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One of my neighbours has a pit bull and leaves it out in the garden all day when he is at work, the

poor dog barks from about 8am till 6pm when his owner gets home.

I tried to talk to the owner and he told me to "GO away".

We cant get any peace, but the dog is just left there all day with nothing to do.

10 years ago we had a nasty neighbour who did that. Two dogs who barked all day and all night. We finally called the council and reported them. He laughed and mocked us and the other neighbours who were annoyed at the dogs . . ignored the fines the council kept sending him . .until he went to register his pride and joy car . . they refused to let him register it until he paid the fines.

Dogs were then shut behind a fence so they could no longer see the road and bark at everything that moved. We had a measure of peace . .because that idiot LOVED his car more than his neighbours and dogs.

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One of my neighbours has a pit bull and leaves it out in the garden all day when he is at work, the

poor dog barks from about 8am till 6pm when his owner gets home.

I tried to talk to the owner and he told me to "GO away".

We cant get any peace, but the dog is just left there all day with nothing to do.

This is so wrong.

Dog's, especially pit bulls, need tons of exercise. They also need to be socialized. When dogs are not socialized properly, and are left alone like this, they can become aggressive, especially a pitt bull. Your neighbors are creating a potential dangerous dog that may turn on people.

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I dont want to go down that road of reporting him to the council or police.

I had asked him if he like he could leave the dog with me when he is at work, and ill take him out.

But he told me to Beep off and it was his dog.

Its raining hear in Belfast, and i am worried as the poor dog was out all day.

He has a kennel but he needs companionship.

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Mahatma Gandhi quotes “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

2 weeks ago a large beautiful Herring Gull belly-flopped onto our garden with a bad leg. He/she could not stand up and was squawking in pain trying. Anyway, I was afraid of next door's cats getting the bird in such a vulnerable way. Cats normally leave gulls alone as they have barbed feet and sharp beaks, but this one was vulnerable. I broke up some wholemeal bread soaked in yesterday's gravy and tossed it within beak reach and it was gobbled up. We had a tin of sardines/pilchards, so we threw one within beak's reach and it gobbled it up. It started to rain and it just lay there looking a sad sight. Anyway, we left it there a while because the cats don't come out in the rain.It slept on the grass for a couple of hours.

I found advice online from a wild and pet bird expert in Australia called Dr Ross Perry - he does wondrous things with birds to help them! We tossed a sardine later and the bird got up on one leg and started to preen itself, but fell onto it's tummy again.On wild bird websites it said of gulls that they are hardy and can survive with one leg, but may need help getting airborne until the bad leg stabilizes or the bird adapts itself to its new circumstances.

My husband followed the instructions - donned his leather gardening gloves and the safety goggles he uses with garden power tools. Wild birds are scared of humans - even if the humans are trying to help. If you try to get near them they may lash out for your eyes - people have had eyes put out by scared birds.He went to help the bird and it squawked and flopped around the garden a bit scared, but eventually he lifted it from underneath carefully - (you mustn't squeeze a bird around the chest as they don't have a protective ribcage and you could cause fatal damage). He tossed it into the air and away it flew.

For 2 more days it did the same and the weather stayed wet, so the cats left it while it rested and fed while on the grass. Then it stood on one leg and tentatively on the poorly one. We were relieved that by the time of the Convention, when we would be away, it could get up and fly without assistance and get food elsewhere. It did get a bit cheeky doing a wobbly landing on the Kitchen window ledge/sill and knocking on the window to be fed at one point, but not since. It sits quietly on our chimney now and fights as usual with the others for our & neighbours occasional leftovers.

Some don't like feeding them and call them sky rats, but they are intelligent, adaptable and live for decades and if humans have overfished and polluted our seas, they are only doing the best for themselves.

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One of my neighbours has a pit bull and leaves it out in the garden all day when he is at work, the

poor dog barks from about 8am till 6pm when his owner gets home.

I tried to talk to the owner and he told me to "GO away".

We cant get any peace, but the dog is just left there all day with nothing to do.

This might sound crazy, but have you tried feeding it? The quickest way to a dogs heart - FOOD!! or is that a man.

Anyway - same thing :wave::)

Well Jerry just confirmed that men are dogs!! :raspberry:

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Is it bad to discipline your dog corporally for peeing?

Probably so since they forget they did it about a minute after they pee! :tongue:

i use a squirt bottle with water in it for my dogs. They dont like that. Stops incessant barking
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Is it bad to discipline your dog corporally for peeing?

Probably so since they forget they did it about a minute after they pee! :tongue:

i use a squirt bottle with water in it for my dogs. They dont like that. Stops incessant barking

I have a couple of cats that are penned off, and I have to do the same thing when they scratch the door continuously all freaking night.

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