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Mysterious Hum in England

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It reminds me of an old George Carlin news report.

"A small town down wind from a nuclear power plant feels that it may have been exposed to radiation leakage. Everybody is dead and the trees are humming!"


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Wow . . That's interesting . . . I'm pretty sure its got to do with some geological phenomenon. Similar to the aruaras possibly. . . Earth's magnetic field and something in the air . . . I don't know, but i'm sure its an interesting scientific discovery.

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When I was growing up in England this was always talked about... interesting to see that it is still a topic of conversation !

Yes I could at times hear a humming noise.... but always put it down to the street lights etc.... here in Ireland there is no noise at all.... just complete silence :)

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On the free ipod download on Science this week, they talked about this hum or buzzing noise, and interviewed a man who lived there with his wife. He said it did not really bother him much, but those who had trouble sleeping would complain. He said it would start sometimes around 1:00 a.m. in the morning. Anyway, he mentioned some old mines that had been abandoned ... that some thought something was going on with them.

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this made me laugh when i read this thread. the word hum or hums here the uk can be used to replace the word smell or smells... i think its just a uk thing, we have many words like this...

in which case the thread reads "mysterious smell in england" to which i would reply, "it tends to follow me wherever i go!" :raspberry:

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Some years ago my husband noticed a deep humming during the night (and, no Stuagu, it wasn't me!!). Once he had brought my attention to it, I could hear it too :eek:. This went on for months and, eventually, we realized that it was tunnelling work being carried out for the new rail link for the Channel Tunnel.

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Hello. It's Dan again. I just noticed this post about this mysterious hum in England. I remembered reading just recently in a science journal about it. Because of my academic studies, I have access to a large range of on-line journal articles. The article is from the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2004, pp. 571–595. In the abstract it states that:

"The Hum is also capable of manifesting as vibrations felt throughout the body and is often accompanied by a suite of physical symptoms that includes headaches, nausea, and pain in the ears. Analysis of the largely anecdotal data that are available at the present time suggests that the most probable explanation is that some people have the capability to interpret radio transmissions at certain wavelengths as sound. It is well established in the scientific literature that people can hear electromagnetic energy at certain frequencies and peak power levels."

For those who are interested in reading the entire article I have uploaded here. Of course, the article does not provide the definitive answer, in fact it basically says as much in its conclusion. Speaking as a Witness, it just shows we indeed live in strange times.

The Hum - An Anomalous Sound Heard Around the World.pdf

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