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Tibits from The Finished Mystery

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Tibits from Finished Mystery


  In 2017, was the 100th anniversary of the book The Finished Mystery and did some research of events related to this book and some of its information is found in the court records too. Please minus the mistakes too. Enjoy.


George Butterfield


 Since the book “The Finished Mystery” basically printed behind the back of others. Because of future opposition with Board of Directors, then the money needs to come from somewhere else since the Board of Director would not approve it.


 If we look at the court transcript on pages 1003 and 1004, according to Rutherford testify that George Butterfield personally gave Rutherford $5,000, before the book was printed. If he is right, Rutherford also testified, with a special request should be used for the book, an individual gave the brothers $7,650 it and it was used after the first printing in July of 1917.


To add on to this, according to Rutherford’s report in Harvest Siftings dated August 1, 1917, on page 20, paragraphs 2 and 3 Rutherford mentions:

 “The complication of the Seventh Volume had been in progress since shortly after the death of Brother Russell. The manuscript was all ready for the publication about the time the opposition above mentioned began. I was about to submit the printer’s proofs to these and other brethren at the time this trouble arose, but seeing their violent opposition. I knew that the publication would be long delayed if they insisted on reading the manuscript and giving the objections first. I consulted Brothers Van Amburgh, Macmillian, Martin and Hudgings, and it was concluded that in view of the fact that the best opportunity to publish it was now, because of the rush that comes to the printers in a short time, that the publication should proceed. It was remarked that probably these brethren would raise the question that we had misappropriated finds for the publication of this volume. The Lord seemed to provide at once to meet any such objection. Sometime after Brother Russell’s death a very dear brother in the Truth wrote to me, saying that he had some money that he would like to use in some special work in I would let him know that it could be done at any time. Seeing that the publication of the volume was approaching, I wrote this brother that the Seventh Volume was about to be published, and having in mind his previous kind offer, I merely reminded him of it. The next mail brought to me a draft in a sufficient amount for its publication, and I used this money for the purpose of paying the printers instead of asking the Treasurer to pay for the same, and used it with the full knowledge, consent and direction of the brother who furnished it.


 Desiring that the brethren throughout the land should have this book quickly, because of being the last heritage of our beloved Pastor to the dear Israel of God, we arranged to send it forth by mail so that each one would receive it practically at the same time, and the money from the above-mentioned dear brother paid the postage likewise.”


 Much been said how the book was financed in the beginning.  If it wasn’t from Butterfield, then who else would cover the cost of printing the book? It could not be from the Board of Directors because they would not approve it.


 Here is what Brother Rutherford mention of what happened on July 10, 1917, in his report “Harvest Siftings” on August 1, 1917, on page 13, under the subheading: “Remember Seizure of London Office”, paragraph 3.

 While in Chicago on July 19, 1917, Rutherford was told by W. Wisdom and he said to Rutherford that he was approach by Robert Hirsh and he told him that the rest of the Board of Directors would invoke the law of men to tie up the money of the Society in the Bank so no one could drew it except themselves.


 This remind Rutherford of what happen in Great Britain when Paul Johnson of attempting freezing the funds at the branch at Great Britain . So, another way was used to cover the cost of printing and sending out the book through mail too




 In all, Jehovah can use anyone to accomplish his purpose. In this case it was George Butterfield.


Why so many?


  It would be safe to say that there was about 5,000 Bible Students worldwide during the time of releasing of “The Finished Mystery” So, why was there 30,000 released during the 1st week of its printing?

 The 7th volume was expected 30 years prior to its release. For many years before its release, several members of the International Bible Students Association made orders for the book before the book was in printed. Also, those who prescribe to the publications through mail received a book through mail.




  Regarding the pages 247-253, in “The Finished Mystery book, on Page 651, in the Proclaimers Book, paragraph 2, quotes: ‘The prosecutors highlighted additions in the book made during April and June 1917, in the course of processing the copy and reading the proofs. These included a quotation from John Haynes Holmes, a clergyman who had forcefully declared that the war was a violation of Christianity…”


  The quotation is referred to a sermon or a booklet entitled: “A Statement to My people on the Eve of War.” This was added to the transcript of “The Finished Mystery” book after when United States declared war on Germany. Did the government have a strong case against this? Not by a long shot. Why?


  In the court transcript on page 614, Woodworth testify that the sermon was done on April 5, 1917, and inserted in the book on April 10, 1917. There is not enough evidence to go against this especially when the sermon was done a day before the the wars and especially when it was put in a book 4 days after United States went to war. It was nitpicking for the government to do this.


 Regarding other disputed pages pp, 406, 407, and 469, on page 406, paragraph 1, in the last sentence: “There is a hint here that conscription will meet with opposition.” According to Fishers testimony on page 488, in the court transcript, Fisher testified that the last sentence was added later.


  Regarding page 407, on commenting regarding Revelation 7:17; the two last sentences were added later says Fisher in the court transcript on page 544.


 On page 469 on “The Finished Mystery” book regarding Ezekiel 21:31, on page 491 in the court transcript, Fisher says it was written in March of 1917. No add on here.


  On page 520, in the court transcript, according to Fisher’s memory, he wrote pages 367-485-pages 519-58, between December 11, 1916 and ended on April 1, 1917. And pages 486 to 518, were done between April 1, 1917, and May 15, 1917, and pages 569 to 592 (the last chapter regarding the temple) were done between May 15, 1917 and June 25, 1917.


  You wish he would write some of this before the war. Take for instance on page 515, on his comment on Ezekiel 32:6. He mentioned; “The lost of life shall extend to the highest government officials and rulers (mountain); but the churches shall be full of her dead.”  Bold indeed.


  By reading the book, and if I’m right, I see that the government choose to ignore some other pages that was added on later than April 6, 1917 (when USA went to war). They are:

1.   If we go to page 185, paragraph 2, we see toward the middle of the paragraph, it mentions: “All the powers named, except Spain, are already in the great war. Indeed, except South America, which expects to be dragged in, the only countries of the world not now (June 1917) engaged in the war are Scandinavia, Holland, Switzerland, Spain, Abssyinia, and Mexico.”


2.   On page 255, toward bottom, commenting on Revelation 16:15: “Lest he walked naked.” As the nominal churches are doing even since the war council at Washington, May 6, 1917.”



3.   If we go to the bottom of page 366, it has the date June 25, 1917 under the poem “The Heavenly Bridegroom” by Gertrude Woodcock Siebert.


 These three above indicates that the book hit the press in the very early part of July of 1917. Plus, these three pages or you can say the whole book was under the supervision of Clayton Woodworth. It was him that did the books on Revelation and Song of Solomon.


 You can see above that there were couple parts of the book was added after when United States went to war with Germany on April 6, 1917 and basically done before the Espionage Law passed on June 15, 1917. If you want to include the poem on page 366, as a violation of the Espionage Law Act of June 15,1917, as a violation, then don’t be my guest.


