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Hurricane Sandy hits American East Coast

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We kept our power but I heard a few areas lost some due to falling trees. I don't see that kind of destruction around the house but I will be on my way from Akron to Strongsville today for work and will get to get in some site seeing.

So much for driving to Strongsville. My client has not had power for the last 6 hours.


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Just so we all don't have to go to 3 different threads. Lets keep it to the "News" forum. That seems the right place for news items.

Go ahead and merge all the topics together into the existing news forum hurricane topic.

(remember the order, News forum topic "eats" the other topics).


Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I feel really bad for the Jersey shore which totally got devestated.

Seems like everyone else is without power, and its a real mess up here with wires and trees down everywhere. But mostly its just a lot of inconvenience and cleaning up the damage. The real people effected are those along the shoreline which is a major disaster. Too bad, its just a beautiful stretch of beach homes/beach/boardwalk.

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just received an email from friends:

"Thank you so much for your concern over our family in the path of the

storm. We also have our extended spiritual family there and this

morning the information we have received is that all the Bethel

Buildings are intact except for a facade on one of the buildings on

Sands Street was blown off. Other than that, "sea sickness"

is the common problem due to the constant swaying of the highrise

buildings that house our brothers and sisters. The buildings at Bethel

are very well built and designed to sway without collapsing. Everyone

is asked to stay inside.

Most of the Bethelites have remote connections to their work and are

working from home. Monday night Family Worship was not cancelled but

televised for all to enjoy at home. "

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After seeing so much damage and flooding on TV this evening before going to the meeting, it was definitely worrying me about Bethel and all the friends. Glad to hear a positive update. I was wanting to get on the computer before the meeting but knew I did not have enough time!

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I keep seeing horrid things in New Jersey (e.g., Hoboken) - does anyone know where our dear sister Cyre lives? I'm worried as I have not seen her check in for a couple days. Anybody hear of our brothers and sisters situation there? :grouphug:

The Bee

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I keep seeing horrid things in New Jersey (e.g., Hoboken) - does anyone know where our dear sister Cyre lives? I'm worried as I have not seen her check in for a couple days. Anybody hear of our brothers and sisters situation there? :grouphug:

Don't panic if you don't hear from her for a few days. From everything I gather, I'd say 75% of people seem like they don't have any power. A lot of those have been told it may be 7-10 days.

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Hi there from New Zealand. We have been watching all the news reports about the devastation of the homes, businesses and lives in America's East Coast. Our prayers and thoughts go out to all who live in these areas especiaaly our dear borthers and sisters. What tragedy!! We know Jehovah will help you all through these times. No wonder Jehovah said he will bring to ruin all those ruining the earth when we see what is occuring around the earth... Roll on Harmageddon and the paradise earth we all yearn for.

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For those friends who saw my last post in this thread, the picture I posted last night of the "lobby flooding" was not an accurate description. It was a picture of the NY Telephone company lobby. My apologies!

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Someone asked - could Satan control the weather?

Answer - NO.

If he could, much more destruction would have been done. He can however nudge people to be selfish and greedy. This in turns causes trash and waste in our air, land and water. This "ruining of the earth" in turn WILL have some impact on the weather. The actual impact of pollution on the weather patterns in the world today is up for much debate and not worth our time to discuss - as very soon, the one who made this planet is going to step in and "ruin those who are ruining the earth."

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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For those friends who saw my last post in this thread, the picture I posted last night of the "lobby flooding" was not an accurate description. It was a picture of the NY Telephone company lobby. My apologies!

Thank you for mentioning!

There is another thread named "hurricane Sandy" (in Interchange). It seems this one is more updated. Could we have just one? Thank you. :wave:

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.” 

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Someone asked - could Satan control the weather?

Answer - NO.

If he could, much more destruction would have been done. He can however nudge people to be selfish and greedy. This in turns causes trash and waste in our air, land and water. This "ruining of the earth" in turn WILL have some impact on the weather. The actual impact of pollution on the weather patterns in the world today is up for much debate and not worth our time to discuss - as very soon, the one who made this planet is going to step in and "ruin those who are ruining the earth."

THanks Jerry,

that was a little confusing. I didnt think he could, but never gave it much though.


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