. The things it says are "expressions inspired by demons" .

13 And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.

The US has an unenviable record on Human Rights, (Guantanamo, rendition, torture for example) yet continues to imply that human rights abuses only happen elsewhere. It speaks of enforcing UN resolutions against Islamic states, but ignores the fact that Israel ignores UN resolutions with impunity. It is doublespeak. Satanic.

The political powers are puppets controlled by Satan. None of them are good. None of them stand between order and chaos. That is why we must "keep our outer garments" and stay awake as the nations are gathered to har-Magedon.

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The political powers are puppets controlled by Satan. None of them are good. None of them stand between order and chaos. That is why we must "keep our outer garments" and stay awake as the nations are gathered to har-Magedon.

So true!!

Visit my website: www.Hcgessentials.com

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America stands between chaos and order without the US in the world Socialists have a free reign to do whatever they want because now Europe is so weak and corrupted by Socialism that it more often sides with dictators than with the free world.

I am uncomfortable with this sort of political comment. The US is the major part of the 7th World Power and is just as controlled by Satan as the rest of the political system. The things it says are "expressions inspired by demons" .

The political powers are puppets controlled by Satan. None of them are good. None of them stand between order and chaos. That is why we must "keep our outer garments" and stay awake as the nations are gathered to har-Magedon.

I am sure that when Corvus said the USA stands between order and chaos, he meant "relative order" and "complete and utter chaos". Whether or not that is true I do not know, as I lately I have been interested in listening to other things than talk radio.

The USA's role in world affairs could diminish some. It's reign as a world power is over, and now we live during the time of the 8th King, the UN. It will still play out it's role as part of the King of the South till the end. We do know, however, that it will be thrown into the lake of fire while still alive.


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I am sure your interpretation is correct, Bob. But I still think that is an over-simplification of the role of the USA. It certainly has not brought even 'relative order' to Afghanistan or Iraq, compared with the previous situations there (however much we may not have liked their regimes). Let's face it, Osama Bin Laden and his allies in Al Quaida were trained and armed by the USA to fight against the Russians.

As one politician in the USA once said 'the USA does not have "friends", it only has "interests"'. It's 'interests' coincide with Satan's, an attempt to divert attention away from God's established Kingdom.

I am not singling out the USA, all political systems serve the same end - rulership without Jehovah's involvement. The issue is coming to a head!

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As to mankind contributing to global warming, there are many opinions, oft times falling on political lines.....partisan politics, where you cannot trust either side's viewpoint, as it is always the other side that is evil or lying, not their side.

good point to keep in mind Karen...which can also be applied to a lot of political ideologies...

Global warming can divide people those who think it is real...and those who think it is a money making scheme...it is hard not to have an opinion on some things...but I like to keep in mind...

“It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” Jeremiah 10:23... and put both sides of opinion... if a person I am talking to is politically motivated...so they know we are informed... but we have chosen God's Kingdom

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...it is hard not to have an opinion on some things...but I like to keep in mind...

“It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” Jeremiah 10:23... and put both sides of opinion... if a person I am talking to is politically motivated...so they know we are informed... but we have chosen God's Kingdom

This is the most important thing you said, Sian. I have a friend that I grew up with, she lives in Atlanta, Georgia. We talk often by email, facebook.....and I have over the years been able to witness to her, especially on human governments and how sorely they are lacking the ability to bring comfort to their people. I've tried to help her see how it is only God's Kingdom government that will heal the ills of all people....one government for the whole earth.....no divisions of people into countries w/their government....the things that divide people and encourage a "you" against "them" mentality. I've shared the Scripture w/her that you mention in Jeremiah. She will agree.....then she reverts back to the Democrats "this" and the Republicans "that"......as if she didn't hear me at all.....

Satan knows well that we can be drawn into thinking why one side is wrong and another right.....it is heated arguments, some that strike people in a personal way....and just like those in the world, we too could find ourselves drawn into saying "this is right, that is wrong," when in reality, all in the world is wrong.....because Satan is the "ruler of the world." He owns it all, and there are no good answers to be found there. It is all said well, we believe the words of Jeremiah 10:23.......yes, we are informed and can let those we speak to know this.....but we want to make clear that we look to only ONE government and will serve only that one.....God's Kingdom. As the world continues to spiral downward, there may be many more that will see the truthfulness of Jeremiah 10:23......so we continue to share this with them.....Thankyou, Sian :readbible:

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While mankind is divided between "left and right", "democrats and republicains", "capitalism and socialism", etc... Mankind is not looking for God...

On the contrary, these political struggles emphasize the theme of "humans ruling over humans"... and nothing about God's Will nor kingdom.

Satan must be laughing while mankind is wasting so much time in his traps. :hammer:

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As one politician in the USA once said 'the USA does not have "friends", it only has "interests"'. It's 'interests' coincide with Satan's, an attempt to divert attention away from God's established Kingdom.

So true, Chris. It's a rather selfish "friend." America tells countries, like Iran, that their people have the right to be heard, then when it is a country that "stabalizes" their people, not for the people's best interest, but for what America sees is in their best interest, then they walk the tightrope of what stance they will take and what comments they make. Same with the oil situation......America helps or doesn't help other countries as to what is in America's best interest.......Satan's world is really sick. We need to keep telling people about the best government....the only one that looks out for the interest of all, God's Kingdom. :)

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It seems to me that whenever something Jehovah has prophesied to happen - it often happens at the least likeliest time.

I don't think we should be surprised to find all of this "noise" to quickly quite down and people get back to the return of - "eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage". And then when all is "peaceful" (relative) a quick turn on false religion. And with it out of the way, a cry of "Peace and Security" like never before heard. I even imagine some of our own brothers and sisters getting caught up in it, just like some got caught up in the economic up swing. May that never happen to us and we get distracted from the real solution - Jehovah's Kingdom.

He was pretty smart to give us the preaching work to keep us on tract and focused on the Kingdom.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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  • 8 months later...

It seems to me that whenever something Jehovah has prophesied to happen - it often happens at the least likeliest time.

I don't think we should be surprised to find all of this "noise" to quickly quite down and people get back to the return of - "eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage". And then when all is "peaceful" (relative) a quick turn on false religion. And with it out of the way, a cry of "Peace and Security" like never before heard. I even imagine some of our own brothers and sisters getting caught up in it, just like some got caught up in the economic up swing. May that never happen to us and we get distracted from the real solution - Jehovah's Kingdom.

He was pretty smart to give us the preaching work to keep us on tract and focused on the Kingdom.

So, 9 months ago. It does look like Libya's war is almost over. Egypt will soon have elections. Things will calm down and the focus will be on the economy.

I sure hope they can help the unemployed. Many need jobs. I am surprised that they haven't really went after the Religions and their money yet. Coming soon.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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