The Unknown Objectionable page of 289


 For many years, the pages 247-253,406,407, and 469 were view as being objectionable pages from “The Finished Mystery” book. Yet there is one more.

 On page 589, in the court transcript, an objectionable page of 289, of “The Finished Mystery” book came up. It was dealing with the bold heading: “And hath avenged the blood of [His] HER servants at her hand.” The objectionable part was: “The millions who have perished in the Great War have been the servants of Babylon.”


Agitating Judge?


 Many think Rutherford was an agitating person. Here is one reason why. During World War 2, Marley Cole and others went to prison because of their neutrality. The prison they went to was in Atlanta, Georgia. This is where Judge Rutherford and seven others went too because of their neutrality of the 1st World War.


  In his book: “Harvest of our Lives” 1996, by Marley Cole, pp. 43 and 44, mentions about their experience from a trustee of the prison who was there at the same time Rutherford and seven others were present.

 The trustee says to Marley: “Judge Rutherford was a great man. He stirred things up. Like you boys are doing now.” Marley Cole asked the convict; “What are we stirring up here?”

 His answer was: “The Judge was not here for some crime. You’re not here for some crime. It stirs thing up here.”

 A Forgotten Book


 The Finished Mystery book contains around 743 references from Charles Russell’s writings and some 4,000 scriptural references too.


 All through the years, most of us heard that “The Finished Mystery” comments on Revelation and Ezekiel or vice versa. However, there is one more book is commented on in the book too and that is Song of Solomon.  It is on pages 339-366, and Clayton Woodworth did the commenting of it and we can read this in the Preface of the book on page 6, paragraph 2.

 Commenting on Song of Solomon was rare in the earlier years from the Bible Students. Here is what I know and I could be wrong of some of this:


1.   If I’m right, for 28 years, from 1886-1904, the Study in the Scriptures volumes 1-6 commented on Song of Solomon 2 times.

2.   For 37 years, from 1879- 1916 (up to Russell’s death), I think Zion’s Watchtower commented on Song of Solomon 27 times.

3.   If I’m right, there were no references of Song of Solomon in the St. Paul’s Enterprise, Bible Students Monthly, Old Theology Quarterly.

4.    Song of Solomon was used at least 23 times between 1908-1916, in the Convention Reports.

5.   In the Bible Student’s Manual, Song of Solomon was used around 97 times. Hence, it was Clayton Woodworth wrote the book.


6.   On a brighter side, Song of Solomon was used 730 times or 27 pages (pages 339-366) in “The Finished Mystery” book.


7. In the 1913 Convention Report on pages 238-241, there is a sermon on Song of Solomon in Springfield MA. around mid-July.  If you guess Clayton Woodworth did the sermon, then you are right.


 On page 588, in the court transcript, Woodworth gave the time line when he did the comments on the book of Revelation, but he never gave a time line when he commented on the book of Song of Solomon. Most likely he did this before Russell died.


  Regarding “The Finished Mystery” book, there were no references on back issues of the publications during anytime in the Song of Solomon section.


  Also, Woodworth might put some updates in it when the part of Song of Solomon was done. Here is why:


1.  On page 349, of his 3rd quote he mentions: “The present world-war is due to mutual free and distrust.” And on the same page, of his 6th quote, he refers to the page 63 of the book.


2.  At the bottom the page 356, he refers to the pages of the book 324 and 325.

3.  At the bottom of the page of 358, he refers to the book on page 160.

 So, these references right here give an indication that he did some updates in the book of Song of Solomon while commenting on the book on Revelation. 


ZG Magazine


  When “The Finished Mystery” book was banned, Rutherford sneaked in another way of releasing it and it was through a magazine form. It was known as ZG edition and it was printed in March 1, 1918, Watchtower magazine. How many was released is anyone guess.


  There are some differences. The ZG Edition opens up with a two-page introduction: “How To Read The Bible And Understand It” in which it is interesting to read. 


 Regarding the preface? There are some differences from the original. This preface is was 8 months after when the book was released and more powerful too. Toward the end of the preface, two paragraphs were added, it says: 


 “This, Scripture Studies, Vol. V11, is the final message of the truth church of God. This is in fulfilment of the Divine command, “Proclaim the day of vengeance of our God” (Isa 61:2), and “ Thrust in the sharp sickle [truth] and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth [ecclesiaticism], for her grapes are fully ripe” –Revelation 14:18.


 This is in the fulfillment of the words that are written, “And the seventh angel pour out his vial [message] into the air [upon] ecclesiasticism]; and there came a great voice [this message] out of the temple of heaven [the church of God] from the throne [backed by divine power] saying, IT IS DONE!” – Revelation 16:17.


 Also, there is a Chronological Chart of Revelation at the bottom was added too. And at the end of the book, it has 2-page article; “Daniel’s Vision of The Kingdoms of The Earth”. It covers 7th chapter on Daniel and I see no commentary on Song of Solomon too.


Charles Russell 1916, Convention Questions


  I could be wrong on this, but I see a problem in 1916, Convention Report. If we look at the 1916, Convention Report Topical Index, we see under: “Questions Meeting by Pastor Russell” and it has only three of them. It is on pages 192, 212, and 304. However, there is another one on page 312, and this is not in the Index. Why?


  The one on page 312, the questions were taken in Tacoma, WA. In 1916, Russell did not went to Washington. So, when did he went there? He went to Tacoma WA, in latter part of June of 1913, during his Transcontinental Tour.


 If I’m right, the first 22 questions in 1916, Convention Report is found on pages 312-315. And the last 15 questions are found in the 1913, Convention Report. All together 37 questions were asked.


 If I’m right Leslie Jones squeezed Charles Russell’s sermon: “God Way vs Mans Way” and the questions in the 1916 Convention Report. If so, when did the last questions was held in 1916? 


 According to December 15, 1917, WT on page 6182 under subheading: “The Finished Mystery” paragraph 1 mentioned that the last question meeting regarding “Smiting Jordan” was held at a convention.


  However, what I see in the 1916 Convention Report on page 304, paragraph 1, one of the 1st questions to Russell was pertaining to the meetings in Los Angeles and he was there 2 days before he died. 


 So, this give a strong indication the last question (question 17) that Russell (little did he know) answered was relation to “The Finished Mystery” book.


Pray For Peace?  Not Russell.


   According to an article June 1, 1918, WT on reprint page 6271 entitled: “May 30 for Prayer and Supplication”, the brothers were asked to pray for peace and it was not wise. If we go a little further back, on Tuesday night, October 15, 1914, Pastor Russell gave a talk entitled: “Distress of Nations Followed By Armageddon” in Montgomery, Alabama. He mentioned regarding prayers for peace during the Great War: “Our Honorable President with praise worthy intent has requested all Christian people to pray for peace in Europe. I have been asked to sermonize accordingly. However, I cannot concur with our worthy President on this matter. The prayers of these millions praying for the prosperity of the Germans and the extermination of the Allies, and prayers of other millions for success of the Allies and the annihilation of the Germans and the prayers of the Pope and of our President and other good people that this awful war shall promptly cease, will all go unanswered.”


