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Allow Jehovah To Pack His Bags...And Come To Visit YOU

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Every single one of us loves to visit friends.


What joy and excitement we get from packing a bag or two and heading off on a journey to visit friends we might not have seen in person for quite a while. We may go out and buy a few items just for them, chocolate or other snacks we know they really enjoy.


But what if we know the person isn't doing very well...what if we know they may need a few minor repairs to their home or help completing a task that is simply too much for them? If we had the skills and the tools necessary to help them...wouldn't we also pack those things as well? Wouldn't that hasten our steps to get to them? Wouldn't that cause our minds to start thinking of other ways to help, and suddenly we find ourselves running here and there...picking up little gifts and things we think might help them out?


Of course it would...and, my dear brothers and sisters...since we are made in the image of Jehovah...is it any wonder that Jehovah reacts the same way when he sees one of US in trouble?


It shouldn't cause any wonderment...and that's why I am writing this morning.


I wanted to share with all of you Jehovah's own words regarding how HE feels when he sees one of us in trouble...and to allow each of you to watch what Jehovah brings with Him as he packs his bags and comes to visit YOU.


Please turn with me to Isaiah 57...and we'll read verses 15-19 together:


"For this is what the High and Lofty One says, Who lives forever and whose name is holy: “I reside in the high and holy place, But also with those crushed and lowly in spirit, To revive the spirit of the lowly And to revive the heart of those being crushed.16 For I will not oppose them forever Or always remain indignant; For a man’s spirit would grow feeble because of me, Even the breathing creatures that I have made.17 I was indignant at his sinful pursuit of dishonest gain, So I struck him, I hid my face, and I was indignant. But he kept walking as a renegade, following the way of his heart.18 I have seen his ways, But I will heal him and lead him And restore comfort to him and to his mourning ones.”19 “I am creating the fruit of the lips. Continuous peace will be given to the one who is far away and the one who is near,” says Jehovah, “And I will heal him.”


Did you see it? Do you see what Jehovah brings with Him as he gets ready to come visit with you?


Well, to begin with...he brings Himself...personally...to each of you. But wait...there's more:


He brings true healing and unmatched leadership...restoration and true comfort...and not just comfort to you...but also to those mourning over your trials and tribulations.


He is creating in you the fruit of the lips...allowing you to speak about him to others with full freeness of speech...and REAL PEACE...both when we feel close to him...and even when we may feel so low we do not feel we are worthy of His love!


What powerful, awe-inspiring things to pack and to give away for free...especially to friends who hurt him first. His love...his understanding of our pathetic nature without Him in our lives...His sincere desire to see each of us live forever...how could you not love Him in return?


And friends...what does Jehovah require of us to get this visit?


Do we have to beg...do we have to perform 10 good works and say 1,000 prayers before he will act?


No... the answer to what he requires is simple but dignified...and yet it is also absolutely humbling in a way that should cause each of us to drop to our knees in reverence for a Supreme Being who has both the power and the desire to rescue YOU and I from what would otherwise be a futile existence: “I reside in the high and holy place, But also with those crushed and lowly in spirit,"


Friends...if we are feeling crushed and lowly in spirit...that is the single best place to be in this system of things...because if we are always in this state of being...it proves one thing with absolute certainty: Jehovah will never leave us!!




And when he gives you these 

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  On 2/25/2024 at 11:47 AM, Mike047 said:

A very useful and kind thought, Tim, to put that up on the forum for us



Thank you! It was just a note in my study Bible that I thought I would share, I don't remember where I found it. But the idea stuck with me, and it made me appreciate how it's okay to be in such a state all the time and yet still carry on.


The sole reason that it's possible is because Jehovah never truly leaves our side...and it's His holy spirit that makes us stand up when Satan's system keeps trying to beat us down 

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  On 2/25/2024 at 11:43 AM, Timl1980 said:

Every single one of us loves to visit friends.


What joy and excitement we get from packing a bag or two and heading off on a journey to visit friends we might not have seen in person for quite a while. We may go out and buy a few items just for them, chocolate or other snacks we know they really enjoy.


But what if we know the person isn't doing very well...what if we know they may need a few minor repairs to their home or help completing a task that is simply too much for them? If we had the skills and the tools necessary to help them...wouldn't we also pack those things as well? Wouldn't that hasten our steps to get to them? Wouldn't that cause our minds to start thinking of other ways to help, and suddenly we find ourselves running here and there...picking up little gifts and things we think might help them out?


Of course it would...and, my dear brothers and sisters...since we are made in the image of Jehovah...is it any wonder that Jehovah reacts the same way when he sees one of US in trouble?


It shouldn't cause any wonderment...and that's why I am writing this morning.


I wanted to share with all of you Jehovah's own words regarding how HE feels when he sees one of us in trouble...and to allow each of you to watch what Jehovah brings with Him as he packs his bags and comes to visit YOU.


Please turn with me to Isaiah 57...and we'll read verses 15-19 together:


"For this is what the High and Lofty One says, Who lives forever and whose name is holy: “I reside in the high and holy place, But also with those crushed and lowly in spirit, To revive the spirit of the lowly And to revive the heart of those being crushed.16 For I will not oppose them forever Or always remain indignant; For a man’s spirit would grow feeble because of me, Even the breathing creatures that I have made.17 I was indignant at his sinful pursuit of dishonest gain, So I struck him, I hid my face, and I was indignant. But he kept walking as a renegade, following the way of his heart.18 I have seen his ways, But I will heal him and lead him And restore comfort to him and to his mourning ones.”19 “I am creating the fruit of the lips. Continuous peace will be given to the one who is far away and the one who is near,” says Jehovah, “And I will heal him.”


Did you see it? Do you see what Jehovah brings with Him as he gets ready to come visit with you?


Well, to begin with...he brings Himself...personally...to each of you. But wait...there's more:


He brings true healing and unmatched leadership...restoration and true comfort...and not just comfort to you...but also to those mourning over your trials and tribulations.


He is creating in you the fruit of the lips...allowing you to speak about him to others with full freeness of speech...and REAL PEACE...both when we feel close to him...and even when we may feel so low we do not feel we are worthy of His love!


What powerful, awe-inspiring things to pack and to give away for free...especially to friends who hurt him first. His love...his understanding of our pathetic nature without Him in our lives...His sincere desire to see each of us live forever...how could you not love Him in return?


And friends...what does Jehovah require of us to get this visit?


Do we have to beg...do we have to perform 10 good works and say 1,000 prayers before he will act?


No... the answer to what he requires is simple but dignified...and yet it is also absolutely humbling in a way that should cause each of us to drop to our knees in reverence for a Supreme Being who has both the power and the desire to rescue YOU and I from what would otherwise be a futile existence: “I reside in the high and holy place, But also with those crushed and lowly in spirit,"


Friends...if we are feeling crushed and lowly in spirit...that is the single best place to be in this system of things...because if we are always in this state of being...it proves one thing with absolute certainty: Jehovah will never leave us!!




And when he gives you these 


Brill! Bro Tim. Very encouraging and will enjoy "chewing" your presentation over in my mind. Beautiful word picture.

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