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   Recently the Society put up on it's website a Video dealing with "Fifty Years at Wallkill."

Since this harkens back to the time shortly before we came into the truth, many of the pictures

bring back for me nostalgic memories of early trips we made to both the Society's headquarters

in Brooklyn, as well as the Watchtower Farms. I was wondering what memories this video

stirred in others as they viewed it ? For me it was one of several delightful trips, as well as

viewing the progress taking place there, not only in the farm itself, but the growing printing

operation as well.



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    ...   the progress taking place ...




Yes Progress   ...   speaking about Progress   ...   Begger of Spirt shared a point from 1998 that I found beneficial and helped me Learn how to better Apply progressive knowledge quickly (wisdom)

 I would like to share this point with others as they may find it beneficial too - see post #6 here >  http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/15614-new-tracts-experiences/     .... application of knowledge is truly progress.  


I've noticed a lot of changes have been made over the years,  and most have adopted theses changes.

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  Thank you for your reference to "Beggar of the Spirit" with regard to my use of the term " Society".

As one who has now been associated with the organization for nearly 45 years, old habbits die hard,

as some have pointed out. That is even more true when one is not quite acquainted with the rea-

soning behind the new terminology, or what is desired to replace it. " Beggar of the Spirit" explained

that quite nicely. I had yet to take notice of his response to my question as my time on the forum

has been somewhat limited as of late. So even though we have had are disagreements in the past

as you know Tim, I want you to know I deeply appreciate the reference, so I can continue my own

progress in the truth.  Sincerely yours,



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About 58 seconds into the video there is a picture of Brother Dave Walker and his wife Linda.


Linda was the one who introduced my Mother to the Truth when Linda was still single and living in Philadelphia.


A couple of years ago when I finally got to visit Wallkill I met Linda - she is still there - and she remembered my Mother - at least she remembered the experience and the circumstances of the study.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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   I looked the video again and like you said, saw the picture of Dave Walker and his wife Linda. and it

sounds like he was on of the original brothers to be assigned to Watchtower Farms there at Wallkill. what

stories he and his wife Linda must have to tell. How fortunate for you to have someone so rooted in the truth

as his wife, to have originally studied with your mother. Of course, as you state, Linda being Dave's wife came

later. This is somewhat belated, but I want to thank you fore sharing your experience.



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