The Bible Students Monthly

  I cannot forget to mention about “The Bible Students Monthly” Volume 9, Number 9. Is it is powerful because the article: “The Fall of Babylon. “ The campaign of placing this started on Sunday December 30, 1917 into the year 1918. Within 2 months it was banned all around and 10 million copies were distributed too.

  However, I will focus on another one and that is “The Bible Students Monthly” Volume 9, Number 5. If this was distributed in late of July of 1917, then within 2 months, 6 and half million was distributed. Why did I say this? Because “the Finished Mystery” was released in July 17, 1917, and The Bible Students Monthly Volume 9, Number 5 on page 3 at the bottom advertise 7 volumes of Studies in The Scriptures in which includes “The Finished Mystery.”


  You will see the advertisement of this tract on May 15, 1917, WT, on Reprint page 6091 and the amount was placed is mentioned in couple months later in September 15, 1917, WT, under the subheading “New Volunteer Matter” on Reprinted page 6147. Several different “The Bible Students Monthly” was printed in 1917 and almost 29 million copies were given out that year alone. 

 But let us go back to Volume 9, Number 5. The main article was “Why Do The Nations War?” and it was powerful just as “The Fall Of Babylon”. I wonder why this volume was not banned?


  Here are some strong quotes from page 2, column 1, last paragraph says: “…The clergy teach that he who dies while engaged in war upon a battle-field has an abundant entrance into Heaven. As an example of this, the public press reports a recent discourse by Dr. Gordon, the leading clergyman of Canada, in which he said in substance: “The uniform of King George upon a soldier boy is a sure passport to Heaven, and God Himself cannot keep a young man out of Heaven who dies with this uniform upon him”


 In column 2 on the same page, it further states under the subheading: “CLERGY MORE REPREHENSIBLE TO THAN KINGS”, in which it reads: “Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, and there are some good, honest clergy men in the world. But alas, the majority of them, we fear, belong to the other class! The Scriptures point out that both the kings and the clergy are even more responsible for the war, but that the clergy are even more reprehensible, because it was their duty to know God’s Plan and tell it to the people. But they have refused to learn it and failed to tell it to others.


 It goes on to quote: “Concerning the responsibility for this war, Rabbi Wise, of New York City, recently says: “The failure of the churches and synagogues to maintain leadership over the people was cause of the present war. They have enthroned a war devil in place of God. They are satisfied to be a mere item of social organization and to defend their countries and rulers, just and or unjust.”


“Rev. Dr. Peter Ainslie, Pastor of the Christian Temple at Baltimore, recently said in a public sermon: “More than to any other source the cause of the great war lies at the door of the Church.”


 A second article in the same tract was written by Joseph Rutherford entitled: “Pastor Russell” Why Hated By The Clergy! Why Loved by the Common People! All through this sermon, Rutherford bashed the clergy.


 Now back to the “The Fall of Babylon” tract. Basically, this sermon is an excerpt from “The Finished Mystery” book and basically that is why the tract was banned because its connection with the book.


 Here are some powerful excerpts from the tract on page2, Column 3, in the last two full paragraphs: “…here also the symbolic term “Babylon” applies not only to the great religious organization, Papal and Protestant, but also, in widest since, to all Christendom.


 Hence this day of Judgment upon Mystic Babylon is the day of Judgment upon all the nations of Christendom; its calamities involve the entire structure –civil, special and religious; and individuals will be affected by it to the extent of their interest in, and dependence upon, its arrangements.”

 On page 4, column 3, paragraph 5, it mentions regarding Revelation 18:21: “For a time ecclesiasticism has been lifted by the people to great heights. Experiencing a sudden conviction of their error in so doing, and of the truly devilish character of the system, the masses will turn upon her and she shall cast into the sea-that is, overwhelmed in a flood of anarchy. The masses of the people, no longer ignorantly stupefied as during the Dark Ages, but awakening to the true situation, will execute upon Babylon the Great the judgment of the Lord. She shall be cast like a great millstone into the sea, never to rise again. The sea represents masses of the people and especially the restless discontented class. And thus shall great Babylon perish from the earth and her name shall be forgotten forever.”


 Blood Thirsty Reverend Reid


 Around June of 1918, there was a council meeting regarding banning of I.B.S.A. in Victoria, British Columbia. Here is what was in the article of their local newspaper: “Mayor Todd informed the committee that Chief of Police John Langley said there was no evidence of sedition in the ranks of the Bible Students here, and City Prosecutor C. L.  Harrison had made it clear that without suck evidence no action could be taken…L.C. Edwards, A.H. Baker and Clifford Roberts, the latter being the principal spokesman.

 The article goes on and says: While Mr. Roberts was talking everything seemed to be in the Bible Students favor…It appeared as though Mr. Roberts was not to be challenged, but the storm began to to brew when Rev. Dr. Reid, of Mount Temple, previously unnoticed and R.B. Price, who had also, been regarded as merely an interested listener, threw themselves into a heated tirade against the Bible Students.”

 Article later says: “Mr. Chandler stated that the purpose of the Bible Students was merely to disseminate religion and to remove false doctrines and delusions hatched back in the Dark Ages-to prove the truth in God’s word. In this task, he said, it was natural that they should have incurred the wrath of certain classes who had seized their opportunity to denounce the ideals founded by Pastor Russell as pro-German… He went on to say that the tenets of his organization did not actually forbid enlisting that question being left out the individual. If fighting was against their religion, they would have been granted exemption, as had been done with the Quakers, Christadelphians and Plymouth Brethren. He said he and his association had no sympathy with the Kaiser, his acts or clams…”


  Here comes Reid turn: “Rev, Reid introduces himself as Evangelist who had lived in Winnipeg two years and here one year, who had also had long church experience in Great Britain and the United States. He maintained that it was not a question of religion, but a question of attitude towards the war and the Allies. He spoke of the Rutherford case and that a development in the trial was that Dr. Rutherford was against the principle of fighting and for that reason was oppose to the draft.”

 He goes on to say: “We are not concerned with their attitude about others fighting” declare Reid. “We want to know what they do. Are they willing to fight or do they merely seek the shelter and protection which others have given them by the sacrifice of blood and life? What can they be when their very leaders are opposed to the war? To oppose the war is to strike a blow for Germany. Those who are not for us are against us. There is no middle place in this war.”

 He later states: “We are the ones being persecuted,” cried Reid. “We are striving to win the war and making every sacrifice to win, yet you stab us in the back”


 Spokesman Roberts, in a calm manner responds to Reid: “We have no authority to stab anyone in the back” and he further said, “We are endeavoring to live a true Christian life.”


