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Territory Assistants Software

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we are allowed to pick one out by ourselves. They are in a box, and we go through them and pick one out.

And that's not a problem? People don't grab the "choice" territories so they are worked 500 times in a row and the other territories (and the people who live in them) are left to rot? Your congregation must be made up of fine and caring people.


ALL congregations are made up of "fine and caring people"! They are our brothers and sisters and would not be out in the ministry helping people find the truth if they were not fine, caring AND loving people!

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Bro Dobby.

I have seen on Ministry Ideas a Software program & I downloaded it once. It was free & i tought it was for the phone. But its made for the brothers. They have the program for the Theocratic too

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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ALL congregations are made up of "fine and caring people"! They are our brothers and sisters and would not be out in the ministry helping people find the truth if they were not fine,caring AND loving people!

Rather all in the congregations would like to be considered "fine and caring people," and most strive to be "fine and caring people".

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we are allowed to pick one out by ourselves. They are in a box, and we go through them and pick one out.

And that's not a problem? People don't grab the "choice" territories so they are worked 500 times in a row and the other territories (and the people who live in them) are left to rot? Your congregation must be made up of fine and caring people.


no, there's never is a problem as far as I know. We have a wonderful congregation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm jealous...for a good reason

Our newish cong has about 20 terr that we split up to make 30 very small ones which we cover VERY frequently

It was eye opening to visit seldom worked this past year where territories havn't been covered in 2-3 years

however years back i was in a cong that had 200 terr

+ 50 phone terr

+ 10-15 business

we did manage once a year but it was a lot to cover

now i feel as though i see the same houses and the same people

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we are allowed to pick one out by ourselves. They are in a box, and we go through them and pick one out.

And that's not a problem? People don't grab the "choice" territories so they are worked 500 times in a row and the other territories (and the people who live in them) are left to rot? Your congregation must be made up of fine and caring people.


no, there's never is a problem as far as I know. We have a wonderful congregation.

I was thinking about the recent part on having a Person Territory close to our home or work as I caught up on this topic. Obviously, to follow this admonition, one would have to "pick and choose" such a territory, and not necessarily accept the next one in rotation.

However, we have faithful pioneers and other zealous publishers who are happy to take whatever it is that needs worked, and will ask specifically for that. Your territory servant should keep good records on what needs worked, and encourage people checking out territory to give that some consideration. Certainly you have those with the same generous spirit who will step up and work the territories and home that haven't been visited in a while.


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Since i started pioneering I specifically chose the rural territory that hasn't been worked for a year or maybe 2 and is probably our furthest distance to travel. It is prime territory and actually a real joy to work. It is nice to take some of the other pioneers out for the day to my personal territory. All my return visits are in the same place and because the town is not worked so much people are generally friendlier and more talkative. Plus it is easier for the younger ones like myself to stay out for longer and make good use of the petrol spent in these further out pieces of territory. I would much rather leave the more local territory for the older ones :wheelchair: which we have many of or the ones with only a bicycle for transport.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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