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Netanyahu agrees to talks based on ’67 borders

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Very true.

It'll be interesting to see how things play out.

My gut tells me there is a possibility that the Peace and Security may tie into the Israel / Palestine conflict.

But I know the Slave has warned us against too much speculation, so I won't try to run ahead of the wagon.


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Very true.

It'll be interesting to see how things play out.

My gut tells me there is a possibility that the Peace and Security may tie into the Israel / Palestine conflict.

But I know the Slave has warned us against too much speculation, so I won't try to run ahead of the wagon.


I have thought that too, then I have to remind myself not to speculate.

But if the two of them did come to some sort of an agreement, it would be monumentally huge considering how long they have been fighting over this.

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I heard in a talk that the cry of "peace and security" will take place after the destruction of Babylon The Great. This cry of "peace and security", according to the talk, has to do with all the wars that are taking place around the world because of her. These wars will cease once she is destroyed, thus bringing about the cry of "peace and security".

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I heard in a talk that the cry of "peace and security" will take place after the destruction of Babylon The Great. This cry of "peace and security", according to the talk, has to do with all the wars that are taking place around the world because of her. These wars will cease once she is destroyed, thus bringing about the cry of "peace and security".

At the annual meeting last September, they said that peace and security has been said before by world leaders, but the 'peace and security" mentioned in the bible will be so huge, so monumental, we will all know this is it.

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A note, I'm not taking political sides here, just musing on the various view points :clown:

That's rather surprising, the 1967 lines are considered completely indefensible because it reduces parts of Israel to a width of no more than about 9 miles. The point of pushing back the lines is to make it easier to conquer Israel. I am very surprised that they are even willing to discuss it since it could mean the destruction of their country and the possible slaughter of most Jews (the Hamas charter demands this). You'd think they would be demanding the post 1967 lines, Judea and Samaria were supposed to be part of the territories that Jews would live in and were conquered lawfully by Israel after Jordan declared war on them in 1967.

Though I do believe the "1967 lines" spoken of by Israel are different to what people imagine and are much more defensible than the way Israel was when the six day war started.

Very true.

It'll be interesting to see how things play out.

My gut tells me there is a possibility that the Peace and Security may tie into the Israel / Palestine conflict.

But I know the Slave has warned us against too much speculation, so I won't try to run ahead of the wagon.


I wouldn't bet too much on that - the Arabs (until 1977 the Jews were "Palestinians" and it was an insult, calling Arabs "Palestinians" is taking the Arab/Muslim side and buying into their narrative) are planning "protests" when the vote on their state is to go ahead. They have been working on a third intifada or "uprising" - there has been two groups on Facebook each with about 300,000 members on that subject and it is very possible that these "protests" will be the third intifada.

This may be another time when they are talking about "peace" but I think there will be a great deal of violence when it happens. If Syria puts an end to the protests and if Egypt votes in the Muslim Brotherhood, the grandaddy of all Sunni Muslim terror groups then we could see Syria, Hezbollah and Egypt and possibly Iran ranged against Israel and at the very least an upsurge in violence with the possibility of outright war. This is very possible as during Egypt's uprising a high percentage of Egyptian Muslims were allegedly demanding the army declare war against Israel. What will be interesting is how the rest of the world reacts to such a thing - they are increasingly anti-Israel and that includes the current US administration.

It will be an interesting few months to come, especially after the vote.

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I heard in a talk that the cry of "peace and security" will take place after the destruction of Babylon The Great. This cry of "peace and security", according to the talk, has to do with all the wars that are taking place around the world because of her. These wars will cease once she is destroyed, thus bringing about the cry of "peace and security".

Thats the way I always thought it would be. Because the scripture say's, that a sudden destuction is to instantly upon them. And the political leaders are the one who will say peace and security, so I think they will be the one who will be destroyed after that call.

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I heard in a talk that the cry of "peace and security" will take place after the destruction of Babylon The Great. This cry of "peace and security", according to the talk, has to do with all the wars that are taking place around the world because of her. These wars will cease once she is destroyed, thus bringing about the cry of "peace and security".

Thats the way I always thought it would be. Because the scripture say's, that a sudden destuction is to instantly upon them. And the political leaders are the one who will say peace and security, so I think they will be the one who will be destroyed after that call.

It was stated in one of the WT's off this year, that we are waiting for the destruction of BTG.... and that will signal the start of the GT, as we have no idea if the cry of 'Peace and Security' will be the world calling for it... or will come when they think they have it.... time will tell, and most often as in the past these things only really become evident after the event, or during it.

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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......as we have no idea if the cry of 'Peace and Security' will be the world calling for it... or will come when they think they have it.... time will tell, and most often as in the past these things only really become evident after the event, or during it.