Honorable Rutherford vs. Secretary Burrell


  On February 12, 1918, “The Finished Mystery” and “Bible Students Monthly” was banned in Canada by Secretary State Marvin Burrell because 600 clergymen pushed to the government to it. On February 24, 1918, the Vancouver Branch protested and 2 days later British Columbia protested to Burrell about the banning of publications.

 But they were not the only ones who protested. The main one who protested was Joseph Rutherford. He did this on February 20, 1918. Believe it or not, it was a long but, somewhat spirit of anger, yet according to him it was not. I let you be the JUDGE of this. 


  Here is what he said in paragraph 2 in his letter: “Acting upon your advice of others, you recently issued warrants forbidding Canadian citizens to have in their possession a copy of THE BIBLE STUDENTS MONTHLY or “THE FINISHED MYSTERY” BOTH PUBLISHE BY THE International Bible Students Association and you did this on the theory that the same is German propaganda. In this you have grievously erred and have done a great injustice to the citizens in Canada, to say nothing about the gross wrong done our publications. You did not issue these warrants because you were convinced by primary evidence that the publications are pro-German. The presumption is that you are too busy in your official affairs at this their just rights and liberties time to give these publications a careful reading and you have depended upon someone else to advise you as to their contents. Whether you know it or not, a certain class of clergymen of Canada are the men who are conducting this campaign of slander and libel against the above publications.  The press of Canada to my personal knowledge has published statements from various clergymen that these publications would be called to the attention of the Government and suppressed as seditious, well knowing that they have no answer to the clear truths therein stated, which truths upset their pet theories, these clergymen have immediately “raised a great dust” by crying. “This propaganda is in the interest of the German Government.” Nothing is further from the truth.


  In paragraph 10 and 11, he says: “The great majority of clergy, imbued with desire for popularity and approval amongst men, seemingly have entirely neglected the duties of the high office which they assume. Instead of aiding in the work of properly enlightening the people concerning the teachings of the Bible, they are binding more fetters upon mankind and further keeping them in ignorance. Thus, blind guides are blindly leading the people on until they shall fall into the ditch. God pity them when their day of reckoning comes. According to the prophetic statements of the Lord’s Word, it will be a sorry day for them…The real cause of the uprising in Russia is that for many years the people have been priest-ridden by a bigoted, self-willed class of clergymen, who have unrighteously and improperly influenced the official powers to deny the people their just rights and liberties. The inevitable happened. The same thing will follow German and Austria and in other countries.”

  He continues in boldness with modesty in paragraph 17 and 18, in which he says: “Yielding to the influence of a selfish narrow-minded clergy, you are being used to deny the good people of Canada that to which they are not justly entitled, but which will bring comfort to their hearts. I am sure you would not wish to do this if you properly understood the matter…I beg to assure you of my kindness feelings toward you and everyone else. You have done a great injustice to us by branding us before the world as supporters of the murderous conduct of the Kaiser. The least you can do is to make known our position to the public and to withdraw the order issued by you and leave the verdict to the good judgment of the honest people of your great nation to determine whether or not these Scriptural explanations are seditious. To aid in reaching this conclusion we offer to distribute free of charge in different parts of Canada 200,000 copies of “The Finished Mystery.”



Objects of persecution by clergy


 After 8 months after Russell died, he was still being attacked. On June 15, 1917, William Van Amburgh wrote a letter to Victor E. Lawson a newspaper editor of “News” in Chicago. Illinois.


  While sending a booklet “Great Battle In The Ecclesiastical Heavens” by Joseph Rutherford and a “Memorial Number of the Watchtower”, Woodworth quote:”… One object we have in sending you theses Special Copies is that you may see for yourself how very wrong a considerable number of the Clergy can go in their opposition to a man who undoubtedly possessed the Key to a proper understanding of many Biblical questions upon which the Creeds of the Clergy are certainly in error.”


“Pastor Russell’s life was an open book; and while attacked only the errors of the Creeds, those who for years have been active in advocacy of the error, selfishly sought to assassinate his character.” Who ever thought that Bible Students would be next within a couple months in USA?


 In the September 29, 1920, Golden Age magazine on pages 712-717, has gruesome reports of around 231 Bible Students (most of them in USA) got persecuted in way or another during a time frame in February of 1918 to May of 1920. Who was behind most of this? CLERGY.



What Is The Finished Mystery?


 This was taken from a protest sheet from the Bible Students in Canada:


1.   It is an exposition of the hitherto unexplained books of Ezekiel and Revelation.

2. It is written in commentary form explaining every verse, sentence by sentence.

3. It contains numerous quotations from standard biblical authorities and thousands of scriptures references.

4. It reveals a prophetic indictment of the great religious systems of Christendom.

5. It also reveals the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of our day.

6. It foretells Divine Judgment upon these.




 Number Nine?


 We all know that there were eight gentlemen went to prison for breaking the Espionage Law, however there was a woman had a role in “The Finished Mystery” book too and her name was Gertrude Seibert. To what extent she had a role in it? Here is what I know.


  She did mention in her part 3 of her December 6, 1916, letter to the Executive Committee to Brother Russell permitted her to name the book and she mentioned this in the December 1,1917, Watchtower under the subheading: “Love And Zeal Never More Manifest” in the Watchtower Reprint page 6179, paragraphs 5 and 6.


  As a secretary of the book, occasionally she would receive writings of the book at Hotel Margaret in Brooklyn, New York through Clayton Woodworth. Being a secretary and proof reader of the book, did she had any role of adding of changing any words? Who knows? 


 Much is said in the court transcript on pages 605 and 606 and Exhibit C, on page 1302.

   Gertrude Seibert had a direct role in the book of naming and supervising it too. She should have been number nine going to prison, but somehow her name was mostly keep out of the hearings and was not prosecuted too. WHEW!!!




-Hon. J. F. Rutherford Stands Squarely with President Wilson-

 This article was printed in an unknown date in the Boston. Here are some excerpts from paragraph 1: “In a sensational address to more than 3,000 people in the Hippodrome yesterday afternoon, Judge J.F. Rutherford of New York, who has been accused of being pro-German propagandist, place himself squarely with President Wilson and the United States government, and denounced those who had accused him of pro-Germanism”

 If you read further down, it goes on to say: Judge Rutherford address was, in large part as follows:


“To correct the false impression created in the minds of the people by my critics I preface my argument with the following statement:

 “…We have been charged with circulating ‘Hun propaganda’   and being disloyal to the government of the United States. Such charges are base and foul, without a semblance of truth…I am not against the government. I recognized the government of the United States as the best we have experienced. I hold that it is the duty of every citizen to be obedient to the law. No Christian can be a willful lawbreaker. Neither I nor any one of our associations has received one penny from any German source, nor are there any pro-German among us. Such charge is silly.”


