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France moves to toughen ban on religion in schools

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You need to be a subscriber (which I'm not) to read the whole story, but here is what you get for free:


PARIS (AFP) - France on Monday unveiled a new charter designed to reinforce rules banning religion from schools which have been a recurring cause of tension with Muslims and other faiths.

The "Charter for Secularity in School" is to be displayed in poster form in every state-funded school in the country in a move pioneered by the Socialist government's education minister, Mr Vincent Peillon.

The 15-point statement contains nothing new in legal terms.

Instead, Mr Peillon says, it represents an attempt to promote better understanding, and more consistent enforcement, of long-established principles which have their roots in the anti-clericalism of the French revolution and the country's 1905 law enforcing a strict separation of church and state.

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 Today is not a good being part French.


I am french, and I agree  :wacko:

"O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments are and beyond tracing out his ways are!"

- Romans 11:33 -

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Guest Vegsushi

I wonder how long it will take before the UK also follows this lead. They are currently in some sort of discussion to ban any sort of head covering ... Which if is made law will create some major drama.

I've never really been a fan of religion being taught at school, when I was at school it was taught pretty badly, worst still as it was a catholic school I was taught all the wrong information! Very handy! I passed with a good grade ... But really did not help me in my spiritual journey to where I needed to get to. For others it may have been different though. I remember being taught about contraception in our religious study class which now I am aware what the bible actually teaches just appals me.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free

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this reminded me of this


*** sl chap. 14 p. 245 pars. 8-9 When Man’s Old Order Makes Way for God’s New Order ***


8 The symbolic “ten horns,” the member nations of the world peace and security organization, have a task to perform as the agents of Jehovah God. What is that? It is to destroy the world empire of false religion, symbolized by Babylon the Great. Says God’s angel to the apostle John: “The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.”—Revelation 17:16.


9 This signifies that what marriages of Religion and State, Church and State, have existed till then, will be dissolved. What national or State churches still exist will be disestablished. Tax exemption for religious organizations will be discontinued. Even Bible publishing and distributing societies of Christendom will be suppressed. Missionary work by the churches of Christendom will come to a halt. Army and congressional chaplains will be discharged. The celebration of Easter and Christmas and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and Passover will be discontinued. The tremendous material wealth of the religious institutions, what may be left of it after the looters take what they want by force, will be expropriated by the political governments in their dire financial straits. For anyone, man or woman, to wear a distinctive religious garb identifying such a one as a member of a religious organization of Christendom, will expose one to assault or arrest as being hostile or a menace to the State. Amazing as it may yet seem to many, Christendom will be gone—forever!

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this reminded me of this


*** sl chap. 14 p. 245 pars. 8-9 When Man’s Old Order Makes Way for God’s New Order ***


8 The symbolic “ten horns,” the member nations of the world peace and security organization, have a task to perform as the agents of Jehovah God. What is that? It is to destroy the world empire of false religion, symbolized by Babylon the Great. Says God’s angel to the apostle John: “The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.”—Revelation 17:16.


9 This signifies that what marriages of Religion and State, Church and State, have existed till then, will be dissolved. What national or State churches still exist will be disestablished. Tax exemption for religious organizations will be discontinued. Even Bible publishing and distributing societies of Christendom will be suppressed. Missionary work by the churches of Christendom will come to a halt. Army and congressional chaplains will be discharged. The celebration of Easter and Christmas and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and Passover will be discontinued. The tremendous material wealth of the religious institutions, what may be left of it after the looters take what they want by force, will be expropriated by the political governments in their dire financial straits. For anyone, man or woman, to wear a distinctive religious garb identifying such a one as a member of a religious organization of Christendom, will expose one to assault or arrest as being hostile or a menace to the State. Amazing as it may yet seem to many, Christendom will be gone—forever!

That's such a good explanation of just what "the destruction of false religion" will mean.  


Can you imagine them removing their head coverings - there will be so much bloodshed when that time comes!!!!

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