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Letter writing (postage...)?

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Those doing letter writing, could you please tell me how much it is now in US to mail an envelope containing a couple of magazines or a brochure?

Also, which size envelope do I need?

I'm not planning on including that in regular letter writing, but in case I find someone interested in telephone witnessing. I was thinking about offering phone bible studies/courses that take only a few minutes. Hoping of course that eventually I'd be invited to their home for a 'real' study.

Also, since we're talking about letter writing, is there a place that has some collected letter examples? I looked on meekspace but couldn't find anything.

If not, maybe that's something we could do here? Everybody shares an example of a letter they write? It get's boring always using my own, and it's fun to see other friends' styles.

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Not sure of the postage, but if it is a "return visit" letter:

... in case I find someone interested in telephone witnessing. I was thinking about offering phone bible studies/courses that take only a few minutes...

Have you considered asking for their email address so you could send them an electronic publication? If you send the "whole" magazine as an attachment, it is counted the same as sending them a physical magazine ... just no postage.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Not sure of the postage, but if it is a "return visit" letter:

... in case I find someone interested in telephone witnessing. I was thinking about offering phone bible studies/courses that take only a few minutes...

Have you considered asking for their email address so you could send them an electronic publication? If you send the "whole" magazine as an attachment, it is counted the same as sending them a physical magazine ... just no postage.

Good idea. Do you think people would be just as comfortable giving their email address as they would be with the physical address?

I guess I'll find out. I could give it as an option and ask what they prefer.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Now I have to go and and figure out how to do it. I don't want to give empty promises, lol.

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... Do you think people would be just as comfortable giving their email address as they would be with the physical address?

Since many people have a gmail, yahoo and work email addresses - as well as other multiple email addresses and only ONE home address, I would think they would be more willing to give you one of their email addresses before they would their physical address.

Of course, for ones like me, it wouldn't matter since our mailing address is a PO Box.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Jasmine you may like to read posts under pioneer hours and another letter topic in the interchange of encouragement forum. We make pocket letters and HAND THEM TO PEOPLE in the marketplace. They love getting them! We use family, suffering, and peaceful new world tracts...fold them with a small letter and put them in small envelopes we make to fit in a pocket!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Jasmine you may like to read posts under pioneer hours and another letter topic in the interchange of encouragement forum. We make pocket letters and HAND THEM TO PEOPLE in the marketplace. They love getting them! We use family, suffering, and peaceful new world tracts...fold them with a small letter and put them in small envelopes we make to fit in a pocket!

I read that. Sounds like a great idea. I'm waiting for Gabe to forward your email to me.

I think I read about every thread on here about letter writing.

When I do letter writing I only send a tract and an invitation. Magazines and brochures require extra postage. Of this is for cold letter writing. If I know the person I would try email.

For regular letter writing I also only send tracts. But I was thinking about offering a study on the phone and if they accept, then send the brochure.

In case that happens, I want to be ready with envelope and stamps so I could drop it in the mailbox right away. But the USPS website is confusing.

I was just hoping that someone already knew how much postage was needed.

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Sorry To keep you waiting Jasmin i will email tonight when kids are gone to bed.


"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Jasmin, I believe that it costs something like $1.08 to mail a brochure. I do obituary letter writing and will mail the brochure if I find that householders address to be no tresspassing. Otherwise, I deliver in person. Just to let everyone know on here something that I have learned about doing letter writing for obituaries. I am sure that like everyone else here that you have territories where no matter how many times you knock on their door, it just seems that they are not interested. I have found that when I do this type of letter writing, people will accept the brochure, even with those who had refused literature in the past. I just let them know that I acknowledge that they have recently lost someone in death and that I have a brochure that will give them comfort and that I have personally written them a letter to explain the purpose of the brochure. I have had only 2 to refuse out of the 25 that I have written so far. I also do letter writing for no tresspassing homes and enclose the truth tract. An experience that I had when I first started doing the obit writing, a lady sent me a thank you card and said that she had appreciated the brochure so much and that it was so comforting for her. She had lost her son who was only 24 when he died. I could not find her at home, so I just left the brochure at the door. If anyone would like a copy of my letters that I use for both no tresspassing and obits, just email me or reply to my post.

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Thank you Phoebe for replying.

That is a nice experience, that someone actually sent you a thank you card. Very nice. It encourages me to go ahead and try obituary letter writing.

I would love it if you would share some letter examples. It would be very helpful.

And I see that this was your first post. :welcome:

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