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I heard in a talk that the cry of "peace and security" will take place after the destruction of Babylon The Great. This cry of "peace and security", according to the talk, has to do with all the wars that are taking place around the world because of her. These wars will cease once she is destroyed, thus bringing about the cry of "peace and security".

Was this a public talk,a CO's talk or something else?I've never heard this before.But many times

the past few years I've heard the Great Trib begins with the destruction of BTG.The 11/15/81 wt

says this destruction of BTG is preceeded by the cry of peace and security.Maybe that's changed in later wt.

Anyone know?

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A talk at last years convention said that the cry of 'Peace and Security' comes first. This is followed by the the great tribulation, beginning with the destruction of BTG.

They also said that when the tribulation starts the 'ark door' is closed. Too late to repent .

I have not heard of any changes.

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It is interesting (significant?) that this news item has been effectively ignored by the BBC. The media only tell you what they want you to know.

Yes, and there is a reason for that, as a UCLA study recently found - the media is significantly biased to the left, even Fox News (beloved of the left :lol1:) swings to the left politically. The news you receive is what they want you to hear and what they want you to hear is generally what the left wants people to believe. Israel is deeply hated by the left and so you won't hear much that is positive about Israel including their agreement to talks on this subject, a topic they have actually been willing to entertain since 1948. Though listening to media talking about it you would be forgiven for thinking that Israel has been the recalcitrant party always rejecting a sharing deal and then a two-state deal when in reality it's the Arabs/Muslims who have rejected it from the beginning and the Israelis have accepted it. The BBC is one of the most left wing media outlets in the world today, I think the Guardian (UK) is one of the few that swings further left and it's essentially a Marxist rag along the lines of Pravda.

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I heard in a talk that the cry of "peace and security" will take place after the destruction of Babylon The Great. This cry of "peace and security", according to the talk, has to do with all the wars that are taking place around the world because of her. These wars will cease once she is destroyed, thus bringing about the cry of "peace and security".

Was this a public talk,a CO's talk or something else?I've never heard this before.But many times

the past few years I've heard the Great Trib begins with the destruction of BTG.The 11/15/81 wt

says this destruction of BTG is preceeded by the cry of peace and security.Maybe that's changed in later wt.

Anyone know?

The cry of "peace and security" taking place after the destruction of Babylon The Great was in a talk given by one of the Governing Body in 2008. In a talk given in 2009, a brother said that when the nations are saying "peace and security", sudden destruction instead will come upon them. If anything has changed, I'm not aware of it. To me the cry of "peace and security" makes more sense coming after Babylon The Great is destroyed because of the sudden destruction that comes upon the nations after this is said. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
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The cry of "peace and security" taking place after the destruction of Babylon The Great was in a talk given by one of the Governing Body in 2008. In a talk given in 2009, a brother said that when the nations are saying "peace and security", sudden destruction instead will come upon them. If anything has changed, I'm not aware of it. To me the cry of "peace and security" makes more sense coming after Babylon The Great is destroyed because of the sudden destruction that comes upon the nations after this is said. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Here is the 2008 talk...

Download: What the Near Future Holds, by Gerrit Losch

It's very very good!


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The cry of "peace and security" taking place after the destruction of Babylon The Great was in a talk given by one of the Governing Body in 2008.

Here is the 2008 talk...

Download: What the Near Future Holds, by Gerrit Losch

It's very very good!

Yes, that is a very good talk...He gave it twice that I've heard, most likely more than that...He states that the cry of 'peace and security' may not even be those actual words or that particular statement, that it may be just a 'feeling' of that sense, almost like the world feels a sense of accomplishment and can sit back and enjoy a job well done...Jehovah will have something to say about that!.....

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The cry of "peace and security" taking place after the destruction of Babylon The Great was in a talk given by one of the Governing Body in 2008. In a talk given in 2009, a brother said that when the nations are saying "peace and security", sudden destruction instead will come upon them. If anything has changed, I'm not aware of it. To me the cry of "peace and security" makes more sense coming after Babylon The Great is destroyed because of the sudden destruction that comes upon the nations after this is said. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Here is the 2008 talk...

Download: What the Near Future Holds, by Gerrit Losch

It's very very good!

This is the talk that I was referring to. However, after listening to it over again, I now think that what I had posted earlier about the cry of "peace and security" must have come from a talk given by someone else. I listen to alot of talks on Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers Of God's Kingdom highlighting Our Spiritual Heritage so it's hard to remember who said what in what talk. It had to be a recent talk, however, because I wouldn't have taken note of what was said about the cry of "peace and security" otherwise.
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I heard in a talk that the cry of "peace and security" will take place after the destruction of Babylon The Great. This cry of "peace and security", according to the talk, has to do with all the wars that are taking place around the world because of her. These wars will cease once she is destroyed, thus bringing about the cry of "peace and security".

