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Amazing Video of the Tsunami near the epicenter

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Oh my goodness, I grew afraid just watching it. I felt like I was actually there. How frightening it must have been for those who were on that stairway to somewhere while the water rose higher and higher. I wonder if the guy in the little white car that turned around was able to get to safety.

I was just saying to someone recently that before the tsunami disaster of December 2004, I was one of those who had never heard the word "tsunami" before. Now they're occurring more frequently.

A brother gave a talk at the Hall about a year ago and quoted from an old Bette Davis movie. He said, “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride”. It's getting mighty bumpy.

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oh my goodness......it leaves you speechless doesnt it??

I just cannot IMAGINE what that would be like. scared for your own safety, scared for your family, your brothers and sisters.


i must admit, im getting a little scared lately. Not of Armageddon, but of this system. I worry about my family all the time now. trying to make plans if this happens and that happens where we meet etc...I dont like it. :/

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just mesmerising and scary at the same time, i find myself looking in all the cars hopefully to see no-one trapped.

how easy it will be in Jehovahs great day for him to rid this world of satans system.

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I worry about my family all the time now. trying to make plans if this happens and that happens where we meet etc...I dont like it. :/

Sis, your Congregation has a Disaster plan in place..you should have information on rally points and contact numbers..

How do you think the Brothers in Japan were able to find out about our Brothers and Sisters there so quickly? They had their plan in place and it worked...

Jehovah cares for us, and he has instructed the slave to have a plan in place for a reason....it is not by chance or an accident..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have seen a LOT of these videos of the tsunami, but this one is the most unbelievable one I have seen yet! Just Amazing!

This should silence the "Scientists" who deny the flood could have shaped the earth the way it did and credit the "ice age" instead.

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Here is another amazing video....

What was WRONG with those people. Certain death is rushing up behind you, literally. RUN darnit!

Really terrible and heart-breaking but the nonchalant strolls of some of those people had me ripping my hair out.

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