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NZ Black Power Gang Member Gets Truth

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NZ media picked up on story from convention held last weekend about a former gang associate who got baptised. Nice experience told by our new brother. Deserves to be posted on jw.org


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He is thankful, and says one piece of scripture sums it up.

"'You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.' I've heard that scripture heaps of times over the years but didn't really understand it until I realised what truth really is - God's truth - and it set me free from a lot of things."

(Love his quote)..
Thanks for posting Dave. Great experience! :)

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Thanks Dave..I will send the web address to Tessa...I invited her to the conventions in NZ but she said she was traveling to England at that time..maybe one of her 4 children will see it!

Edited by SUNRAY

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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He is thankful, and says one piece of scripture sums it up.

"'You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.' I've heard that scripture heaps of times over the years but didn't really understand it until I realised what truth really is - God's truth - and it set me free from a lot of things."

(Love his quote)..

Thanks for posting Dave. Great experience! :)

Gabe~I am glad you are recoouperating so well..Can you tell me please..how and where do I copy and paste the above link on my Note so I can send it to Tessa in an email? With no computer I am limited to my phone! Thanks for any help!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Sunray do you have the same email? I can send it the to you if you like?

And thanks friends. Friends have been wonderful. Been coming& helping me out. Now school is back. They are taking shifts in taking & picking the girls up. They have brought chocolate. & flowers. I am so touched.

One friend told me...you have been soooo... generous and helped me out and many other. Its your turn so take it back.

I nearly lost it. Lols

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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This is not the first time I've heard a story like this, yet each time I hear about such ones it's LIKE the first time, because it always touches my heart, like the new video they put up on jw.org in the last week or so, about the brother who got the truth in prison. I nearly wept when I heard him expressing himself.


see it on jw.org here: http://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/activities/help-community/video-from-prison-to-prosperity/


I personally know a brother who used to be in a rival gang to the one mentioned in the title of this post. The things he overcame to accept the truth are amazing, including a severe beating from his former gang associates. Sadly, he battles with depression and self doubt and no longer attends meetings despite a great deal of encouragement from the brothers.


It's a hard road these ones have to walk, so when you see them succeeding, it's very powerful.

Edited by Dave
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Sunray do you have the same email? I can send it the to you if you like?

And thanks friends. Friends have been wonderful. Been coming& helping me out. Now school is back. They are taking shifts in taking & picking the girls up. They have brought chocolate. & flowers. I am so touched.

One friend told me...you have been soooo... generous and helped me out and many other. Its your turn so take it back.

I nearly lost it. Lols

I appreciate the offer Gabe..yes my email is the same! Glad you are getting the needed attention..Jehovah won't let us down!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Sunray I just remembered that I lost your email address when my PC & Phone was repaired can you please resend it. Ta.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Sunray on the pages are numbers, 1- 9 so far This is a simple I can make posting an interest. So next to the numbers looks like an arrow head.

click on that and you will get a choice of places to send such as facebook & google , & a mailbox chose mailbox & then it will send as a link the desired subject from your Note that's easier if you don't have a PC.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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