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hearing and angels voice at age 7 and aug 31 2019

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true experience the watchtowers in the  past few years at the end of one paragraph Jehovah uses anyone to accomplish is will  and he causes us to be what he wants also to carry out his purposes unordinary n unlettered people and are we really seeking the kingdom first for those who are single or even married what was ur main focus on ur daily life or ur spirtual life mine was how i was going to be alone w no loving cong n havign emtional n depression coping w being reinstated i na foriegn country w no family or firends well I survived bc Jehovha stuck w me n gave me assurance that i would be protected until all his promisses have been fullfilled so keep on seek keep on knocking and jsut like solomon ask for wisdom  have u ever tried to pray n ask Jehovha to give u a small amount of what he gave solomon if u have the fait hthe size of a mustard seed u cna move a mountain so to if u have the faith he wil lrecieve it but if u dotn that does not mean he cant give it to u as long as u beleive he can n wil  n try listening to the bible audio fro mthe 1984 version and also the bible drama jehovhas name ot be declared i nal lthe earth listen to t i nthe dark in a very quite palce n put urself there and imagine hearign jehpvahs voice n walking in the wilderness trusting in him to get u to the promise land bc firends thats waht he is tryign to do now sicne we cant direct even one of our steps and he is teachign us daily why should we really b cooncerned aboutthe war  it reminded me of how the romans surrouned  jerusalem n then left russia sorta did the same thing talk about invading then did not then they attacked it gave the brothers a way out b4 the war some left some stayed sorta liek when hte brothers left to go ot pella are we training our minds n preparing ourselfs for thattime n sorta of persucution even tho it may not happen are we preparing our children to be faithful n neutral now so they can mentally n emtional deal w hard tiems if the parents are not there to givethem support is jehovah very real to them as if he is right there w them when they pray can they see him i ntheir mind n heart as if he was real do they really fear him n when they make msitakes do they fele his pain too  sorry for the misspelled words 



{The following is my attempt at making this post more legible - Bob}


true experience...


The watchtowers in the past few years at the end of one paragraph Jehovah uses anyone to accomplish is will, and he causes us to be what he wants also to carry out his purposes - unordinary and unlettered people.


And are we really seeking the kingdom first? For those who are single or even married what was ur main focus on ur daily life or ur spiritual life? Mine was how i was going to be alone with no loving cong n having emotional n depression coping with being reinstated in a foreign country with no family or friends. Well, I survived because Jehovah stuck with me n gave me assurance that i would be protected until all his promises have been fulfilled.


So keep on seeking, keep on knocking, and just like Solomon asked for wisdom. Have u ever tried to pray and ask Jehovah to give u a small amount of what he gave Solomon? if u have the faith the size of a mustard seed u can move a mountain, so to if u have the faith he will lrecieve it but if u don't that does not mean he cant give it to u as long as u believe he can n will. 


And try listening to the bible audio from the 1984 version and also the bible drama "Jehovah's name to be declared in all the earth". listen to it in the dark in a very quiet place n put yourself there, and imagine hearing Jehovah's voice, and walking in the wilderness trusting in him to get you to the promise land, because friends that's what he is trying to do now since we cant direct even one of our steps.


And he is teaching us daily why should we really be concerned about the war. It reminded me of how the Romans surrounded  Jerusalem and then left. Russia sort of did the same thing, talk about invading then did not and then they attacked. It gave the brothers a way out b4 the war. Some left, some stayed. Sorta like when the brothers left to go to pella. Are we training our minds and preparing ourselves for that time and that sort of persecution. Even though it may not happen are we preparing our children to be faithful and neutral now so they can mentally and emotionally deal with hard times? If the parents are not there to give them support, is Jehovah very real to them as if he is right there with them? When they pray can they see him in their mind and heart as if he was real? Do they really fear him? And when they make mistakes do they feel his pain too? 

Sorry for the misspelled words 


Edited by Brother_Bliss

Tried to make legible
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1 hour ago, paul Brunke said:

sorry for the misspelled words

It might be beneficial to use a Word Processor to compose your posts and then paste them here. Or use an online Spell Checker or add a Grammar Checker extension to Google Chrome.


1 hour ago, paul Brunke said:

And try listening to the bible audio from the 1984 version

For the longest time, I stuck with the 1984 version and didn't like the 2013 revision. This is because I spend so much of my life defending the New World Translation that I was taken back by revising what I had been championing as the perfect translation for all these years. 


But over time I have really warmed up to the new revision and am getting more on board with Dynamic Equivalence translations.


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