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It's COLD here in California

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Well I haven't been sleeping very well lately, and I told Jehovah last night in prayer if I slept I would

go out in service. I slept so well and it is so cold I didn't go out in service. That makes me a big

fat liar and a hypocrite! But actually Jehovah knows we are dust and understands when we are weak.

It reminds me of what Jesus said at Matthew 26:41: "Keep on the watch and pray continually, that

you may not enter into temptation. The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak."

It is so cold here I have to bundle up to sit at the computer; and the only coffee I like is instant with

a lot of sugar and therefore I can only have one cup. That cup doesn't last long on cold mornings like

this! I wish I had gone out in service because I have several new RV's I would like to see; I was thinking

that I would only find them at home on Saturday, so I guess I blew it! I also wanted to post something

because Luana sent me a pm and told me that I haven't posted anything in a while. Sorry Luana!

I also wanted Nancy to know that I have been praying for her and just because she has a bad day

doesn't mean she is a bad person. Nancy, keep up the good work!

Well it is December and I don't go out door-to-door as much as formerly. Lately it has been warming

up to around 61 degrees in the afternoon, but the mornings are COLD! Well, keep up the good work

all you theocratic conversationalists.

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I'm cold here to and we had snow flakes this morning...and I just drank my last cup of coffee so I have

to put on my coat,hat,gloves,boots and scarf and drive 2 minuits to the store to get some more.

Or my son could walk there for me.:whistling:

Thanks Joseph...

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Something I forgot to add on my previous post...which you might find interesting...I live with

my mother, step-father, and sister, none of whom are in the truth. Mother and step-father

refuse to allow me to talk about the truth; however whenever they have a question about

the bible, who do you think they ask? Me. They are Buddhists, and attend church services

at the Unitarian Church. They are constantly reading books on Hinduism, Evolution, Pantheistic

beliefs and various Babylonish religions. Step-father has some Jewish friends who live in

Northern California who have begun studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses! I love it!

They say it is so that they can learn what the Bible says. So now, step-father is going to

get a witness no matter what! I shouldn't be too smug, but after all these years of not being

able to say anything, and now HIS FRIENDS are studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses!

Wouldn't it be great if they came in the truth? They are Jewish so I don't know how far the

witnesses will get...still it is fun just to think about it.

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Hi Joseph, good to see you around here---

Sorry you had such a rough morning there, it must be terrible there, living in California(do we have a 'dripping with sarcasm' smiley here?)...hahaha

it was a nice warm FOUR degrees this morning here, and I didnt go out in service either....I have been trying to sell my Jeep and there was a guy that was supposed to come look at it at ten this morning...he didnt make it---


and besides that, my Borg parts dont do too well in the cold and I dont seem to be able to walk very much..bummer :borg:

What part of Calif are you living in?....for some reason I was under the impression you were overseas somewhere...

My dear Denise and I are getting our affairs in order, simplifying,hoping, Jah willing, to be able to move back to California in a couple of months....maybe we can meet up some day and hit the streets together, eh?...

I am happy to hear your folks are getting a Witness, it amazes me how all that just *'seems to work out'*.....lol.....

Stay warm Bro---no need to be gettin sick or somethin like that---

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Brother Joseph,

I have family in the truth in Riverside and some family not in truth in Santa Cruz. It is hard for me to visualize California being cold due to my nephew who lives in Santa Cruz teasing me about the weather and sunshine. Our weather pattern is so strange all over!

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Tim: I live in the Silicon Valley outside of San Jose in a small town called "Los Gatos"

Ahh....cant say I know it well, but I have been around there....

My granny used to live in Brisbane, got aunts and uncles in Daly City, used to go to the Cow Palace for our assemblies, stayed near Moffett Field once, know a Sister in Haywood, got a Brother that lives in Fairfield and works in Martinez, got relatives in San Raphael and Cotati....there's more, but thats enough-----:coffee:

Yes, it does get cold there--y'all get the marine layer drifting down from south Bay and it for sure gets chilly...that fog has a way of getting into your bones....

My dad, who was born in Kansas and spent a lot of his life in the mountains of Colorado, said that San Diego was the coldest place he had ever been...and it was because of the marine layer....

Here, have a little sunshine----its a glorious day! lets all make it one of praise to God....:readbible:


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My dad, who was born in Kansas and spent a lot of his life in the mountains of Colorado, said that San Diego was the coldest place he had ever been...and it was because of the marine layer...:

Did you mean to say "San Francisco"?

