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"Not By A Military Force, Nor By Power...But By My SPIRIT..."

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53 minutes ago, Timl1980 said:

Jehovah is here with me...his spirit moves me to get back up...to square off and face everyone and everything that opposes him...and once again take my place in line next to all of you.

Even the ‘Energizer Bunny’ needs a recharge from time to time, and from who better can we get that ‘charge’ than from the ‘source of all dynamic energy, our heavenly father, Jehovah.  

“Lift up your eyes to heaven and see.

Who has created these things?

It is the One who brings out their army by number;

He calls them all by name.

Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power,

Not one of them is missing.


Thank you for this beautiful thought to start my day @Timl1980  

"Where the scriptures and and the slave are silent, I do not speak." :bible2:

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You know where you are, right @Timl1980?




https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/mp/r1/lp-e/cl/2022/66  <-- link, in case the picture has to be taken down, even though I linked it instead of copying it.  :whistling:


If Jehovah searches for the lost, and everyone in heaven rejoices for the one found, how much more so does He appreciate YOU, you who struggle to do what is right and to stay close to Him.  You know this already, of course, but perhaps printing out this picture and posting it somewhere will give you more strength on days you need it.  :thumbsup:


Whatever things in your past haunt you and bring you down....remember this: You don't live there anymore.  You are here now, in the present.  And like a present, every day is a gift from Jehovah...a chance to focus on the beauty that surrounds you and the blessings He bestows upon you.   Even if the blessing is just freedom from your past, because that in-and-of itself escapes many people.


No one forgives as great as Jehovah.  It's beyond our comprehension.  And I'm very thankful to have Him as my heavenly Father.

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2 hours ago, computerwiz said:

Whatever things in your past haunt you and bring you down....remember this: You don't live there anymore.  You are here now, in the present.  And like a present, every day is a gift from Jehovah...a chance to focus on the beauty that surrounds you and the blessings He bestows upon you.   Even if the blessing is just freedom from your past, because that in-and-of itself escapes many people.


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18 hours ago, Timl1980 said:

But to Jehovah...he saw the potential inside each one of us...he pulled us out of the landfill...and through the power of his word...he rebuilt us...from the inside out. He made us rechargeable...his word and our efforts to transform our lives gave us the power beyond what is normal!


But while we have the power...in and of ourselves...we are dead spiritually.


It's not US doing anything that recharges our batteries spiritually...we may study, we may go out in service...attend meetings and assemblies...but it's Jehovah's holy spirit that is projected and exerted on us...it's Jehovah's spirit that is the electric current flowing out of



This should be framed. Wonderful thoughts, brother Tim. 🙏😍


I was reading about Elijah in 1 Kings and how he was constantly on the run for his life, during the time when the Israelites had fallen into a really low spiritual state and Jezebel had killed hundreds of his fellow prophets. He had been on the run for his life, fleeing into the wilderness, and being sustained by ravens in a cave. Then after heading to Zarepeth to stay with the widow and her only son, he performed the miracle through Jehovah‘s power of the constant supply of food. Then during his stay, he must have felt incredible guilt at her only son dying, though it certainly wasn‘t Elijah’s fault. After pleading again to Jehovah, he was able to positively help this small family with Jehovah‘s help.


He had been fearful for his life, but was commissioned to appear before Ahab. After demonstrating the battle of the Baal gods vs. Jehovah and all the Baal prophets being killed, Jezebel threatened him beyond anything he could bear, causing him to flee again. Elijah battled all sorts of highs and lows. He fled again with his attendant, at some point leaving his attendant behind, going deeper into the wilderness in complete despair, and just wanted to die. He was tired, was old, had been constantly on the run from the constant threat, had experienced feelings of fear, perhaps self-blame, exhaustion and what seemed in his mind as hopelessness. Then reading at that point about how Jehovah sent his angel to sustain him, to have him rest, sleep, and then to imbue that much needed physical and spiritual strength was everything that Elijah needed. Exactly as you described that power beyond what is normal.


Thank you for sharing your difficult personal ups and downs, and the inspirational words you have so well expressed. You have a gift and is encouraging to see your personal hug from Jehovah.

Edited by Amygdala

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Brother Tim, I write the Wednesday scriptural thought each week and share it with a select group of friends worldwide. When I read your post, I thought of this one from a few weeks back. For reference, the congregation of brothers and sisters is my family, and I call them that. I hope you find it helpful:
Good morning family!!! I hope you're enduring with joy as this system takes its last breaths. Have you ever felt unnoticed, unloved, or wondered if what you’re doing really matters? In Haggai 2:7, Jehovah says the precious things of all the nations will come in. This reminds us that to Jehovah, each of his servants is like a treasured jewel, so valued that he lovingly calls them his “precious things.” Think about that for a moment. Jehovah, who created the entire universe, considers you precious. He knows the trials you face and the sacrifices you make to keep serving Him. Your prayers, your acts of kindness, and your efforts to stay spiritually strong—even on hard days—are deeply valued by him. Just as a jeweler takes time and care to polish each stone, Jehovah sees the potential in each of us and cherishes who we are becoming under his guidance. When life tries to convince you that your work goes unseen or unappreciated, remember this promise. You’re not just one of millions, Jehovah has selected you personally to be part of his people, and he delights in you. Every time you show love, uphold your faith, or keep your integrity, it’s like you’re shining a little brighter in his eyes. Family, please don’t let anything shake your confidence in your value. Jehovah doesn’t just tolerate you; he treasures you. Stay close to Him, and he’ll help you see yourself the way He sees you: cherished, chosen, and deeply loved. I love you and hope you all have a wonderful day!!! ❤️🤗🦋🥰🌸🐨

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Tim, your post and honest heartfelt words on this topic reminds me a lot of a recent insight into myself that has really energized me as of late— thank you Jehovah! —and, btw, thank you for your very open and honest posting(s) and questions to the forum in general.


