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Unbelievable flooding in India and Pakistan

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Thank you Sister Jewel for bring up this news.


The place is Kashmir and it is called "heaven on earth".  (of course it is very beautiful place,  even any athiest will praise the creator once he visit the place).   The media always refer to it as  "heaven is flooded" , "a worst crisis on heaven" etc.etc.


Kashimir is partially occupied by Pakistan and other part by India.  Cold war is going on over 60 years for this piece of land and various militants / terrorists have occupied the places, and they have killed thousands of lives including women and children in the name of "jihad on Kashmir"  Wars were fought between India and Pakistan  several times killing many soldiers and politicians exploiit the situations liberally.

The rivers flow through India to Pakistan, and both places are flooded.  Many temples and mosques are submerged in water  - showing that these rivers have no national barriers / religious barriers -  Yet when people will learn the lesson ? They are still complaining that "Indian Kashmiri people" are being given more exposure to the media while "pakistani kashmiris" are neglected etc.etc.     An aerial view will show  that no-one can distinguish which place belongs to Pakistan and which to India ?  It looks as one land.

Once the flood is receded,  it is going to be same "hatred, war, fight " etc.etc.   Majority will not use their mind, nor think.


If any one who would start asking questions in his mind about the true God and the meaning of life, and why such things happen etc.etc.   we are sure Jehovah will notice that person and he/she will get opportunity to come to the TRUTH.  AMEN


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