Was this a public talk,a CO's talk or something else?I've never heard this before.But many times

the past few years I've heard the Great Trib begins with the destruction of BTG.The 11/15/81 wt

says this destruction of BTG is preceeded by the cry of peace and security.Maybe that's changed in later wt.

Anyone know?

The cry of "peace and security" taking place after the destruction of Babylon The Great was in a talk given by one of the Governing Body in 2008. In a talk given in 2009, a brother said that when the nations are saying "peace and security", sudden destruction instead will come upon them. If anything has changed, I'm not aware of it. To me the cry of "peace and security" makes more sense coming after Babylon The Great is destroyed because of the sudden destruction that comes upon the nations after this is said. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

That would be a change if it had previously been in our publications that the cry of p&s came before BTG was destroyed and now it comes afterward, preceeding the destruction of the nations.That is different than what was previously published.

I was sent a CD of that talk by Br.Losch years ago,I'll have to listen to it again.I didn't catch that point and it's a big one.Thanks for the info.

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The cry of "peace and security" taking place after the destruction of Babylon The Great was in a talk given by one of the Governing Body in 2008. In a talk given in 2009, a brother said that when the nations are saying "peace and security", sudden destruction instead will come upon them. If anything has changed, I'm not aware of it. To me the cry of "peace and security" makes more sense coming after Babylon The Great is destroyed because of the sudden destruction that comes upon the nations after this is said. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Here is the 2008 talk...

Download: What the Near Future Holds, by Gerrit Losch

It's very very good!

I just listened to this talk again and he says the cry of peace and security,{in whatever form it comes} comes before the end of this system of things,he said that twice.

He didn't say it was before or after the destruction of BTG ,so I guess we don't know yet.

I just always thought it was before.:unsure:

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I heard in a talk that the cry of "peace and security" will take place after the destruction of Babylon The Great. This cry of "peace and security", according to the talk, has to do with all the wars that are taking place around the world because of her. These wars will cease once she is destroyed, thus bringing about the cry of "peace and security".

Was this a public talk,a CO's talk or something else?I've never heard this before.But many times

the past few years I've heard the Great Trib begins with the destruction of BTG.The 11/15/81 wt

says this destruction of BTG is preceeded by the cry of peace and security.Maybe that's changed in later wt.

Anyone know?

The cry of "peace and security" taking place after the destruction of Babylon The Great was in a talk given by one of the Governing Body in 2008. In a talk given in 2009, a brother said that when the nations are saying "peace and security", sudden destruction instead will come upon them. If anything has changed, I'm not aware of it. To me the cry of "peace and security" makes more sense coming after Babylon The Great is destroyed because of the sudden destruction that comes upon the nations after this is said. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

That would be a change if it had previously been in our publications that the cry of p&s came before BTG was destroyed and now it comes afterward, preceeding the destruction of the nations.That is different than what was previously published.

I was sent a CD of that talk by Br.Losch years ago,I'll have to listen to it again.I didn't catch that point and it's a big one.Thanks for the info.

I listened to this talk over again late last night. I didn't hear what I had posted about the cry of "peace and security" coming after the destruction of Babylon The Great in the talk Brother Losch gave. This means I must have heard what I had posted in a talk given by another brother. I wish I could remember who gave that talk. It was really interesting. One of the reasons why I found it so interesting is because I always thought that the cry of "peace and security" would come before Babylon The Great was destroyed.
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The reality is that we simply don't know if it will be before or after.

Can we even say with certainty who "they" will be?

If the cry does end up being before the GT, is it not possible that "they" could very well be Babylon the Great???

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Can we even say with certainty who "they" will be?

I like the Slave's thoughts on this on our 2010 Watchtower:

Both Paul and Peter foretold that Jehovah’s day would come “as a thief”—stealthily, unexpectedly. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1, 2.) Even true Christians, who are keeping in expectation of that day, will be surprised by its suddenness. (Matt. 24:44) The world, however, will experience much more than surprise. Paul wrote: “Whenever it is that they [who are alienated from Jehovah] are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.”—1 Thess. 5:3.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

A. The cry said after Babylon the Great (BtG) is gone. And they believe it because she has started almost all of the trouble - or

B. The cry before for some reason and then because they want to keep it - they go after BtG and THEY are all destroyed along with her.

Either way, we want to have our hearts ready to see this world go and not have a longing for it. Like Jesus said, "Remember the wife of Lot."

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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