My personal insight connects with the recent WT's we've had about forgiveness and being forgiven; and the issue is for me in a word: frustration. To explain: I had a great morning spiritually yesterday, then due to circumstances (that are too long to explain and really beside the point) I started getting "spiritual clouds" of the negative sort. I was getting frustrated and sour in my mood and honestly, I couldn't pray to Jehovah about it. After apologizing in prayer about that before bed, I realized this morning that my "issue" emotionally-speaking (which affects our spirit of course) was I wasn't giving the frustration to Jehovah and that in itself was causing negative feelings in me against Jehovah. 'Wow ...' I told myself this morning '... really? Somehow this frustration I feel is Jehovah's fault?'.


I guess this comes about with the recent WT's on resolving doubts and now this weekend's topic on how to respond to injustices. This I think helped bring me to the point of seeing a large source of my energies were in connection with frustrating circumstances in my life. And the fix, the lesson: Negative emotions like frustration, or any other spirit-draining or 'drag' on our spirituality, that are not dealt with in a timely manner with our Heavenly Father—or in any relationship for that matter—become wedges that 'makes room for the Devil' in our heart. The negativity can potentially boomerang back onto others, or worse, somehow direct anguished thoughts towards Jehovah in a negative way. Or at least that's what appears to be the case for me anyway.


Just one more thought on this negative emotion topic: As well all know, Satan delights to see us frustrated, feeling oppressed, and all other feelings that weigh us down emotionally. But Jehovah is never the source of it. Those negative feelings we should do the best we can to leave behind for Jehovah to deal with, putting our trust more fully in him for their resolution.

'Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has achieved in life as by the obstacles overcome'—Booker T. Washington

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I’m deeply moved by the thoughts shared here, especially the reminder that Jehovah treasures each one of us as his “precious things” (Haggai 2:7). The honesty and vulnerability shown remind me of how Jehovah lovingly provides what we need when we need it most.


Reflecting on recent comments about frustration and spiritual “clouds,” I was reminded of Psalm 34:17-18: “They cried out, and Jehovah heard; he rescued them from all their distresses. Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted; he saves those who are crushed in spirit.” It’s comforting to know Jehovah sees the weight we carry and instructs us to lean on him, promising to sustain us through these challenges (Psalm 55:22). <- my favorite


Sometimes, when emotions like frustration or self-doubt creep in, they can distort our thinking, leading us to believe we are failing or unworthy. But these feelings are never from Jehovah. As 1 John 3:20 reminds us, “If our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts and knows all things.” Jehovah understands our struggles better than we do and never abandons us in those moments.


To whoever may feel overwhelmed, please know that Jehovah values every effort you make to draw close to him, even in difficult circumstances. And as has been beautifully shared here, negative emotions lose their power when we turn them over to Jehovah in prayer and trust him to provide peace and direction.


Thank you all for the encouragement and support you give to one another—it’s a privilege to be part of such a loving family.

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On 12/26/2024 at 3:08 AM, Amygdala said:



This should be framed. Wonderful thoughts, brother Tim. 🙏😍


I was reading about Elijah in 1 Kings and how he was constantly on the run for his life, during the time when the Israelites had fallen into a really low spiritual state and Jezebel had killed hundreds of his fellow prophets. He had been on the run for his life, fleeing into the wilderness, and being sustained by ravens in a cave. Then after heading to Zarepeth to stay with the widow and her only son, he performed the miracle through Jehovah‘s power of the constant supply of food. Then during his stay, he must have felt incredible guilt at her only son dying, though it certainly wasn‘t Elijah’s fault. After pleading again to Jehovah, he was able to positively help this small family with Jehovah‘s help.


He had been fearful for his life, but was commissioned to appear before Ahab. After demonstrating the battle of the Baal gods vs. Jehovah and all the Baal prophets being killed, Jezebel threatened him beyond anything he could bear, causing him to flee again. Elijah battled all sorts of highs and lows. He fled again with his attendant, at some point leaving his attendant behind, going deeper into the wilderness in complete despair, and just wanted to die. He was tired, was old, had been constantly on the run from the constant threat, had experienced feelings of fear, perhaps self-blame, exhaustion and what seemed in his mind as hopelessness. Then reading at that point about how Jehovah sent his angel to sustain him, to have him rest, sleep, and then to imbue that much needed physical and spiritual strength was everything that Elijah needed. Exactly as you described that power beyond what is normal.


Thank you for sharing your difficult personal ups and downs, and the inspirational words you have so well expressed. You have a gift and is encouraging to see your personal hug from Jehovah.

Love the account of Elijah, my favorite prophet.  Jehovah let him rest when he was at his lowest low, then sent an angel to bring him hot bread.  Hot bread makes everything better, even though Elijahwas not Portuguese.

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