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Just Concluded Special Assembly Day-SAD- for my Circuit - 2013/2014 Service Year

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Greetings Brothers, i am so happy and privileged to have attended the last Special Assembly Day for this 2014 Service Year today 6th July. It was awesome "God's Word Exert Power." For the first time in my life and also the last, since its name SAD will no longer be used starting from 2015 Service Year (2014/2015 Service Year), i was greatly privilege to handle the Morning Session program as the Chairman. It was just unbelievable since my appointment as an Elder in late 2013.


I was so nervous when the assignment was given to me last Thursday, afraid and worried to even tell some of my friends not untill last nite, that was on saturday. I have been praying since that last Thursday till while i was on the platform today Sunday, begging Jehovah for courage to be able to face the thunderous crowd and speak ethusisatically. This is not a local setting in my local congregation, this is a circuit in which we are 27 congregations in that circuit, quite big, which i know.


Please for brothers who have been privilege to have handle this chairman as in, in circuit or regional conventions, what were your first experience and what does this privilege signify? Does that mean i will now be featuring in terms of talks or what, circuit personnel, since the willingness to serve is there in me? Tell me if you have chairman before, Were you later given more privileges to start handling talks at circuits and conventions? Please i need your encouragement and advice.


Thank so much for your expected comments.


Bro. Peter


Edited by posemeke
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Dear Peter, I'm not an elder but I think giving you the priviledge of being morning Chairman is a way of "breaking you in" and seeing how you deal with things because they must be definitely thinking of using you perhaps more extensively. I would think saying prayer for the entire circuit would be nerve wrecking in itself but it also shows what is near and dear to your heart. Keep up the good work and don't sweat it - what comes, comes and what doesn't, doesn't! You have enough anxiety's for one day!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Peter, you have the right attitude, it shows that you want give your very best. Whenever I am behind the platform I ask myself "Way me?", because I am not special in my eyes. I share my feelings with my dear brothers and sisters behind the platform, we are one team for that session, the spirit is just marvellous although nervoes too. I love my brothers and I want to show them in honest words and with the best preparation possible what the Slave had prepared. We're in Germany and not everyone is alles to show feelings like this, but with my wife we visit English conventions/ assemblies as well - and the way out African brothers expresses their feelings is always a strong motivation for me to try the same, just to be a tool in Jehovahs hand. Your brother Christian

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Brother Peter I don't know the answers to your questions but your experience makes me glad I'm a sister!!!

Public speaking makes me so nervous. I'm sure you did great!! As to further privilege of service, it may just be that you filled a one time need? I truly don't know.

However, Jehovah may motivate them to use you again. As certainly that was why you would have been selected in the first place. Jehovah often has us wear coats we don't quite fit yet, so we can grow from the experience!

27 congregations is a lot of people!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Peter, if I am not mistaken, every year the body of elders decides which local elders are good enough speakers to have a talk at the convention and sends a list to the service department in the branch. All brothers selected for a talk are chosen from those lists. But I don't think the brothers assigned as the chairman are taken from that list, though.


There are some elders here that can correct me if I am wrong.


In any case, it's a great privilege so address such a big multitude of Jehovah's Witnesses and represent them in prayer. Congratulations!

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Peter, if I am not mistaken, every year the body of elders decides which local elders are good enough speakers to have a talk at the convention and sends a list to the service department in the branch. All brothers selected for a talk are chosen from those lists. But I don't think the brothers assigned as the chairman are taken from that list, though.

There are some elders here that can correct me if I am wrong.

In any case, it's a great privilege so address such a big multitude of Jehovah's Witnesses and represent them in prayer. Congratulations!

In part you are correct Carlos.

Regarding the talks in the Assemblies, it is only the CO who has the responsability to select the speakers.

Regarding the Regional Conventions: At the end of each year, on each congregation, a committe of 3 elders (COBE, TMS Overseer, Assistant Advisor ) assesses every speaker of their congregation that have made previously a talk in an Assembly through a Report form and sends it to the CO.

The CO receives the forms from every congregation in the circuit and with a committe of experient speakers compile the information to be sent to the Branch.

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