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New Skull over millions of years old

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Does this skull rewrite the history of mankind? 1.8 million-year-old remains suggest all human ancestors belonged to the SAME species but just looked different


(this was in the dailymail news today)


I didn't want to put this out on the Secular News, cause I don't go for this stuff when they come out (like above) about humans.   But this thought crossed my mind.  In Genesis, chapter 6, it says that the "sons of the true God" began to notice the daughters of men were beautiful."  Now, when those angels left their heavenly positions to create half bred children, which the Bible calls them Nephilim, half demon and half human. Could possibly the demons had some sort of DNA?  We know that the women back then, had  only been alive for less then 1,000 years (since Adam and Eve).  What if these this skull is from one of those Nephilim?   I mean, scientists have found in caves and on top of the highest mountains, remains of the flood era.   Animals that normally don't gather together (bones, skeleton's) in these caves a couple of thousand years (like 6,000 years).   Are humans the only ones besides animals, trees, plants, and other things on earth that have DNA?  Couldn't the fallen angels have DNA, or something that they passed on to their young-ens ?  That scientists today can carbon date this?  Or it can just be another crazy find by crazy scientists who believe in this evolution poop.  Hope someone on here can answer this, some sister or brother Einstein?  




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Is sure a giant skull.goliaths-skull-story.jpg HHere is a skull thought to be Goliath's  I want to the spew bag when the so called scientist say " millions of years"


You pose an interesting question Lisa..

It could be possible.2012-11-23-220pxOsmar_Schindler_David_un Suppose this could represent a giant,, Maybe Goliath was from the Nephelim..


"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Hi Gabe.


Goliath could not have been one of the Nephilim, because they all died at the Flood. He was a huge man, as were the Anakim (Deu 1:28) and others, but completely human, unlike the hybrid Nephilim.


As for the picture claiming to be Goliath's skull, it's a hoax. It comes from a 1993 sensationalistic newspaper, Weekly World News, that always contains all kinds of hoaxes and fake news in order to get attention. Never give much credibility to this kind of "discoveries". We know the Bible is truthful, but that doesn't mean that any alleged discovery that seems to support the Bible record is true too.

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Are humans the only ones besides animals, trees, plants, and other things on earth that have DNA?  Couldn't the fallen angels have DNA, or something that they passed on to their young-ens ? 



Hi Lisa


Everything on Earth that is alive has DNA. Of course, demons are DNA-less spiritual beings, but the human bodies they materialized must have had DNA too, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to have children.


There is no reason why that skull mentioned in the news should belong to one of the Nephilim. It's just a human skull. But the conclusions in the article are very interesting.


The scientists that believe in evolution think there were several "semi-human" species ("apemen"), each one more "evolved" than the previous one, before men existed: homo habilis, homo erectus, and the like. You may get it clearer having a look at this graph.


But five different skulls have been discovered at that site, which have different features similar to those of homo habilis, homo ergaster, homo erectus... and yet they all belong to the same species. That led them to the conclusion that all those supposedly different "homo" species were very likely members of a single species, and the differences between them are just like the differences between humans we see today: some people are taller, some have bigger jaws, and so on.


That conclusion agrees very well with the Bible record: homo habilis, homo erectus, and the rest were not apemen, but just men, belonging to the same species and descendant from Adam and Eve.

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Thanks Carlos.

My opinions is this. I mean this in the nicest way.

Many cultures have a legendary story of the flood.

People have discovered presserved mummies in the pyramids.

Have found the left overs from Lots wife.

Located at one time evidence where Noahs ark settled.

Have found frozen mammoths with grass still in their intestines.

So yes Good point the flood did wipe out the Nephinim.

But as for Goliath skull. I wonder with so much history.

Many archaeologists find amazing things.

I think it is possible that his skull may have been found.

I have never in all my years doubted the Bible.

But I do find it fansinating how with so much proof of a creator that people come up with evolution or millions of years ago this and that.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Hi Gabe.


I agree with everything you said. Of course there's plenty of proof (archeological and otherwise) that the Bible is true.


Only that this particular report is not true. It was published in a satirical newspaper that contains only jokes and fake news. The World News Weekly is still online at http://weeklyworldnews.com/ If you go there, you will see it contains just fake silly news, such as "Wild hogs are roaming loose in Atlanta… and residents are running for their lives!" "U.S. CONFIRMS EXISTENCE OF MERMAIDS" or "Shutdown crisis causes U.S. to turn to the alien, P’Lod, for financial aid." You can see they are all jokes. Nobody should take seriously anything from that paper, because it's just meant as a joke.


When we get some surprising news, it's always good to check wether the source is reliable.


Apart from that, I absolutely agree that those who refuse to believe in a Creator don't do so because of lack of proof, but simply because they don't want to. They are "inexcusable" (Romans 1:20).


Nice to meet you, Gabe. :)

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Goliath, I never believed he was from the Nepilim bunch, they were all destroyed at the flood.  Maybe one of Noah's son's some generation (way down the road) married a very tall woman and some of her genes down the pike had a couple of big kids, tall ones like Goliath.  By that time, the generation after Noah spread out and it kinda went back to people being wicked and some who stuck with Jehovah through the centuries.   But that DNA on those hybrid children of the demons still sticks in my mind.  I really appreciated all your input.  But you know, I suppose most of us will have to wait for the new world, and then I and some of you can ask those who were there, like Enoch and Noah and his family about those hybrids running around at that time. 

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A little off topic but related. I heard a podcast a little while ago(science one) and they explained that's through DNA etc they can trace mankind to ONE woman. Science had until recently beloved there were several types of humans evolves at approx the same time then interbred, then coming to the humans we have today, but because of genetics etc that has been disproven. We all have come from one woman. There is something about it only beefing traceable along the woman's side the matriarch side.. Anyway shows how science is constantly changing yet Jehovah truth remains the same.

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They are always coming up with these ridiculous stories to try to disprove the creation account. It is just one of the ways Satan keeps people in the dark and questioning what the Bible tells us.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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