 Under the subheading: “Food Shortage” in paragraph 2, he blasted the clergy saying: “The clergy (stars) have fallen from their exalted position as teachers of the Divine Word have aligned themselves with ordinary politicians of the world”

 Under the subheading: “Bible Holds Out Hope”,  he mentioned about religious intolerance: “Religious intolerance in the land of the free and home of the brave is hardly imaginable: but such intolerance as has been shown by many in their persecution of the Bible student in the last few weeks throughout the country finds a precedent only in the dark ages. We warn the people of this free land against the encroachments of those who seek to suppress everything that does not suit their own schemes. These people most know the truth.”


 Millions Now Living May Never Die


  Being a fellow believer Jehovah, we always hear the term: “Millions Now Living Will Never Die” But that was not the original title. The original title was: “Millions Now Living May Never Die” and was changed about a week later to “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.”

 On February 24, 1918, Joseph Rutherford gave a talk entitled: “The World Has Ended – Millions Now Living May Never Die.” The full report was in the Los Angeles Tribune on the next day.  This talk seems to be good to hear for all. However, some didn’t like what he said and within a week the Army Intelligence Bureau of Los Angeles raided the Los Angeles headquarters and took possession of publications and a week later the publication was given back. And was behind this? Read on and you will find out.


 I think parts of the talk were sent to the Government Canada. The subheading was: “BOLSHEVIKI MAY SPREAD” and this is what it basically says in paragraph one: “Already the revolution has afflicted Russia, and the Bolsheviki threaten to carry the fight into all the earth. Germany will not be conquered by the British American and other allied armies, because before that can be accomplished internal disruptions will destroy the German autocracy, and then, according to Mr. Wilson, there will be no occasion to fight the German people.


 Paragraph 2 and 3 bashes the clergy: “As class according to the scriptures the clergymen are the most reprehensible on earth for the great war that is now afflicting mankind. For 1,000 years they have taught the people the satanic doctrine of the divine right of kings to rule. They have mixed politics and religion, church and state; have proved disloyal to their God-given privilege of proclaiming the Messiah’s kingdom. And have given themselves over to encouraging the rulers to believe that the kings reigns by divine right, and therefore whatever he does is right.  So thoroughly has this been impressed upon men that the great law writer, Blackstone, incorporated in his commentaries: “The king can do no wrong” Under this subheading:




  It mentions: “Ambitious kings of Europe armed for war, because they desired to grab the territory of other peoples; and the clergy patted them on the back and said: “Go to it, you can do no wrong: whatever you do is all right.” When the time came for these ambitious European rulers to rush to war, the clergy applauded and approved.”


Plan for more Locusts


 Here is what Joseph Rutherford wrote to Clayton Woodworth on December 7th 1917

“The Lord’s blessing seems to be upon the work of the Seventh Volume. Today I signed a contract which brings the edition, when finished, up to 850,000 volumes…. I have in mind now a scheme which we are trying to put in operation to organize the whole United States, putting approximately 300 managers in the field and 10,000 assistants to make the drive. We need more strength than we have by about a thousand percent.”


4 Million Copies

 The publications back then were printed into the thousands, but not GA #27 or Golden Age #27. This September 29, 1920, Golden Age was printed in 4 MILLION COPIES!!


 This hot magazine was exposing over a hundred instances of persecution of Bible Students back by the clergy who names were mentioned between1917-1920. See the Proclaimers Book p.578,579 and the box on page 70 too.


 There is no doubt the Jehovah’s Spirit was behind this with the rotary press of the “Old Battle Ship” too.


Canada Was Shaken

  Yes, Canada and other nations were shaken off their feet because of “The Finished Mystery” book, however there were problems before and while the book was released. Here are some excerpts on some letters that was going around among the government, clergy and others.

  In August 21st 1916, before the “The Finished Mystery” was released W. D. Scott the Superintendent of Immigration wrote to Chief Press Censor of Canada,  Ernest Chambers and saying in the 2nd paragraph:  “ When the matter came to my attention, I discussed it with Colonel Sherwood, and as it was quite evident that one of Russell’s tenets is opposition to military service, for some reason which he does not explain, I concluded, and Colonel Sherwood was of the same mind, that on general principle  Pastor Russell should be kept out of Canada and not allowed to Lecture or otherwise influence young men against doing their duty at a time like this. Both Colonel Sherwood and I concluded that we had enough of Pastor Russell’s kind already in the country without the necessity for importing more trouble and opposition…”

  When the book came out, the clergy was involved with the government. Here is what Chambers wrote to Rev.  E. A. Cook on February 8, 1918, on paragraphs 1 and 5,  “On November the 18th last you wrote the Minister of Militia drawing his attention to the objectionable character of the literature  issued in connection with what is known as the Pastor Russell Movement or the International Bible Student Association”


 Paragraph 5, he goes on to says regarding the attacks coming from the book “The Finished Mystery” and “Bible Students Monthly”: “I consider that the bitter attacks in those publications upon the Churches of all denominations, without distinction, are noteworthy, even of the statements embodied in these attacks cannot be described as “military objectionable”. The Canadian Churches of all denominations, Christian and Jewish alike, rendered and are rendering invaluable service to the Country in sustaining a courageous and stout-hearted national spirit, a matter of the most vital importance from a military point of view. In fact, a loyal military spirit is one of the most importance assets of a County at a time like this. The Churches of Canada have been incessantly active in the encouragement of every national patriotic and benevolent effort having any relation the prosecution of the War and they have freely and ungrudgingly contributed of their very best in manhood and womanhood to the national cause. I consider that the Churches of the Country have by their systematically patriotic organization actively and usefully co-operating in the successful prosecution of the war, and such they are entitled to protection against such outrageous attacks as those contained in the publications of the so-called Pastor Russell Movement attacks due to the fact the Churches have patriotically dine their duty.”


  On February 20th 1918, Rutherford wrote a 5-page letter to Martin Burrell, Secretary of State of Canada. In the beginning of the letter was bold, yet ended softly. Here is the bold part, it is on paragraph 2: “Acting upon the advice of others, you recently issued warrants forbidding Canadian citizens to have in their possessions a copy of THE BIBLE STUDENTS MONTHLY or “The Finished Mystery,” both published by the International Bible Students Association; and you did this on the theory that the same is German propaganda. In this you have grievously arred and have done a great injustice to the citizens of Canada to say nothing about the gross wrong done our publications. You did not issue these warrants because you were convinced by primary evidence that the publications are pro-German. The presumption is that you are too busy in your official affairs at this time to give these publications a careful reading and you have depended upon someone else to advice you as to their contents. Whether you know it not, a certain class of clergymen of Canada are the men who are conducting this campaign of slander and libel against the above publications. The press of Canada, to my personal knowledge, has published statements from various clergymen that these publications would be called to attention of the Government and suppressed as seditious. Well, knowing that they have no answer to the clear truths therein stated, which truths upset their pet theories, these clergymen have immediately “raised a great dust” by crying, “This propaganda is in the interest of the German Government.” Nothing is further from the truth.”

