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  1. These evening we will see with my lovely wife, the broadcast , on Television, good friends who where doing missionary work, in Africa, It will be a rich spiritual evening... The popcorn, and the tacos with sauce, and teh cannoli's are ready..
  2. I don't know sistercatrina, but I can't see it on 3D, because,the last time i was so dizzy in my head.. I will see the normal version, but will wait a while, a week or so.. Or when I have the worldly Chrismas holiday.. There will be a lot of folks by the release, and yesterday there was a bomb alert in a cinema where we live in Belgium.. It was fake, but I have an uncomfortable feeling about it, when a mass of people is gathering in a release for a film..I will wait a litle ..
  3. I have all the six episodes on DVD, and they are sending every week here in Belgium, one episode until the release (17 December on the Cinema) About the Story according to the book: prinses leila, and Lance are married, and has children.. Leila's brother (anakins son), has started a Jedi Community, (tattooine), to train padowans, and there is an apprendist where the force is srong present, he is a very skilled Jedi, but he is interested in the dark side..And when he choose to follow the steps of Lord vador.. He becomes a very poweful lord Sith.. What happens then? I will not reveal.. But this is according to the book, I don't really know if they will follow the book ...I am very curious.. Let's the force be with you..
  4. Sad that this happened, but it's very good that they have a surveillance camera, so they have captured the shooting.. So the police can indeed use it to make an investigation.. I hope you could see clearly the faces of those unknown persons.. The world like the Bible predict will become more and more violent..But happy to hear that nobody of our brothers and sisters are injured.
  5. Thanks, brother Tracey... I like the Star Wars Movies..And I will go to the Cinema to see the seventh episode..
  6. Very interesting, I noted that he also mentioned that it was know the current understanding...That suggests that any refinements could possibly take place in the future.. . I have learned in all the years in the truth, that being dogmatic in non doctrinal issues, is time I can spend in upbuilding my family, my brothers and sisters, and being active in the field service.. Like the brother said: avoiding making speculations about when the GT, starts based on the age of the annointed ones?. Jesud did not give an time-element, in Matthew:24.. He warned us to be prepared, every day, during his parousia(presence), because we don't know when he will return..He will come as a thief in the night. .Thus, vigilance, and being active in the field service, and remaining faithful, and loyal to our King is a so a determinating factor in our days....But like the apostels we are sometimes too curious, and want to know, when exactly he will return, and establish his Millenial Kingdom..so we begin to calculate.. But we have to ask ourselves: Is making calculations or suggesting some arguments, what Jesus really told us to do? What was the answer Jesus gave his apostels before ascending to the heaven, when asking a time-element for his second coming?
  7. Threat level increased from 3 to 4 in Brussel.. Extra news in Belgium here.. The government , national security, is asking to not go to Brussel.. There are indications that a terrorist attack in Brussel could be possible... Today they will announce other measures for the city of Brussel.. All great evenments, , all the football evenments, and the use of the metro and bus are cancelled. I think that this weekend tthe brothers living in Brussel.. will not have their meetings in Brussel... But I have not confirmation about it..
  8. You can see that all the governments are taken a firm decision, and a serie of decisions to combat the terrorism in the future.. As Christians, we know that the superior authorities are placed by God, and we are glad that they try to protect the citizens the best they can...But we know through the Bible Prophecies, that we live in the end-times, and that the Great tribulation can start every moment.. Thus, we have to remain vigilant, preparing ourselves on a spiritual way.. So that if we are in the storm of this violent world, we can keep our focus on Jesus Christ.. I have listened to a lot of persons during this week, also in the field service, and I noted that a great fear, and a lost in security, is living among them.. Rather than talking about religion issues, ore being involved in discussions in making the religion issue the focus point in the field service, we used scriptures to comfort them, and I saw that it helped a lot, and we got good results. I hope that you will have also good results in the field service these days, in comforting, and using the wonderful word of God that can reach the hearts of every sort of person...
  9. UPDATE: police-operations , with special forces, in molenbeek- Bruxelles going on to try to capture suspects linked to the terrorist-network. Here in Belgium... These suspected persons are linked with the terroristic attacs in Paris. I am watching this special news live ..
  10. Sister rosie, J'espere avec tous mon coeur, en effet qu aucune frere ou soeur, est mort.. Nous prayons pour vous , et Jehovah nous n' abbandonnerais pas..
  11. I am watching the special news about Paris, and I was thinking how fast things can change, in this world,, and how important it is to remain vigilantt... I remembered also that 30 ago, we where at an Assembly at Bruxelles,and during a discourse of the DO, one brother came one the podium, and said something to him..We were asking what was happening: Suddenly the brother explained us that twe had to leave the hall, because there was a bom placed in the building.... The evacuation went very good, and without a general panick.. We were more than 10.000(brothers and sisters), Afterward we heard that no bomb was found in the halls. That day, I saw a lot of brothers and sisters praying, when leaving the hall, and I think, and I am surely convinced that Jehovah gived us the calm and peace we needed in that special occasion. That day my mother and father hugged us so much, we realised that suddenly in this uncertain world your life can be at risk at anytime, and be suddenly over.. The CO, who was on the podium that day, told when he was on visit by our home, that he and other responsible brothers, waited until the last brother and sister left the different halls, and then themselfsel left the hals! I asked him wasn't you afraid to wait until the last one left the hal? He looked me and said: of course salva, I was afraid, but We prayed a lot during that period, and when all the brothers and sisters left the halls, we runned very fast Until we left the hall..I never runned so fast during my life he told, and was smiling but we where convinced that if we live, we live from Jehovah, and If we die, we die for Jehovah.., These words , and his example in that situation I will never forget...
  12. During our book-study, yesterday we where discussing the violence what Noach, and his family, would have seen in those days, with the nefilims.. And one brother commented that also in our days, like in Noach's days, the violence will be more and more (terrorist attacks), and other forms, of violence, also a sign, that we are living in the last days.. When I heard this orrible news from Paris..this morning here in Belgium, I remembered that discussion during the book study.. I will pray for our brothers and sisters in Paris..
  13. I hope that they will get their freedom too, but I had the privilege to meet a brother from south Korea, and his wife, and litle child during a meeting in the Netherlands.. when speaking with this brother, you could heat that he was very determinate in remaining faithful to Jehovah, whatever he had to endure when they return to South Korea.. He told me that the prisons are very small, and the threatment of the prisoners is not good at all..not to speak about the food you get in those prisons... But the brothers are enduring, and remaining faithful, in those difficult circumstances.I and my wife made pictures after the meeting, with them.. What a lovely brother and sister they are..very humble, but you could see in their eyes that returning to South Korea, would be a challenge for them, and they knew what they will expect there, and I had the strong impression they had prepared themselves very good on a spiritual way...but they said something that touched me: If we remain faithful during trials, we are doing not something new.. we are imitating the brothers from the first century, and those in our recent times ,who stood firm, faithfull, and endured, even if that will be the lost of our lives.. These words remained impressed in my mind, and are a good reminder for me, when I am confronted with other kinds of problems during my life...
  14. I have seen al the StarWars saga during the years, and I am also waiting , and exited to see this one to.. I like the Jedi order, and I am curious, how the force will awaken.. The force strong in your family is...I like that expression ..lol..

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JWTalk 23.8.11 (changelog)