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European Court Upholds Religious Rights of Jehovah's Witnesses in Georgia

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Awesome! :)

Over the years the Governing Body has continued to encourage us to pray for our brothers in the lands where we are banned or where there is persecution, even to pray for the leaders of a specific country for peace so that the Good News can be preached. And look at the results as many countries or governments that were persecuting Jehovah's people have been stopped legally and the Good News is being preached freely!


So our prayers as a collective group make a difference to our Father Jehovah! He wants to see us show our concern and love for our brother/sisters in various parts of the world where they are facing persecution by praying to Him for their welfare and freedom to preach and to help them endure!


*** w96 5/1 p. 20 par. 22 Paying Back Caesar’s Things to Caesar ***
As Christians we will not cease to render “to him who calls for honor, such honor.” (Romans 13:7) We will respect good order and seek to be peaceful, law-abiding citizens. (Psalm 34:14) We may even pray “concerning kings and all those who are in high station” when these men are called upon to make decisions that affect our Christian life and work. 

*** w13 11/15 p. 7 par. 16 “Be Vigilant With a View to Prayers” ***
Our prayers to Jehovah God in behalf of others can truly help them. (Read 2 Corinthians 1:11.) Although Jehovah is not obliged to act because a large number of his worshippers have made prayerful requests repeatedly, he notes their collective interest and takes into account their genuine and deep concern as he responds to their prayers. So we ought to take seriously our privilege and responsibility to pray in behalf of others. Like Epaphras, we should display our heartfelt love and concern for our Christian brothers and sisters by exerting ourselves in prayer in their behalf. Doing so will add to our happiness, for “there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”—Acts 20:35.

Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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I venture to say that yes, Russia MUST take note of ECHR's judgement against Georgia for the fact that their unjust, terroristic and discriminatory actions towards unarmed peace-loving people are now plastered in print - and captured on video - over the internet for the whole world to sit up and take notice.  The tables will now be turned and it is the RF that will stand before the "World Court of Opinion".


Let God's will be done. :bible2:

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Yes yes yes!!! This is one more victory! I remember those hard times when the government of Georgia were persecuting us! It was really difficult time brothers. One thing is to hear we were persecuted but it is completely different to be there and feel it. 

Years has gone and When I look back its like if it was yesterday. I remember on every meeting we would ask Jehovah to protect our rights. Its so so uplifting to see we have full victory now! 

Few months ago I went back to Georgia and visited the branch and brothers faces were almost shining. They are so hapy today. 


I'm thanking to Jehovah for showing his strong hand and proved to us tht he was listening to our prayers! 

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