  Here is what Chambers wrote to Secretary of State Marvin Burrell on March 13, 1918, regarding the Bible Student Monthly.
 Chambers says: With reference to our conversation of this morning on the subject of the publications of the Bible Students Association, I might state that I am receiving of the section taken to prevent the circulation in Canada of this objectionable literature. The attempt of the Bible Student people to throw the blame for official action in this matter upon the churches and clerical influence is most ridiculous. It is true that the attacks contained in “The Finished Mystery” and “The Bible Students Monthly” upon the clergy og the recognized churches on account of loyal co-operation with the Government in connection with the prosecution pf the War are objectionable, but, as a matter fact all of Pastor Russell’s publications I have examined myself or had examined contain just as bitter attacks upon the clergy as any printed in “The Finished Mystery…”

 On April 1, 1918, W.E Brown for Canadian Branch wrote to Chief Press Censor Chambers regarding a petition that the Bible Students were carrying out at the time, and it was bold, he what he said to Chambers in paragraph 2: “I regret my dear sir that you find it necessary to make such wholesale charges against us, and the petition campaign which is being carried on by our members at the present time. I can quite understand that you as an officer of the government would be in duty bound to view any action of the government as being the proper thing to do under the circumstances. However, you know that in every country in the world where democracy has any foothold at all, there is an opposition party, and when any question of importance arises both sides are permitted to state their case with all the power at their command. You of course believe that an act of justice has been done in “banning” the Finished Mystery and the Bible Students Monthly, and you have your reasons for your course. Now we believe an act of injustice has been done and we have our reasons for our course.”

 On April 5th, 1918, Mrs. Armstrong the secretary from Edmonton Branch of I.S.B.A. wrote to Chambers regarding how the Bible Students view in Germany, under the sub heading “A WARING AGIANST MILILLENIAL SECT” The Consistory of Kiel (Holstein, Germany) is calling attention of the (Lutheran) Priests to the activities carried on by the millennial sect which calls itself “The Watch Tower Bible Tract Society” and also “Bible students Association”


  The Imperial War Department  has recently requested us to keep a watchful eye on the activities of this Sect which consists in selling the writings of the founder the recently deceased Pastor Russell of Brooklyn, North America, and untiring propaganda work accomplished with American money. The Consistory does therefore call the Priest attention to this Sect and requests that they take action against it and report to the Consistory their observations of its dangerous activities.’


 She goes on to mentioned on her letter on page 2, of paragraph 4, quoted about the clergy: “The reference to “Scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites” we apply to just the same terms and meaning as given by our dear Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, since there is in Canada, and other countries, the same class to-day, only in much larger numbers, who are endeavoring  to please their crimes and wrong doings on the shoulders of our Lord Jesus and are endeavoring with all their right, influence and power to oppose out ministry in God’s Word and slander and persecute all who do not agree with them. These “have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof,” and from such we gladly turn away”

  Now this is interesting, on Thursday July 4th, Joseph Rutherford sends a letter a letter to Ernest Chambers, in which is believed to be the same day he was going to prison. Rutherford was bold regarding the clergy. This was the same day he went to prison.


 On page 2 paragraph 3, this is what he says: “As another illustration of the influence of the clergy, Mr. C. E. Heard, a citizen of Canada, was advertised to give a lecture at Guelph, Ontario, under the auspices of the Bible Students. Mayor newsstand instructed Chief Randall to forbid the meeting. The press report says, “The order of the Mayor follow a visit to His Worship today of Rev. W. D.  Spence, President of the Ministerial Association, who protested against the meeting,” etc. I think an effort to prove to the people of Canada that the clergy did not start this trouble, using all the influence they had to suppress the book, would fail. I could submit an abundance of proof along the same line if it were deemed necessary, but I merely mention these facts to show the real source of opposition.


   In some parts of Asia were shaken from this book. Here is what the Intelligence Officer at Singapore says in February of 1919 under the letters subheading “The Finished Mystery”. He goes on to say in paragraph 2 &3: “…The authorities in Canada considered the society was financed by Germany and proscribed all the literature; a similar course of action was taken in India and Ceylon… “The Finished Mystery” preaches the dangerous doctrine that the war will result in world-wide anarchy, and reference is made over and over again to revolution and anarchy and the upsetting of Governments. It condemns the war and considers England equally to blame with Germany. It condemns the clergy from encouraging the man to enlist, and prophesies that they and their adherents will slain by millions in the welter of anarchy which follow by war.”


How Long???


  While testifying at the hearing under oath, secretary William Hudgings could not recall a certain incident that happed at Bethel with regarding two defendants. The court found his testimony untruthful and charged with contempt of court and put in jail. How long he was there is a problem.


 That is: According to the “Jehovah’s Witnesses In The Divine Purpose” book page 81, par.3, and the tract “The Case of the International Bible Students Association” page 4, column 3 at the bottom page mentions 6 months.


 However, according to “Rutherford v. United States (258 Federal Reporter)” page 862 toward to the bottom mentioned: “June 11, 1918, the witness was committed for contempt, and remained in prison until April 14, 1919.”


  If this is accurate, that would mean he was behind bars 9 months and 3 days. If he was in behind bars for 6 months, that means that he posted bail and was tried in October of 1918, sentenced behind bars and was released in April of 1919.


 According to Alex Macmillan, in his book “Faith On The March”, p.97, par 1, said: “Regarding guilty, he obtained an order release on bell but was unable to avail himself of it because he continued to be held under the commitment for contempt. In fact, the commitment directed that it should continue in force until the witness had purged himself of the contempt for which he was being punished. It was not until a writ of habeas corpus was allowed by the Supreme Court of the United States and the decision rendered in his favor that was released on bail December 12, 1918. Finally, April 14, 1919, ten months after his commitment.”


  No matter how long he was behind bars, a writ habeas corpus obtained to release him. It was granted by Supreme Court Chief Justice Edward White and he said that his contempt of court was “outrageous, unfair and unwarranted.”





 Many thinks Joseph Rutherford was never a judge, yet let them feel that way. Here is one message was sent to him by W. B. Conkey Company on March 5th, 1918:

 Honorable J. F. Rutherford

    Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society,

      124 Columbia Heights

       Brooklyn, New York


Dear Sir:


 We receive you telegram of even data, which reads:



           (Signed) H. F. RUTHERFORD, President,

                                    WATCH TOWER


 Once a Judge, always a Judge.




What would Honorable Rutherford have said?

  According to the court transcript on page 555, Fisher testify that, Joseph Rutherford wrote the preface of the book. But what would he say if he wrote any comments on Revelation or Ezekiel?


 Around later 1915 or in early 1916, Honorable Rutherford wrote a 12 pages booklet entitled: “ –Militarism- How Will Be Forever Destroyed”. It is pretty interesting what he said in the booklet and it is similar what is commented in “The Finished Mystery” book.


