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Saleem: Hillary Clinton to Shut Churches Down Next Year

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He had all kinds of unique insights to share, but I found this one especially interesting. According to Saleem, whose real name is Khodor Shami, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is currently working with Islamic countries and the United Nations to "subjugate American people to be arrested and put to jail and their churches and synagogues shut down." All of this, he said, will happen early next year -- March, at the latest.

Values Voter Summit attendees, instead of turning to one another and asking, "What on earth is this strange man talking about?" actually cheered Saleem's bizarre conspiracy theories.


Conspiracy theories or what?

I am excited if the start of the GT will be in March. :pray::P

Modesty is not something we can simply define in a way that suits us.


Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.

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First off, if Pres Obama does not win the election, Clinton will not be Secretary of State.

Second, Clinton has already said that if Obama wins, she is stepping down as Secretary of State.

Either way, she is not going to be Secretary of State come next March.


"Hillary Clinton swears: Being secretary of state is her last political job.


Clinton, 63, told CNN Wednesday she will not serve another term overseeing the State Department, even if President Obama wins reelection in 2012.

She also said she has no interest in any other government positions after she leaves.

Clinton has been mentioned as a possible successor to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who has told Obama he is stepping down this year.

She quickly quashed the speculation, flatly answering "no" when asked if she was interested in being secretary of defense, vice president or President."


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Good riddance!

I had this thought in the back of my mind - if President Obama looked like he was loosing, something "magical" would happen to his VP - Joe Biden (like he got real sick or heart trouble) and he would ask Hilary to be the VP and that would move him UP in the polls. But right now - Governor Romney seems to be doing a "bang up job" at self-destructing his own campaign, so I doubt the old "switcheroo" will happen.

I will be happy when all of this over Nov 6th. There is almost exactly a 50 / 50 mix of iron and clay in this country - ensuring no cooperation will happen - until Jehovah puts it into their minds.

And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of molded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. 43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with molded clay.

COME ON :44 - wait - isn't President Obama #44 hhmmmm - why didn't I see that earlier :lol1:


Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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In the US they start their re-election campaign right after they win their current race. So for president, the campaign is 4 years long long long.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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Obama supporters are a lot like Apple fans. It doesn't matter what the product is like, they are loyal to the brand! :)

If any other president was running for reelection with these kinds of unemployment numbers in this kind of economy, he wouldn't stand a chance!

This is why only a theocracy will ever work to govern humans, come on Kingdom! :)

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Obama supporters are a lot like Apple fans. It doesn't matter what the product is like, they are loyal to the brand! :)

If any other president was running for reelection with these kinds of unemployment numbers in this kind of economy, he wouldn't stand a chance!

This is why only a theocracy will ever work to govern humans, come on Kingdom! :)

With the terrible economy and unemployment #s I am SHOCKED that Governor Romney isn't WAY ahead in the polls, but instead he seems to be trailing slightly. I don't get it.

The only thing I can come up with as an answer is Dan 2: - there really is a 50/50 split here of iron and clay and nothing seems to change that. They won't stick together. Even a terrorist attack didn't move the needle this time.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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With the terrible economy and unemployment #s I am SHOCKED that Governor Romney isn't WAY ahead in the polls, but instead he seems to be trailing slightly. I don't get it.

Don't believe the polls. They are a product of the left-wing press! :)

I love watching this stuff unfold! Whoever gets in there, even though they "may" be sincere, will not be able to keep their promises or make any lasting changes. Also, whoever wins might be the last president of the last world power. (please, please)

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There is NO way FoxNews could be considered - left leaning:

126963=7092-poll1.JPG source - http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/index.html I hoped that this was the last one, but I am OK if who ever wins next is the last one :yes::offtopic: (King of offtopic) I had a friend that just went to a course about stock market trading. It was 2 days long and an additional 18 weeks of "on-line" training, tests, etc The instructors told the class - they (the big wall street traders) expect the monetary system - not just dollar - to collapse by 2016. They feel there is no way ALL these countries can continue printing money the way they have and it not all come tumbling down. And now with Japan saying they too are printing more - http://money.cnn.com/2012/09/19/news/world/japan-monetary-easing/index.html (10 TRILLION YEN = $127,405,000,000 or $127Billion) 2016 is REALLY close!! He advised them make money on the stock market and stock pile food and ammunition. Funny, he said this was the MOST spiritually strengthening convention he went to - without a single prayer being said. The world knows it is coming and soon. They just don't know what to do and won't listen when we read to them from the Bible on what it says to do. (James 4:8 not 4:4)

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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Obama supporters are a lot like Apple fans. It doesn't matter what the product is like, they are loyal to the brand! :)

If any other president was running for reelection with these kinds of unemployment numbers in this kind of economy, he wouldn't stand a chance!

This is why only a theocracy will ever work to govern humans, come on Kingdom! :)

With the terrible economy and unemployment #s I am SHOCKED that Governor Romney isn't WAY ahead in the polls, but instead he seems to be trailing slightly. I don't get it.

The only thing I can come up with as an answer is Dan 2: - there really is a 50/50 split here of iron and clay and nothing seems to change that. They won't stick together. Even a terrorist attack didn't move the needle this time.

Romney is trying to appeal to the middle class, but he is sooo out of touch with them, that is why Obama is ahead in the polls. Romney is so rich and he has no clue what people are dealing with, he doesn't get it. I read somewhere he made a comment while visiting an auto plant in Detroit that he supports American Cars, he said something like "I have a Ford Mustang and my wife has a couple of Cadillacs" lol. Middle class and poor people can't afford those cars, lol.

Just saw today, Obama is at 50% in the polls now, Romney at 45%.

But yes, the country is extremely divided. The last few elections showed that. They were very, very close.

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With the terrible economy and unemployment #s I am SHOCKED that Governor Romney isn't WAY ahead in the polls, but instead he seems to be trailing slightly. I don't get it.

Don't believe the polls. They are a product of the left-wing press! :)

I love watching this stuff unfold! Whoever gets in there, even though they "may" be sincere, will not be able to keep their promises or make any lasting changes. Also, whoever wins might be the last president of the last world power. (please, please)

Well said!!!!

Every 4 yrs this country elects a new president who promises all these wonderful things, and they can never do any of the things they promised.

My dad is convinced Obama is gonna win and is convinced he will be the last President, cause Obama is not a big fan of religion and he is a huge supporter of the UN and giving the UN more power.

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Politicin' - voicing an opinion - Neutrality brothers:peace:

Stating what the polls are is be NO MEANS "Politicin".

Stating we hope one or the other wins - would be.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah you guys who are voicing an opinion on one candidate or another - shame on you :lol1:

Note: i couldn't find a single example in this thread. Keep up the good work.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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