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Jimmy Saville the escalation to members of the government!

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Hello Brothers and Sisters, Im new here this is my first post!

The Jimmy Saville scandal seems to be escalating!

people in government have been implicated in paedoophile rings!

On the news today the police have said that they are “sorting out an arrest strategy” and many “high profile people” will be arrested and it “will rock society”

I wonder how far this will go?

Right up to the harlot?

After all she is “to be laid bare and naked” and completely exposed!!

And the world leaders “stand from a distance” saying “too bad too bad”

Standing at a distance would be something of this nature wouldn’t it!?

That scripture in 2 pet 3 “ the earth and the works in it are being discovered”

It will be interesting to see where this goes.....

Cant wait for Satans world to come to an end!

Thanks for the website, Ive been a none member reading posts for a while!

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Hello Brothers and Sisters, Im new here this is my first post!

The Jimmy Saville scandal seems to be escalating!

people in government have been implicated in paedoophile rings!

On the news today the police have said that they are “sorting out an arrest strategy” and many “high profile people” will be arrested and it “will rock society”

I wonder how far this will go?

Right up to the harlot?

After all she is “to be laid bare and naked” and completely exposed!!

And the world leaders “stand from a distance” saying “too bad too bad”

Standing at a distance would be something of this nature wouldn’t it!?

That scripture in 2 pet 3 “ the earth and the works in it are being discovered”

It will be interesting to see where this goes.....

Cant wait for Satans world to come to an end!

Thanks for the website, Ive been a none member reading posts for a while!

More on the Police investigation!


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What are people thinking???

Hurting children by indulging their own twisted lust, traumatizing them and making them live the rest of their lives with this horrible memory?

Adults are supposed to protect children - how could they justify this horrible selfish behavior?

I know that there are websites that actually promote this activity, and that by itself is shameful, just like the websites that promote rape and violent behavior.

I have never seen them or looked for them, but I know about them from TV programs such as Frontline and detective series.

We are truly living in the times when people have "no natural affection". Parents have to be so careful these days!

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That really sounded more like a brush off then anything else. Nothing will be done about it if it's political. Same thing has happened in the States with the dynecorp (KBR, Haliburton) child and adult female prostitution / salvery ring - of which several government officials were involved - congress dismissed it in spite of the overwhelming proof. These companies in the U.S. would and still do kidnap women and children and take them to other countries to be sold into prostitution.


When you really start to look at the world for what it really is today you can see total collapse happening in so many areas. It's never been more true that man cannot rule without Jehovah's help or he will live in pain and die. So many things are happening now that people are noticing it amazes me --

Now today we have people that are pushing for the U.N. to be the world police -- and also saying that it's good that people die.


I really don't understand how anyone can stand by and not take Jehovah's side at this point in time - America is the beast and could not be any more evil if it was possible, how could anyone be satisified with that total and complete corruption.

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And a large welcome to Jason and Christopher! The reason that so many do not react with horror about these vile acts is that they find them entertaining and many contemplate doing the same acts. Those who choose to serve Satan are just as sadistic as he and find great pleasure in violence. Case in point-check out the current movies in our public theaters. Our local news article is the abduction, murder, and dismemberment of a 10 year old girl. The 17 year old boy who has confessed tried to abduct a woman several months ago. He is charged with attempted abduction and murder in that case. He appears to be curious about death and his major in school was mortuary science. This year has been fraught with violence from the beginning. Satan's system surely is getting worse. Bring on God's Kingdom! Surely He is more disgusted than we are. The government cannot control themselves. Why should we expect them to have any positive influence over the governed?

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I remember watching the BBC documentary about paedophiles within the witnesses back in 2001. It seemed to convey we were all like it, and trying to cover it up. Hated it. But now it seems the BBC itself has a lot to answer for. A lot of people knew about it, but kept quiet.

But it shows how someone with celebrity status can seemed to do anything they want because they know no one will believe them.

This news story is on every day at the moment, getting sick of seeing his face.

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