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Hurricane Sandy hits American East Coast

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I think, this topic will be getting attention for the next days.

It seems, Sandy is gonna be envolving to one of the most dangerous storms in the last years

Surely all of us should keep in mind all people, especially our lovely brotherhood in this region, who are effected from the evacuation

and possibly from damages on their properties.

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I live on the edge of the red alert zone,I'm not sure what that will mean, so we went to the grocery for supplies and it was packed with people buying up water and groceries .In the last wind storm we lost everything in our refridgerator.

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I live in New Jersey and some people are acting out in the stores.

Home Depot placed out flashlights and they were gone in minutes...

They also had a recording...If you are looking for a generator "Hang Up."

State of Emergency New York/New Jersey...transportation being

shut down...The Elders instruct us what to do in case...and one Elder just called

to see if you are prepared??? There are mandatory evacuations including

Atlantic City...and many other areas, Tom River, Seaside, etc.

Mandatory Evacuations of Ground-Floor apartments in Hoboken and

Jersey City!

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NJ kind of overreacts to these things. There's going to be a ton of rain, a ton of power outages, and I'm sure some very isolated tragedies due to trees falling. But the people who are going to get flooded already know who they are. For the rest of us, its basically going to be just sitting back, enjoing the rain and wind and a day off from school and work!

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Thats the only map I could find , it looks like we are getting 55 to 60 mph wind storms and rain , we have alot of wind storms in this area , we have had three trees hit our house since we've lived here. With little damage so far.

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Most people will not suffer anything very bad, that is true. But, with a storm such as this one, that already has many casualties, one should never be unconcerned about things. I live in Florida and have lived through many hurricanes in my lifetime. Those who view things as just a day off, often are taken off guard to the things that can actually go wrong. I will never feel safe until the paradise is fully under control of the Kingdom. Be safe.

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Simon: This is true - but there is something a little different about what they are predicting and

that is why many people in certain areas are so very nervous. I know ALL the flood areas

in my area as my home flooded with previous storm. I pray for the friends all along

the coast as we braced for this storm!

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Wondering how everyyone is doing with the hurricane coming. Everyone prepared for possibly no electricity or heat. Our Bible Study Group Overseer is going to call everyone in the group. My husband is an MS and he is calling half the people. This storm may combine with a winter snow storm too. Just want to make sure everyone on this group is okay. Feeling a bit scared. The winds are already gusting and to the point they are shaking my front door . I can hear the wind howing. Ugh!!

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Well, we have a thread in the "Chit Chat" forum - http://www.jwtalk.net/forum/read.php?53,132012 and all seems to be well.

And there is on in the "News" forum - http://www.jwtalk.net/forum/read.php?49,132014 and no actual comments about how ones are doing.

Just so we all don't have to go to 3 different threads. Lets keep it to the "News" forum. That seems the right place for news items.

Carol - thank you for asking and your concern. We DO love our brothers and sisters. :grouphug:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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. Those who view things as just a day off, often are taken off guard to the things that can actually go wrong. I will never feel safe until the paradise is fully under control of the Kingdom. Be safe.

Thanks for your prayers Sis - I know that the friends in "areas" affected surely appreciate your prayers! .

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Best wishes to all concerned , please stay safe ! I know that they will look out for one another. We grumble about the weather here, but have never seen anything like that. The U K media are giving it big coverage. Maybe now is a time to use those Emergency Grab Bags that were advocated to keep handy.

Seriously though, Does anyone know whether Brooklyn Bethel has been evacuated or affected? From what I saw, Columbia Heights and Furman Street are on the edge of the Red Zone?

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I have just seen it on the news and our prayers are with our dear bros and sis, I see its over new york, I am thinking of bethel there. They say high waves will be hitting NY and with a full moon that tide is going to be super high I should have thought.

The president said not to halt not to linger for photos if you are told to go you just go, I thought well in that case I know our bros will be obedient and will be at their safest.

May Jehovah be will them all and as they have their go bags ready, he has already been with them leading up to this.

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Best wishes to all concerned , please stay safe ! I know that they will look out for one another. We grumble about the weather here, but have never seen anything like that. The U K media are giving it big coverage. Maybe now is a time to use those Emergency Grab Bags that were advocated to keep handy.

Seriously though, Does anyone know whether Brooklyn Bethel has been evacuated or affected? From what I saw, Columbia Heights and Furman Street are on the edge of the Red Zone?

I was wondering about the friends too... not just in Bethel but all along the coast. I will be praying for you all.

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We have been watching the news closely for updates and keeping all of you in our thoughts & prayers.

The storm is sounding like something that we would once only hear about in the movies.

Stay safe Carol & everyone in the storm's path.


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Take care of yourselves i will be saying a prayer for all people both witnesses and non witnesses in the path of this storm. The flooding, snow, more flooding and gale force winds is not going to be the best combination. Take care x

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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I just saw our nightly news on the Hurricane. There are also fires

I hope you guys are all ok. May Jehovah keep you all safe xo:wave:

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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We kept out power but I heard a few areas lost some due to falling trees. I don't see that kind of destruction around the house but I will be on my way from Akron to Strongsville today for work and will get to get in some site seeing :P

Interestingly, they did close the schools today, and have banned semi-trucks from driving on the Ohio Turnpike.


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Just so we all don't have to go to 3 different threads. Lets keep it to the "News" forum. That seems the right place for news items.

Go ahead and merge all the topics together into the existing news forum hurricane topic.

(remember the order, News forum topic "eats" the other topics).


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