  Starting on page 1, paragraph 1, he quotes: “The question we have for consideration here is uppermost in the minds of a majority of this thinking people of earth. For more than a year millions of men have been upon the battle field engaged in a deadly conflict. Thirty millions of men are there now. Other millions are occupied in manufacture  of  ammunition…”


 In paragraph 3, he mentions: “In July 1914, the countries of Europe were in an extremely nervous condition. Internal labor and governmental questions were threatening the peace and tranquility of Great Britain; Socialism was menacing Germany, while revolution was fomenting in Russia.


 Regarding United States getting involved in the war, on page 2, paragraph 1, he mentions: “…Already the United States in a measure is engaged in the war. Our laws recognize that there is no difference between killing a man and providing a man with a gun with which to kill, knowing that he intends so to use it. The United States is supplying the gun full of Knowledge.”


  On paragraph 4, he says: “When the war began I was in Hamburg Germany. The people of that beautiful city were quietly pursuing their respective vocations at 3 o’clock the order of mobilization of the army was posted. I saw fathers, sons and brothers being hurriedly taken from their homes and rushed to the front. I saw mother, wives and children, sad of countenance and with tear-stained faces hurrying through the streets to wave their loved ones good – bye as they rushed to the battlefield to die…”


 On paragraph 5 and 6, he bluntly says: “… Business men were crying in induce their younger employees to got to the front; placards marked every station or moving vehicle urging young men to enlist; young girls occupied in persuading the young men to go to war; and, worst: of all, preachers claiming to be the representatives if Messiah’s Kingdom, urging young men to enlist, marry and beget children, and then go to the front, that there might be other generations to war after the present one is gone. The people of the Colonies of Great Britain have sent thousands of their sons to battle, yet of all the people on the earth that stop to calmly consider the situation none of them really want war…It is apparent to those who think, that the United States, persisting in her present course, will ere long be actively engaged in the bloody conflict..”


  On page 8, paragraph 5, he boldly says: “…For this reason we state, that there is no earthy power that can now prevent the United States from being involved in great and final conflict. Mr. Bryan and others seeing that preparedness for war means war, are diligently working to prevent preparedness. Their efforts are honest and praiseworthy, but they cannot succeed. The doom of Babylon is sealed. The United States composes a part of Babylon.”


 What is interesting, that about 11 different “The Bible Students Monthly” came out in 1917, what caught my attention and bold was that of Volume 9, number 5 had two sermons in it and was by Joseph Rutherford. One was “Why Do The Nations War?” and “Pastor Russell: Why Hated By The Clergy! Why Loved By The Common People!” A similar article on the sermon on Russell is found in the May 1, 1917 WT Reprint pages 6078-6082.

 When was the releasing of this tract? It was mentioned in the May 15, 1917, WT, Reprint page 6091, that orders was putting in for this tract. And it was advertising the full 7 volumes of the “Study in the Scriptures on page 3.  So, it is my guess that Rutherford had some input in some of these sermons in the “The Bible Students Monthly. How about the very strong tract “The Bible Students Monthly” Vol. 9 number 9, “The Fall of Babylon” and the first 3 powerful “Kingdom News” tracts in 1918? Did Rutherford have an input in this? Maybe.

 Plus, I have more about this topic under “The Bible Students Monthly”


Collision Course

  In 1918, probably unknown to the Bible Students, Government and Clergy was heading toward into a collision course. On March 15, 1918, a two-page tract Kingdom News 1 was released from the Bible Students with Subheadings of

  1. Religious Intolerance
  2. Treatment of Bible Students smacks of the “Dark Ages”

Basically, the tract was bringing out that the Bible Students are not against the Government and the Draft, and being persecuted in Germany too.


 A month later April 15, 1918 another tract came out and it was harder and it was bashing the clergy. It subheadings were:

  1. The Finished Mystery’ And Why Suppressed
  2. Clergymen Take a Hand
  3. Why Opposed By The Clergy
  4. Religious Intolerance Of Modern Clergy
  5. Clergy Inspired Persecution
  6. Clergy Cries “Huns Propaganda”
  7. Bible Hopes Anger Clergy

 A half month later, another 2 page tract “Kingdom News #3” came out for distribution on May 1st, 1918. Basically, this was the icing on the cake. This tract was very hard with its subheadings. They were:


  1. Two Great Battled Raging
  2. Fall of Autocracy Certain
  3. Satanic Strategy Doomed To Failure
  4. The Birth of Antichrist
  5. Seed of Promise
  6. War Between The “Seeds”
  7. The Kaiser And The Pope
  8. Strange Bedfellows
  9. Cause of Religious Intolerance
  10. Why The Churches Failed
  11. Who Is Babylon
  12. Their judgment

 Around this time, Rutherford was warned a couple of days before that he and 7 others will be arrested and a week later, they were.


Brooklyn Eagle


The Brooklyn Eagle on August 21, 1918. Article “Buchner Gets Gold Metal” reads:


 “When Assistant United States District Attorney Charles J. Buchner took up the investigation leading in the arrest and conviction of the Russellites, Chief Deputy Marshall William H. Parry said to him: ‘Charlie, if you convict these people I will give a medal’. Mr. Buckner paid little attention to the remark. The medal arrived today. It was a gold badge, bearing the coat-of-arms of the United States and the words ‘Charles J. Buckner, Assistant United States Attorney, eastern District, New York’, on it. ‘Pretty white of Bill, hey? He asked to day of all to whom he showed the badge.”


J. Edgar Hoover


 What does J. Edgar Hoover had to deal with the book? Maybe nothing, but who knows? Here is what I know. During 1918, there were letters sent between Joseph Rutherford and John O’ Brian the head of the War Emergency Division. Basically O’Brien was out to get Rutherford and others a matter of fact, according to September 29, 1920, page 712. Par. 2, “The Golden Age” magazine, it mentions that “While these men [8 brothers] were in jail their friends circulated a petition calling upon the authorities to grant them bail or a retrial. Mr. John Lord O’Brian contrary to all precedent known to American legal ethics , sent circular letters throught the county defended his position in the prosecution of these men.”  Basically, he viewed them as being a poisonous influence to others and as being German Agents too. But it doesn’t end here.


