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How to Stop Hospitals From Killing Us

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Interesting article Pnutts. I found it interesting, I have watched a few Medical procedures where they have accidently left a tool or something behind. That's scarey.

Its interesting to see what else goes on away from Australia. Sometimes we hear what happens elsewhere. I hate the Idea of going to hospitals for the reasons mentioned in that article.

Our local hospital seems to be a training ground for the DR's Whenever I have gone there for Share- Care a program for the maternity section., Every DR I met was in training I felt like a guinea Pig.

So & so wants to learn this procedure is it Okay if they stay & observe. Then there is a real shortage of nurses.

Its the Anathestis that scare me. My last preg. I had to have C section. & the person was a trainee. You are thrown into a scarey situtation. I also had to have epidural & so he tried once, on the 3rd go

a DR in charge said to him do you know what you are doing, do you need a hand he said no. So it took 4 goes before he got the needle in the back. The next day I had so much trouble. after 3days I was sent home.& we had a house with stairs. I couldn't go anywhere. It took the Midwife who came to see how I was going.She had to convince my hubby to take me back to the hospital. The same person came & saw me & said give her all the help she needs.He had realized what he had done. As a result of the needle I have ended up with Slip discs & so much trouble. I faint. & I have too take a truck load of pain pills just to get by .& I took this to some Lawyers & I got all the medical paper work, The Hospital was in with the Lawyers.So I lost. There is more I could say. But now I say to others be careful

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I have a suggestion on how you can stop hospitals from killing you - don't go. :lol1:

Boy do we need that kingdom :yes:

:help:....I am going tomorrow.....:pray: for me.

You are in many of our prayers regularly, but especially so for tomorrow.

Take care my sister :encourage:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I have a suggestion on how you can stop hospitals from killing you - don't go. :lol1:

Boy do we need that kingdom :yes:

:help:....I am going tomorrow.....:pray: for me.

You are in many of our prayers regularly, but especially so for tomorrow.

Take care my sister :encourage:

Thanks,I really appreciate it,I decided not to tell anyone at my Hall,I feel like I keep complaining about it ,fortunately it's not supposed to be bloody...just 5 or 6 stitches .And here's the really fun part,I can't be totally under I have to be in twilight....I don't know why,except during one major surgery my blood pressure bottomed out they said ,I have very low blood pressure all the time. I'm gonna look that up.I had a surgical proceedure last year and the doc said"OK I'm going to...." and he disappeared and there was Scott and I said "When are they doing this ?" He said "It was three hours ago Nance.I've just been sitting here waiting to take sleeping beauty home."

Maybe this will go like that....I hope.I am just nervous so I'm on here alot.

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I have a suggestion on how you can stop hospitals from killing you - don't go. :lol1:

Boy do we need that kingdom :yes:

:help:....I am going tomorrow.....:pray: for me.

You are in many of our prayers regularly, but especially so for tomorrow.

Take care my sister :encourage:

Thanks,I really appreciate it,I decided not to tell anyone at my Hall,I feel like I keep complaining about it ,fortunately it's not supposed to be bloody...just 5 or 6 stitches .And here's the really fun part,I can't be totally under I have to be in twilight....I don't know why,except during one major surgery my blood pressure bottomed out they said ,I have very low blood pressure all the time. I'm gonna look that up.I had a surgical proceedure last year and the doc said"OK I'm going to...." and he disappeared and there was Scott and I said "When are they doing this ?" He said "It was three hours ago Nance.I've just been sitting here waiting to take sleeping beauty home."

Maybe this will go like that....I hope.I am just nervous so I'm on here alot.

Just last evening on the news they had a segment on anesthesiology and how it has improved a lot since the 1970's - however some still have to be careful if you have reacted in the past.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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Just last evening on the news they had a segment on anesthesiology and how it has improved a lot since the 1970's - however some still have to be careful if you have reacted in the past.

I had major surgery in 1996 and thats when my blood pressure went really low and I was really sick afterward....they gave me a card to carry that said something about not using a certain anesthetic then in 1998 I had surgery again and then again in 2011,and in 2011 I had no bad reaction at all.I felt great afterward .I kept waiting for the pain,nothing.

So yeah,I think surgery has gotten better over the years.This time they are sawing off part of a bone and rebuilding it with medical concrete that is supposed to be stronger than bone, it is new stuff and extremely expensive stuff the doc said... , I am getting a point and tuck type masonry job done...haha...to an infected bone that's being eaten away ,it's supposed to stop the infection from spreading .So I hope that doesn't hurt really bad ...it sounds like maybe it will hurt.:shrugs:

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Just last evening on the news they had a segment on anesthesiology and how it has improved a lot since the 1970's - however some still have to be careful if you have reacted in the past.

I had major surgery in 1996 and thats when my blood pressure went really low and I was really sick afterward....they gave me a card to carry that said something about not using a certain anesthetic then in 1998 I had surgery again and then again in 2011,and in 2011 I had no bad reaction at all.I felt great afterward .I kept waiting for the pain,nothing.

So yeah,I think surgery has gotten better over the years.This time they are sawing off part of a bone and rebuilding it with medical concrete that is supposed to be stronger than bone, it is new stuff and extremely expensive stuff the doc said... , I am getting a point and tuck type masonry job done...haha...to an infected bone that's being eaten away ,it's supposed to stop the infection from spreading .So I hope that doesn't hurt really bad ...it sounds like maybe it will hurt.:shrugs:

All the best Nancy. Hope all goes well.:givehug::kiss:

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Just last evening on the news they had a segment on anesthesiology and how it has improved a lot since the 1970's - however some still have to be careful if you have reacted in the past.

I had major surgery in 1996 and thats when my blood pressure went really low and I was really sick afterward....they gave me a card to carry that said something about not using a certain anesthetic then in 1998 I had surgery again and then again in 2011,and in 2011 I had no bad reaction at all.I felt great afterward .I kept waiting for the pain,nothing.

So yeah,I think surgery has gotten better over the years.This time they are sawing off part of a bone and rebuilding it with medical concrete that is supposed to be stronger than bone, it is new stuff and extremely expensive stuff the doc said... , I am getting a point and tuck type masonry job done...haha...to an infected bone that's being eaten away ,it's supposed to stop the infection from spreading .So I hope that doesn't hurt really bad ...it sounds like maybe it will hurt.:shrugs:

I wish you all the best Nancy. Medicine has improved much over the last century. I remember in 1963 my mother had to have oxygen and she was under a "tent." Now we have nasal cannulas which is much, much better. Anesthesiology has also improved. Even though it's "twilight," I think you won't remember anything and wake up wanting to know when the procedure will be done. I will keep you in my prayers dear sister.

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Thanks everyone,I had it Wednesday ,I do remember the doctors talking, but I had no pain at all until Thursday morning,now I feel squeashy and bubbly in my face and I have some twitching I think from the nerves being cut.I can't smile yet,it hurts and laughing about kills me.They sent my mass to the pathologist,I didn't even know there was a mass,they didn't tell me that or else I misunderstood what they were saying.I thought it was an infection being cut out.The pain level is very low unless I touch the area.I heard the one doc say it takes 2 weeks for the bone graft to set up .He was telling the other doc that I didn't ask about that,I'll ask Wednesday when I go to get the stitches out.

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