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London on lockdown as police face gangs armed with petrol bombs and poles on third night of riots

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The meetings around here have all been cancelled tonight. Better to be safe than sorry....

It's a shame they had to do this, but it's the right thing to do.

To all the brothers/sisters out there, please, please be careful. We are praying for all of you!

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I just watched a video of the riots, it's shocking. It's like a war torn middle eastern country over there.

One woman, whose face was covered, when asked by reporter why she was looting responded "We are getting our taxes back" Obviously they are upset of years of paying taxes and getting nothing in return, so looting is their way of payback.

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I just watched a video of the riots, it's shocking. It's like a war torn middle eastern country over there.

One woman, whose face was covered, when asked by reporter why she was looting responded "We are getting our taxes back" Obviously they are upset of years of paying taxes and getting nothing in return, so looting is their way of payback.

Unfortunately taxes have nothing to do with why they are doing all of this. Its mainly young ones the ages of about 13+ that are creating all of this trouble and are using the death of a young man as an excuse to steal and destroy the towns in London n beyond. It is truely a disgrace and that girl should be ashamed of her and her friends behavior

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I just watched a video of the riots, it's shocking. It's like a war torn middle eastern country over there.

One woman, whose face was covered, when asked by reporter why she was looting responded "We are getting our taxes back" Obviously they are upset of years of paying taxes and getting nothing in return, so looting is their way of payback.

Unfortunately taxes have nothing to do with why they are doing all of this. Its mainly young ones the ages of about 13+ that are creating all of this trouble and are using the death of a young man as an excuse to steal and destroy the towns in London n beyond. It is truely a disgrace and that girl should be ashamed of her and her friends behavior

There has been alot of talk on the news that people, mainly young ones, are fed up with having no money, jobs, high unemployment and Britain slashing programs to help get rid of the countries debt, and while the riots started with the shooting, news stations are reporting that it goes deeper then that. I don't live there, so I don't know, but even the BBC is reporting that.

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The meetings around here have all been cancelled tonight. Better to be safe than sorry....

Good night for Family Worship. Meetings at home, family worship is preparing us all for that.

Be safe.

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Different Opinions on why this disorder is happening..

The UK riots: the psychology of looting

The shocking acts of looting may not be political, but they nevertheless say something about the beaten-down lives of the rioters


Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters


Heads challenge parents over riot youths

Head teachers' leader, Brian Lightman, says there need to be some "hard questions" and "uncomfortable truths" for parents and families, after youngsters were caught up in an unprecedented night of violence and looting.

Although there were also adults taking part in the disturbances, it was often youngsters who were taking part in the waves of destruction that shifted swiftly across London and other cities.

Mr Lightman blames a toxic mixture of dysfunctional parenting and a consumer and celebrity culture which tells youngsters they should have whatever they want.

He warns that too often schools are faced with pupils who have never had any boundaries in their home lives - where there has never been a sense of right and wrong.

"Parents are not willing to say 'no'. That short, simple word is an important part of any child's upbringing," says Mr Lightman, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders.

"It's desperately important that children have a sense of right and wrong. But we often come across children who have never been told that something is wrong."


Bibles opinion...

23 I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.

Jeremiah 10:23

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Have just got back from MS and Service meeting. There were two brothers manning the entrance gates to the grounds of the KH. Usually these are left open even during the meeting. Tonight they were closed when we arrived, and as we drove up to the gate it was opened to allow access and then shut again. The same on the way out. I just love the way Jehovah takes care of us. What a wonderful brotherhood we have.
this Sikh Temple is relying on themselves and not Jehovah...

45585=2105-article-2024203-0D5EFEA800000 Southall: Sikh worshipers protect their temple Singh Sabha Sikh Temple in Havelock Road, Southall. They are pictured holding their swords known as Talwars

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Southall is the next area to me (and between me and Ealing where there was trouble two nights ago). We have had no trouble here, although the police advised local shops to close early.

Some are advocating 'vigilante' style protection (as in Southall, where they said that if the police will not do anything, then they would take the law into their own hands) and three men were killed in a 'hit-and-run' incident in Birmingham while they were out protecting their community!

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Fightback! London's looters stay home as 16,000 police flood the streets ready to use plastic bullets Fresh violence flared around the UK last night as police were braced to use plastic bullets for the first time on the British mainland in a belated bid to reclaim the streets. After three days of humiliating mob rule, senior officers finally acted to halt the feral thugs responsible for the orgy of violence, arson and looting. Stung by public outrage and political anger, the Metropolitan Police cancelled all leave and flooded London with 16,000 officers – nearly three times as many as were deployed on Monday night when mobs ran amok – and promised tougher tactics.


