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The oldest gay in the village: 5,000-year-old is 'outed' by the way he was buried

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The oldest gay in the village: 5,000-year-old is 'outed' by the way he was buried...

31390=1143-article-1374060-0B81BCAD00000 Skeleton was pointing eastwards and surrounded by domestic jugs - rituals only previously seen in female graves Five thousand years after he died, the first known gay caveman has emerged into the daylight. According to archaeologists, the way he was buried suggests that he was of a different sexual persuasion. The skeleton of the late Stone Age man, unearthed during excavations in the Czech Republic, is said to date back to between 2900 and 2500 BC. During that period, men were traditionally buried lying on their right side with the head pointing towards the west; women on their left side with the head facing east. In this case, the man was on his left side with his head facing west. Another clue is that men tended to be interred with weapons, hammers and flint knives as well as several portions of food and drink to accompany them to the other side. Women would be buried with necklaces made from teeth, pets, and copper earrings, as well as domestic jugs and an egg-shaped pot placed near the feet. The ‘gay caveman’ was buried with household jugs, and no weapons. dailymail.co.uk what I found interesting about this...is... I thought cavemen were like thousands and thousands years ago...

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sounds like a whole lotta guess work to me.....

it always amazes me how science will say they rely on FACTS...yet they use the words, might have been, could mean, suppose ALOT when using these so called Facts.

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"Homo sapiens neandertalensis

Lived 350,000 -24,000 years ago

Spread across Europe and as far east as southern Siberia and Uzbekistan"

the timeline for evolution is all over the place...Homo sapiens neandertalensis(Caveman)...was supposed to be off the world scene by the latest

24,000 years ago...

not 5000 years which the archaeologists are saying here...

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What evidence supports this is a male skeleton? Bones are bones.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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What evidence supports this is a male skeleton? Bones are bones.

There is a TV show in the US called "Bones" it is pretty interesting as they talk about how they come to all these "conclusions". I found this as to the difference and found it interesting -

There are many differences between the male and female human skeletons. Most prominent is the difference in the pelvis, owing to characteristics required for the processes of childbirth. The shape of a female pelvis is flatter, more rounded and proportionally larger to allow the head of a fetus to pass. Also, the coccyx of a female's pelvis is oriented more inferiorly whereas the man's coccyx is usually oriented more anteriorly. This difference allows more room for a developing fetus. Men tend to have slightly thicker and longer limbs and digit bones (phalanges), while women tend to have narrower rib cages, smaller teeth, less angular mandibles, less pronounced cranial features such as the brow ridges and external occipital protuberance (the small bump at the back of the skull), and the carrying angle of the forearm is more pronounced in females. Females also tend to have more rounded shoulder blades.

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I guess it could be possible, homosexuality has been around for I would guess close to forever. But I don't know if they have enough facts to say for certain this man was buried this way due to homosexuality. Could be true though.

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What evidence supports this is a male skeleton? Bones are bones.

There is a TV show in the US called "Bones" it is pretty interesting as they talk about how they come to all these "conclusions". I found this as to the difference and found it interesting -

Thanks! We've got Bones in our NetFlix queue but haven't started watching it yet. I'd forgotten about the pelvic difference.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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They do not claim that he was Neanderthal, just a cave dwelling man..

It is funny how current thinking and assumptions have coloured the conclusions. BTW I like to find the original source papers rather than a journalists headline, if I am really concerned about something.

The current preoccupation with homosexuality seems to have led them to want to find "evidence" of it in the past so they can say "Hooray! we have been around forever"

Actually the Bible forbade it in the law of Moses which we are told was around 3500 years ago, so this would not exactly be a new discovery.

Just because the guy was buried in a way that they find unusual does not constitute proof, does it?

As someone said perhaps he preferred cooking to fighting, perhaps he upset them and they got their own back by burying him like a woman? Perhaps even, he was a cross dresser !

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  • 2 months later...

To certain cheeky folk who know who they are:RetroHelen believes good old threads deserve a Resurrection!:raspberry:

Having done some research myself on ancient Celt/European 'cordware' burials I found this information:http://bonesdontlie.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/sex-gender-and-the-gay-caveman/

"As Czech barrows usually served for burials of poor villagers, only a few objects are found in them except for cheap pottery.Anthropologist Kristina Killgrove commented that someone buried in the Copper/early Bronze Age was not a "caveman" and that identifying the sex of skeletal remains is difficult and inexact. A detailed account of the burial has not yet appeared in the scientific literature. Both sexes received the characteristic cord-decorated pottery."Caveman" is flat-out inaccurate, said John Hawks, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison."Corded-Ware burials are not 'caveman' in age," Hawks told LiveScience. "We're talking about pre-Bronze Age farmers."http://www.livescience.com/13620-gay-caveman-story-overblown.html http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/47340 ('Gay caveman' is bad science)

http://www.assemblage.group.shef.ac.uk/2/2turek.html This site is just giving long details of many cordware burials in Bohemia (mostly Czech area now). Basically, they do reveal that because of plough damage some skeletons only had their sex determined by their orientation because their pelvic bones are too shattered to measure exactly. In reality, without DNA testing, they may be male or female. Another site found multiple burials with an older man buried in the wrong direction, but merely concluded it was a mistake. Some male burials had axes and maces others did not, and it was concluded they were just farm labourers not warriors, even saying they were men with lower status than those with tools or weapons seems pure guesswork.They could be just tools/vessels of their trade or their few tools were passed on to other family members and not buried with them. Also, some tombs had been robbed of their metal grave goods leaving only pottery behind.

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To certain cheeky folk who know who they are:RetroHelen believes good old threads deserve a Resurrection!:raspberry:


Interesting research. It really confirms that the article that started this topic was certainly a propaganda piece, as we all suspected.


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