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Experience out of Egypt

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Experience out of Egypt
July 28, 2011 at 8:59am
PublicFriendsOnly MeCustomBountiful, Utah AreaFamilySee all lists...news feedSpiritual FamilyGo Back

While under ban one of our sisters was assaulted by a man who caught her with our literature and gave her a black eye in the process.

Our sister was married to an unbeliever who happened to be a military police officer. When he saw her black eye he was furious and wanted to know who had attacked her. She made him promise he would not harm the man that had attacked her, after which she took him to that man's home. Now understand this husband by law could execute that man on the spot. When the man came to the door he was scared when he saw the sister and her husband.

The husband told the man he was going to pay for what he did by taking the magazines and reading them, to be sure he did the husband said he would return in a week to ask him 5 questions about the magazines. If he could not answer them, the husband was going to kill him. Well a week later the husband returned and the man answered all 5 questions, not satisfied the husband again said he would return to ask 5 more questions from the magazines. Again the man answered them.

Now keep in mind that the husband himself had to read the magazines to find the questions, well this went on for some time, and now both men are our brothers, serving in the same congregation together.

Imagine a worldly man conducting a Bible study without realizing it, with a totally opposite objective. How happy our sister must be that she went out in service that day in spite of the expected opposition and persecution.




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My uncle's mother-in-law studied with the sister this happened to. My uncle related it to me. He has served on the RBC for years.

thanks   :wink:

i've seen this 'RBC' many times and didn't understand it ....   could you explain what does this acronym stand for ?

" Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive ? "

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thanks   :wink:

i've seen this 'RBC' many times and didn't understand it ....   could you explain what does this acronym stand for ?

As the brother said RBC is Regional Building Committee


If your CO has used it before Obed I don't think it's the same as the uncles experience then

Very possible it is the same experience as my uncle's mother-in-law is now much older, and this is a sister she studied with when she was still able travel to Egypt.

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