I might buy that if he picked a summer day in Colorado and compared it to a winter day in San Diego, but other then that, San Diego is much warmer and mild then Colorado or Kansas. I moved back down to San Diego from the Spokane WA. area and have been warm ever since. When my wife and the friends talk about how cold it is, I'm in a short sleeve shirt and enjoying every minute of it. Yesterday our high was in the low to mid seventies while the area I was in in WA had a high of 31! The "marine layer" in San Diego usually keeps us warmer by an insulation effect. I'm sure that is different then the San Francisco area. We used ti have our DC at Candlestick park in SF, where I was baptized and it seemed to be always cold and windy there.

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Awhile back we flew to Sacramento to charter a local cong. bus and attend the DA at Cow Palace in San Francisco. We left Phoenix in the summer when it was 110 and our sister in laws and niece only packed dresses. It was 52 degrees at the assembly, the girls were freezing and literally shaking. Seattle and Spokane was in the 70's.

On another excursion to San Diego we enjoyed the outdoor assembly back when Jack Murphy had his name on the stadium. After 1:00 the coastal fog burns off, and its La Jolla beach, but its always a struggle, the nieces like Pacific and Mission beach where all the fruits, nuts, and flakes hang out, 8' high bicycles, guys with multi-colored big haired Afro wigs, chugging beer with funnels. Give us Old town, and Balboa Park anytime of the year, the beaches are fabulous...>:D<

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My dad, who was born in Kansas and spent a lot of his life in the mountains of Colorado, said that San Diego was the coldest place he had ever been...and it was because of the marine layer...:

Did you mean to say "San Francisco"?

I might buy that if he picked a summer day in Colorado and compared it to a winter day in San Diego, but other then that, San Diego is much warmer and mild then Colorado or Kansas. I moved back down to San Diego from the Spokane WA. area and have been warm ever since. When my wife and the friends talk about how cold it is, I'm in a short sleeve shirt and enjoying every minute of it. Yesterday our high was in the low to mid seventies while the area I was in in WA had a high of 31! The "marine layer" in San Diego usually keeps us warmer by an insulation effect. I'm sure that is different then the San Francisco area. We used ti have our DC at Candlestick park in SF, where I was baptized and it seemed to be always cold and windy there.

Well Chuck, there is just a little bit more to the story---

My dad was in the Marine Corps and had just spent 2 years in the Pacific Theater, a lot of that in combat...

When he was released a short time after the Iwo Jima campaign, he had malaria and dengue fever, along with other assorted combat related injuries...

When he got to San Diego, it was cold and foggy and so bad for him that he had to be hospitalized....he has said ever since that the coldest place he had ever been was San Diego...

When he was 14, he rode one of his horses over 6 hours in a blowing Kansas blizzard to go check on his mom and sisters, who were without power in a log cabin....he always said he wasnt worried about them, he just wanted some home cookin'.....:cowboy:

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We used ti have our DC at Candlestick park in SF, where I was baptized and it seemed to be always cold and windy there.

I can recall(just barely) being at Candlestick Park for a big assembly, sometime in the late 60's( that's 1960's) and it was announced that there was over 66,000 in attendance that day....a new record!

It was kinda hard to tell tho---you couldnt see the other side of the stadium because of the fog....:eek:

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Awhile back we flew to Sacramento to charter a local cong. bus and attend the DA at Cow Palace in San Francisco. We left Phoenix in the summer when it was 110 and our sister in laws and niece only packed dresses. It was 52 degrees at the assembly, the girls were freezing and literally shaking. Seattle and Spokane was in the 70's.

On another excursion to San Diego we enjoyed the outdoor assembly back when Jack Murphy had his name on the stadium. After 1:00 the coastal fog burns off, and its La Jolla beach, but its always a struggle, the nieces like Pacific and Mission beach where all the fruits, nuts, and flakes hang out, 8' high bicycles, guys with multi-colored big haired Afro wigs, chugging beer with funnels. Give us Old town, and Balboa Park anytime of the year, the beaches are fabulous...>:D<

Michael, at the Cow Palace,up on the second level, when the wind comes howling thru door #8, it can be mighty miserable....

and I always seemed to get sick after the convention...it would practically wipe out our Congregation...one Sister nick-named it the 'Cow Palace Crud'....kind of an upper respiratory infection that lasted about 2 weeks....hated that---

I went to an assembly at Jack Murphy,maybe '68, remember the yellow bumper stickers?...we were so proud! and then it was announced to peel them off............bummer:depressed:

and yeah, any SoCal beach is just fine with me---(tu)..............exceptin Blacks..:nope:

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On this very day,3 years ago I was staying in a big beautiful glass house on the beach north of San Diego...in Encinides.