 On July 25, 1917, J. Edgar Hoover was hired in the Department of Justice. By the end of the year on December 14, 1917, the name “Mr. Hoover, special agent” appeared for the first time in an O’Brian memorandum. How much Hoover was involved with the Bible Students if any I don’t know


 Throughout the years Hoover had his eyes on the old man Judge Rutherford. We can see this here:



The Verdict


 The case ended on June 20th 1918, and went to the jury around 5:20 P.M. and at 10:20 the same night a verdict of "Guilty"!  A day later June 21, 1918, around noon time the sentence was 2O years in prison for 7 of them and later 10 years was given to De Cecca.. Just before the Judge pronounced sentence Clayton Woodworth leaned over to Joseph Rutherford and whispered into this ear and said: "Imagine yourself in the place of the dear Redeemer, or of one the martyrs of truth whose blood stains the pages of history. see yourself in the mist of your enemies-persecuted, hated, reviled-conscious of your innocence, of the singleness of your purpose and righteousness of your cause. See your-self with hands tied, your accusers clamoring for your life, your judge unable to stem the tide of human ignorance and passion. Realize that though they may take your life, they can not ignore the new creature, nor force you to renounce your faith, nor be unfaithful to yourself or to your cause."


  On July 4th they were head to Atlanta Georgia to serve their sentence.

 General Bell

  General Bell meets with two brothers William Edwin Van Amburgh and Joseph Franklin Rutherford. Bell told them about conference of a large number clergyman in Philadelphia in 1917 and tried to introduce a bill to have all cases of those who go against the Espionage Law tried before a military court with the death penalty imposed as punishment. Bell mentioned: “That the bill did not pass, because Wilson prevented it; but we know how to get you, and we are going to do it.” Rutherford respond to Bell: General, you know where to find me.” August 23, 1939, Consolation page 5, paragraph 6.


 Who is perfect?


 Who is perfect? Nobody. The proof is in Romans 5:12. It reads:”… and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned.” With all the disputes going on at Bethel in 1917; did anybody handle it perfectly? No. Here is what Brother Rutherford says and it is taken from an article: “Annual Meeting of Shareholders” January 15, 1918 WT, Reprint page 6202, under the subheading: “President Remarks” paragraph 1: “… that he deeply regretted the misunderstanding and trouble that followed; that he realized his imperfections and was aware that he made many mistakes, but that he still believed his action in filling the vacancies on the Board was entering right and proper.


Wartime Service Periods

 Recently what caught my attention was how Veteran Affairs consider War Time Periods. The list is:

  1. Mexican Border Period
  2. World War 1
  3. World War 2
  4.  Korean War
  5. Vietnam War
  6.  Gulf War

What is interesting, the Mexican Border Period covers: May 9, 1916, through April 5, 1917. During this period much of “The Finish Mystery” was written.


  For World War 1, it covers: April 6, 1917, through Nov. 11, 1918; for veterans served in Russia, April 6, 1917, through April 1, 1920; extended through July 1, 1921. During this period, the “The Finished Mystery” book was finished, printed sent out to the public along with 4 powerful tracts, some went to prison and jails because of this and hundred were persecuted because of this.


  Only if the brothers knew what was going on regarding what was happened in Mexico and Russia; they would wonder how in the world could they have be charged of any account.


How a Christian Suffer


 On June 28, 1918, while in Long Island City jail, Rutherford wrote to the Bethel Family and it appears in the July 15, 1918 WT in the Reprint page 6298.


  Moreover, he wrote another letter on July 3, 1918, a day before heading to prison in Atlanta Georgia. This letter was taken from one of the Bible Students journals “The National Labor Tribune” and the name of the letter was “How a Christian Suffer” This letter was personal and touching too.


  Rutherford mentions about the “The Finished Mystery”, he mentioned: “The book was published at a time of much opposition to the Society and its management. It was born in travail. The adversary has opposed the progress of the work of the Lord. We are not all surprised to find the storm raging about as at the time. Almost day and night we labored to get the book out and to you.


  He goes on to mention: “We felt that the Seventh Volume must go out before the harvest closed. My attention was directed to Jeremiah 51:60-64. I understand it to mean that Volume Seven must go to the people; hence the organization to distribute it and the pushing of the work.”


 Regarding Satan’s dupes, Rutherford mention: “We are advised that seven who opposed the Society and its work during the past year attended upon the trial, and lend aid to our prosecutors.”


 Basically Rutherford concluded with this: “Sorrow not for us, dear saints; for we are in the Lord’s hands ….We may not again see you in flesh. We commend you to the gracious and loving arms of our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ."


An Entertaining Book?


 According to April 6, 1918, Independent Magazine on page 8, at the bottom mentioned: “Another America amusement, besides skating, feasting or theater going has been banned by the war. The interpretation of prophesy, in which our forefathers took such delight, is prohibited-that if the interpretation points to pacifism. Pastor Russell’s posthumous work on “The Finished Mystery” dealing, we are told- for we disclaim having a copy-with the Books of Revelation, has been confiscated in Canada and United States.


Inside of Babylon the Great


 All through the years we seen drawings of the downfall of Babylon the Great on the outside, we see this in the:

  1. The Fall of Babylon Tract on page 4
  2. Divine Purpose book on page 75
  3. Proclaimers book on page 648

  What happens in the inside of Babylon the Great? With its drawings from some of it editions in “The Finished Mystery” book between pages 416 & 417 and the ZG magazine between the pages 132 & 133 has this:

How bold can they get?


 So, in conclusion, in my opening comment regarding “The Finished Mystery” being a crazy book, well I turn it down a notch, yet this book had some interesting comments. Here is one on page 229, regarding the winepress of God in Revelation 14:20. It says: “And the winepress. - The Seventh Volume of Scriptures Studies, the work will squeeze the juice out of the “Abominations of the earth”

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It's a lot to read so I made a summary


1) Publication and Financing:


"The Finished Mystery" was published in 1917, shortly after the death of Charles Taze Russell. It was financed partly by George Butterfield, who provided $5,000, and an unnamed individual who contributed $7,650 specifically for the book's publication.The book was printed without the approval of the Board of Directors, due to anticipated opposition.


2) Rutherford's Involvement:


Judge Joseph Rutherford played a significant role in the book's publication. He acted swiftly to avoid delays caused by opposition from other board members.Rutherford coordinated the financing and ensured the book was mailed out quickly to Bible Students worldwide.


3) Controversial Content:


The book included additions and modifications during its preparation, some of which were made after the U.S. entered World War I on April 6, 1917.Certain pages (e.g., 247-253, 406, 407, 469, and 289) contained content that was later deemed objectionable by the government, especially in the context of the Espionage Act of June 15, 1917. Specific references and comments on the war and conscription were highlighted during the trial.


4) Legal Issues:


The book's content led to legal troubles for Rutherford and others, resulting in their imprisonment due to their neutral stance during World War I.The government scrutinized various parts of the book, alleging violations of the Espionage Act.


5) ZG Magazine:


After the book was banned, Rutherford re-released its content in a magazine format known as the ZG edition in March 1918, which included additional powerful prefaces and articles.


6) Commentary on Religious Texts:


"The Finished Mystery" extensively references the writings of Charles Russell and scriptures from the Bible.It also includes rare commentaries on the Song of Solomon by Clayton Woodworth, who contributed significantly to the book's content.


7) Impact:


The book had a significant impact on the Bible Students community, with 30,000 copies released in the first week alone.

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