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Don't Like Your Congregation? (A Poem)

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I have to say, when I first came here I was kind of shocked at some of the comments that came from people about the congregations they were in.  Then I thought about my own experience, as I've said before, I came into the truth through the door to door ministry.  I progressed really fast, should have been baptized in 1999.  However, and elder in the congregation thought I wasn't ready and made a big fuss about my wanting to go through with it.  


I was so hurt, I left.  It took me a couple of months, but I went back, angry still at him, but my love for Jehovah couldn't keep me away.  Thing is, I never could get back the zeal back that I had at the initial get go and so I floundered for several more years, and then I managed to get myself into some sin that I had a real hard time getting out of.  


Fast forward several years, I was attending a congregation in Spruce Grove, and I thought about it for awhile, and then went to the elders in my hall with my issues.  They were SO understanding.  The one older brother, gruff as all get out, I expected him to be something other than what he was, he cut to the meat of the issue, and they truly, truly helped me to get 'up' as it were.


Because of them, I made some decisions that heavily impacted my spirituality.  I had been living with the man who is now my husband, but I gave him an ultimatum, took a second job and intended to leave him if he didn't propose.  I had, had enough of kicking holy spirit in the teeth, it kept nagging me, my conscience worked over time and often I'd end my studies either in tears because I felt I was letting Jehovah down in so many ways and I WAS.  


Fast forward again, I'm now baptized.  I had a revelation of a lifetime, and I went okay, I know that I know this, but maybe Satan's trying to do another number on me.  What do I do?  I prayed about it, first and foremost, then again and again and again the answer kept coming out the same.  So I went to my current elders and I talked with them about it, namely out of courtesy. 


Again, they listened.  One asked me if I had any history of mental illness LMBO!!!  I told him point blank, no I don't.  I'm not on any medications --- nothing.  He says 'I so hope you don't take offense to that, it's just I've never heard this, nor had any experience with it'.  I said, well that makes two of us AND I had asked myself the same question.  Have I gone crazy? 


The other brother though has had experience with it, and he said plainly all the things I had confirmed to me through scripture. We discussed that, and I've received so much encouragement.   He understood completely, he has a similar type of background. We both have degrees in Science and I told him it simply defied logic.  


So far things are a bit 'weird' now.  Namely because I feel weird about it.  We've been out in service together, and I have to say, I could not have asked for better elders. 


They've added a Thursday night group so we can be out in the ministry more.  I'm almost always out on Saturday mornings, and now they're going to have at least two brothers who will lead the group on Sunday's too.  


I've received nothing but support, and I truly, truly hope it lasts.  


Oh, and remember the brother that I was angry at?  When I was going over my baptismal questions the brothers I talked to, the one said you know if you harbour any feelings of hurt about this still, you need to deal with them because Satan will use that.


As I was getting ready to go for my dip, I was lost in the sea of people, got turned around and didn't have much time to get into the baptismal area.  I prayed to Jehovah to send someone I could ask.......and guess who turned up?  


I took less than 2 minutes to open up the conversation we SHOULD have had 14 years ago, and I laid it to rest.  I actually thanked him for saying no, because I realized that Jehovah had put it into his heart.  He actually saved me from being disfellowshipped I think and I said as much.  His face lit up so much, and he HUGGED me!  Then brought me to his wife, and she hugged me too.   I had always been a bit frosty to them at every convention -- in truth, I'd avoid them.


So, long story short.  I needed to change.   

Edited by cerebral ecstasy
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... I have someone in my congregation who i have had to learn to deal with... And me learning to deal with this person i can now look back and say has been to my benefit... It has improved me as a christian. If idv moved congregation i wouldnt have developed as a christian in the areas i needed to.

The persons personality needed to be understandingly dealt with... That developed my patience with people simperfections.... Realizing the persons motives were important in this developement of my personality... The persons motive was to serve Jehovah better.

Im glad i went thru that experience and we serve happily side by side as imperfect servants together in the ministry regularly.

Bit off topic but sort of relevant so i thought id share. :-)

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That's awesome Stuart, and what a good example of learning to put up with one another. There is a sister in my KH who is difficult to deal with, but it's not her fault. She really tries, but her personality is very abrasive. She needs love too and mostly the friends try to be kind to her, she doesn't even know that she is difficult. It takes all kinds to make up a Congregation, and fortunately for all of us, Jehovah loves us in spite of our personalities. 

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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