My mother-in-law rented it for us...and flew us there.

It was around 70's temp wise...my husband and son swam everyday in the ocean and I was in the hot tub on the

roof everynight.

When we landed in San Diego there was a table with our sisters and the literature...that was great meeting them,one was from OH.

My mother-in-law returned to Jehovah after that trip...it was wonderful .I loved San Diego.

And my son made a vow to move there someday...he loves CA...me not as much.

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On this very day,3 years ago I was staying in a big beautiful glass house on the beach north of San Diego...in Encinides.

My mother-in-law rented it for us...and flew us there.

It was around 70's temp wise...my husband and son swam everyday in the ocean and I was in the hot tub on the

roof everynight.

When we landed in San Diego there was a table with our sisters and the literature...that was great meeting them,one was from OH.

My mother-in-law returned to Jehovah after that trip...it was wonderful .I loved San Diego.

And my son made a vow to move there someday...he loves CA...me not as much.

Cool story Nancy!....yep, very nice areas there, just think of all the nice sunny sandy beaches Jehovah has created for us, just cuz He loves us.....what an awesome God is He~~~

Nice to hear about your mom-in-law....

3 years huh?.....time flies when you're having fun, eh?...

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My mother-in-law passed away in Oct.I never really knew her well.

Just an occassional visit here and there.I would move to southern AZ

where she lived...she was in Tucson 6 hours from San Diego....I like Tucson.

We attended the DC there in June...it was nice and hot there.My husbands

family is there.

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Blacks beach in La Jolla sounds like a nice place...Until you Google it :eek: Close your eyes Tim.

We where at the Jack Murphy DA convention in 85 and 86 and enjoyed it tremendously, don't remember the yellow bumper stickers...

You know the Cow Palace has a distinct smell, like... well... Cows :exclamation: Just walk down in the basement and see all the Livestock awards posted on the walls. more like a 4H recruiter station for Future Farmers of America...:D

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So sorry to hear about your mom-in-law, at least she got to know Jehovah first.....when she wakes, you can get to know her then..

same with my mother-in-law....Aug of '08...never met her but did talk to her on the phone a couple of times....she told Denise 'I got a good feeling about this guy'.....lol, she was right!....well, we got married, anyways---:loopy:

I hear she made some pretty good S'mores....gonna have to have you guys over for a BBQ some month....

Hey Joseph, when your teeth quit chatterin, jump in anytime----lol:laugh:

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Blacks beach in La Jolla sounds like a nice place...Until you Google it :eek: Close your eyes Tim.

We where at the Jack Murphy DA convention in 85 and 86 and enjoyed it tremendously, don't remember the yellow bumper stickers...

You know the Cow Palace has a distinct smell, like... well... Cows :exclamation: Just walk down in the basement and see all the Livestock awards posted on the walls. more like a 4H recruiter station for Future Farmers of America...:D

The yellow bumper stickers were in '68 I believe....the Brothers said to take them off after some isolated reports of violence against some of the friends that had them on their cars....Chuck may recall better than I, he has a bigger memory than I do---:borg:

and yeah, definitely a bovine presence lingering about...haha....when I was on the rest-room clean-up squad, it was really noticeable early in the morning when you would first open the place up-----ahhh, delightful~~~~:cowboy:....yeah, NOT!!!...

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Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law Nancy, We were there and enjoyed the memorable "Hot" assembly in Tucson back in June too...:sunshine: Houses are really cheap right now and they need help down in Green Valley just South of Tucson on the way to Nogales...>:D

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Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law Nancy, We were there and enjoyed the memorable "Hot" assembly in Tucson back in June too...:sunshine: Houses are really cheap right now and they need help down in Green Valley just South of Tucson on the way to Nogales...>:D<

Yeah,I've noticed the house prices...we have family in Benson.And Vale...also Tucson.

An old pioneer partner is in Tucson also.My husband has a piece of land in Willcox.

Maybe someday...

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Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law Nancy, We were there and enjoyed the memorable "Hot" assembly in Tucson back in June too...:sunshine: Houses are really cheap right now and they need help down in Green Valley just South of Tucson on the way to Nogales...>:D<

Yeah,I've noticed the house prices...we have family in Benson.And Vale...also Tucson.

An old pioneer partner is in Tucson also.My husband has a piece of land in Willcox.

Maybe someday...

good to know....i'm sure you will be packing your bag and moving soon....:P

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