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Who on this forum have been effected by the recent outbreak of tornadoes ? Do you know any in

your congregation or other local congregations that were involved? What assistance is being given

to any of these ones at this point ?



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I'm relatively new here but worried about our "family" in those areas too!  I heard one tornado was 1/2 mile wide and traveled for 80 miles!!!! Can you imagine being in the path of that?  Ava, who is on jwtalk lives in Texas but not sure what part - has anyone heard from her since yesterday?  So worried!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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You are correct - there was an article on CNN that said it was up to half mile wide and up to 150 mph winds total O.O I would have passed out just seeing it...

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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I heard on NPR radio an interview a guy gave who watched the tornado from his back porch.  He said it did sound like a freight train but he also heard a grinding noise (because of all the debris in it) and he said you could feel it "sucking in the wind" from all around him.  Just can't imagine how that would feel to witness something like that.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Has anyone on this forum heard any news about our sister Ava and her family ? Or any others who may have lived

in the area of these tornados ?


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I'm relatively new here but worried about our "family" in those areas too!  I heard one tornado was 1/2 mile wide and traveled for 80 miles!!!! Can you imagine being in the path of that?  Ava, who is on jwtalk lives in Texas but not sure what part - has anyone heard from her since yesterday?  So worried!



They missed us this time around.  Thank you for the concern though, it's very much appreciated!!!  


Most of the weather was north of my area this time.  

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   I am so glade to hear from you and to know you are doing alright. Do you have any news on the friends

who were living north of you were you indicate much of the damage was done ?



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   I am so glade to hear from you and to know you are doing alright. Do you have any news on the friends

who were living north of you were you indicate much of the damage was done ?





Well, I have not heard any real bad news, so I guess that is a good sign.  Usually if there were many friends affected, news travels.  I have not heard anything though.

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So relieved to hear from you AVA!! Thanks for posting!



Thanks for asking about me, I can't tell you how sweet it was reading this thread and seeing you guys wondering if I was ok.


Sorry I didn't post sooner, a good friend at my cong dealing with some stuff and I have been helping her the last 48 hrs and working too.

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Asked brother on RBC. (we live close to areas affected).  No brothers/sisters hurt.  In Baxter Springs, KS, no homes damaged either.   Do not know about brothers' homes in OK & Arkansas, but RBC brother has received no reports of any.  

"Life can be understood by looking back but it must be lived by looking ahead".

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Thank you all for your updates on what you know about current conditions. Of course the news this evening

is full of more news of other tornados. We are now in tornado season. Our area is under severe storm warnings

for this evening, but so far no tornado warnings. But it is obviously time to review safety actions, and to put to-

gether a safety package of important papers that would be necessary to have access to after such a storm.

Also it goes without saying we should have all necessary emergency phone numbers of police, rescue personel,

elders, and perhaps the number for the local RBC. ( I will let those who are more familiar with the correct protocol

to make any recommendations in that regard. )


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