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I read that London has set up extra courts to deal with the 800 people arrested in London so far. It makes interesting reading as to who they are finding that was involved. Bored schoolkids on summer break whilst parents are at work, architect, graphics designer, teacher assistant, University graduate and so on - not your typical underprivileged unemployed. The BBC was criticised for only interviewing the 'government in opposition' yesterday and reporting from their critical point of view that it was present government spending cuts as the cause. As was pointed out the looters and burners were also in Woolich (my Uncle a retired Math lecturer from Woolich college lives here) and Enfield and the Picadilly area of Manchester - nice areas with nice shopping precincts. Many were just greedy opportunist theives who walked in, some with their families, and helped themselves after kids and gangs smashed into the shops. One Policeman called them the 'Grand Theft Auto Generation'. Blackberry phone messages were sent all over the cities - come watch fires and get free stuff - so people did while the shop owners looked on and wept or had to escape for their lives as their buildings were set alight.

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Godlessness in the Last Days

3:1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

2 Timothy 3 1-5 ESV Bible

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We live 5min away to the left of the picture posted by Sianrose on page 1 of this thread! Were ok, we have Jehovah plus we were out with the brothers at a gathering when it first kicked off saturday. However, London feels very, very erry! you can literally see the fear on peoples faces, everywhere! I thought to myself what are they going to look like when this situation is 20-100 times worst during great tribulation! The atmosphere on the subways was very tense today also. People were holdng on to there bags, pockets and there are less if any iPhones out on the trains then usual! Anyway lots of good comments here. Dages comment was spot on regarding Babylon the great falling so quick because saturday night London was a normal peaceful eve and then in the space of a few hours the whole town, then city broke into satanic anarchy! We all know tottenham has it's social problems, which is why me and my wife choose to stay here and pioneer ironically! We have a very fruitful, interesting ministry here in tottenham. On a saturday you could def see upto 80 pub street witnessing zealously on high roads for about 2 miles long. One hall has over 8 congregations which is 1 mile down the road from our hall that shares it with 3 cong. Yes the people down here love the truth and our literature.

Anyway while writing this the rioters just set fire to a clothing warehouse across the road from our apartment. Picture posted below. Don't think sky news got this one, it was taken from our bedroom window! Ive been parking my car 10 min away because there vandalising cars!!!


Please can you all pray for us and the brothers and sisters here especially the pioneers so they can preach the message fearlessly in London and the rest of the Uk? These people are desperate to hear our message about the kingdom and they need to tell them more urgently that these man made governments have failed and ran out of time to save there sinking economy. We need to give these young people and old through Jesus name the real hope and the real life to come. Whatever happens here though we will continually wait patiently on Jehovah and preach his message fearlessly and zelously weather it calms down or continues to escalates!

I received a text from bethel this morning that I want to share. I'll post it after this.

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text message from Bethel this morning. 10th August 11am

This morning at Bethel had a report from info they have received so far about the brothers and sisters are around england. No have been harmed pysically. A few meetings had to be cancelled. But a couples flat was burnt down in tottenham. Another sister in birmingham had the tescos below ransaked tho scared she was ok. Two brothers liverpool had their windows smashed. And a sister in croyden was helped by the police and fire brigade when the furniture store up the road was set fire to, thankfully she lost no property. One sister had her takeaway smashed up last night.

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Please can you all pray for us and the brothers and sisters here especially the pioneers so they can preach the message fearlessly in London and the rest of the Uk? These people are desperate to hear our message about the kingdom and they need to tell them more urgently that these man made governments have failed and ran out of time to save there sinking economy. We need to give these young people and old through Jesus name the real hope and the real life to come. Whatever happens here though we will continually wait patiently on Jehovah and preach his message fearlessly and zelously weather it calms down or continues to escalates!

will do brother...thank you for keeping us informed...we have had no trouble in Wales...Yet...

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I have read some articles in France about riots in England... it says that the english police is not really prepared for this kind of stuff.

In France, riots ? every year ! So the Police is more... ready. But still, this is not enough (and there is no real justice = rape and murder ? what about 2 month in jail, watching TV and doing some sport and you are free !)

but, anyway, the solution is the KINGDOM.

May be we should consider this as a... kind of... "rehearsal" before the Great Tribulation.

Brace for impact ! This is close ! Stay faithfull and do not miss any meeting or occasion to study !

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45934=2128-broomarmy_andrewbayles (468 x It's been heartening to see all these volunteers coming forward to help with the clean-up after the riots. Andrew Bayles photo has got all over the internet. 2 Timothy 3:1-3 followed by the solution at verse 16 and this month's Watchtower about teaching children about God or the Bible Teach Book on Chapter 9 Last Days have been good topics on the Ministry. We've had good conversations in normally 'dead/apathetic territory'.This has woken people up!

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