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Calling for Tattoos on Global Warming Deniers

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I read several blogs and came across this in I Hate the Media. A broadcaster/newspaper columnist in Australia is calling for tattoos on those who deny global warming is true as well as calling for their ghettoisation (albeit in what is currently considered prime real-estate) in low lying land.


Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies. Not necessarily on the forehead; I’m a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ”Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?”

On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy. So how about they are forced to buy property on low-lying islands, the sort of property that will become worthless with a few more centimetres of ocean rise, so they are bankrupted by their own bloody-mindedness? Or what about their signed agreement to stand, in the year 2040, lashed to a pole at a certain point in the shallows off Manly? If they are right and the world is cooling – ”climate change stopped in the year 1998” is one of their more boneheaded beliefs – their mouths will be above water. If not …

Of course, after outcry he has, in his original article turned around and said, "I didn't really mean it". The problem is that he is not the first member of the Church of Global Warming Climate Change to propose such totalitarian ideas.

What is interesting is that he is calling for politics to be removed and that the fight against the Climate Changetm bogeyman be a community thing. For many Climate Changers it is already a religious thing with regular statements about us hurting Mother Earth/Gaia with our very existence.

In the past some of the most dangerous ideas have started off as a lone nutter writing dangerous things - the Nazi ideas on ethnic cleansing came from the words of just a few men including Wagner (yes, that Wagner, the composer). Of course many more dangerous ideas also just disappear in a cloud of outrage from the public so we can hope this one does too.

Still, something to watch out for - the majority at the moment don't believe in "Climate Change" except as a perfectly natural force that is not much affected by human activity but thanks to their control of various governments they have near complete control of the argument and in many places such as the US they also have a firm grip on education and can propagandise children. I think we can expect a great deal of trouble from the Green movement - it is both political and religious in nature and is quite fanatical. It's political ideas come from pure Socialism in that the government should do stuff regardless of whether the voters want it or not. It's religious ideas are straight out of the same kind of thought process that caused the Romans and Persians to persecute and kill Christians - in other words, if you don't agree with them and follow their ideas you are in deep trouble.

We can already see how these ideas are beginning to harm us, food prices and energy costs are rising to insane levels for no real reason than that the Green movement wants it to because... Climate Change! :depressed::glare: Thanks to the exorbitant taxes they want to impose things such as housing, electricity and basic food will become more and more expensive in the name of Gaia.

I don't know whether this will spark the Great Tribulation or merely contribute to it or even have no effect in the future, but it seems at the moment to be a good candidate for either of the first two.

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I like this from the August 2008 Awake!

GLOBAL WARMING has been described as the greatest threat facing humanity. What worries researchers, says the journal Science, “is the prospect that we’ve started a slow-moving but relentless avalanche of change.” Skeptics question this assertion. True, many agree that the earth is warming, but they are uncertain of both the causes and the consequences. Human activities may be a factor, they say, but not necessarily the primary one.

Some would argue, of course, that using an element of doubt as justification for doing nothing is gambling with the future. “How would we explain this to our children?” they say. Whether the climate models are accurate or not, we can be certain that the earth is in serious trouble. Its life-sustaining environment is being assaulted by pollution, deforestation, urbanization, and the extinction of species, to name just a few factors that no one can successfully dispute.

In view of what we know, can we expect mankind as a whole to make an about-face so as to spare our beautiful home—and us too? What is more, if human activity is causing global warming, we may have only years, not centuries, to make the needed changes. At the very least, making such changes would mean promptly addressing the root causes of earth’s problems—human greed, self-interest, ignorance, inept government, and apathy. Is such a prospect probable or just wishful thinking? If the latter, are we without hope? That question will be discussed in the next article.

I appreciate that they stated the fact that earth's temperatures are increasing, but chose to not weigh in on the cause. Regardless of the cause, man is certainly ruining the Earth - See Rev 11:18 "bring to ruin those ruining the earth". The only one who can fix this is the one stated in that verse. Meanwhile we get warmer.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I appreciate that they stated the fact that earth's temperatures are increasing, but chose to not weigh in on the cause. Regardless of the cause, man is certainly ruining the Earth - See Rev 11:18 "bring to ruin those ruining the earth". The only one who can fix this is the one stated in that verse. Meanwhile we get warmer.

This issue has always fascinated me. In the days of Noah, the "Earth came to be ruined in Jehovah's sight'. Was this because of man's pollution? No, it was because of his violence, the same as today. This point was brought out at the DC this year. This isn't saying that man is not hurting the environment, but can he really do permanent damage with all the automatic "cleaning systems" Jehovah has in place?

The Earth is in a warming trend, but so are all the other planets in the solar system. The sun is going through a warming cycle as it has done many times over millions of years.

It will be interesting to see just what is really happening when it's all over.

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I appreciate that they stated the fact that earth's temperatures are increasing, but chose to not weigh in on the cause. Regardless of the cause, man is certainly ruining the Earth - See Rev 11:18 "bring to ruin those ruining the earth". The only one who can fix this is the one stated in that verse. Meanwhile we get warmer.

This issue has always fascinated me. In the days of Noah, the "Earth came to be ruined in Jehovah's sight'. Was this because of man's pollution? No, it was because of his violence, the same as today. This point was brought out at the DC this year. This isn't saying that man is not hurting the environment, but can he really do permanent damage with all the automatic "cleaning systems" Jehovah has in place?

The Earth is in a warming trend, but so are all the other planets in the solar system. The sun is going through a warming cycle as it has done many times over millions of years.

It will be interesting to see just what is really happening when it's all over.

That's how I feel about global warming. The laws of the universe that Jehovah set in motion when he created earth etc. are not ones that can be changed. We might be able to interfere with them to a small degree but Jehovah says the earth abides forever. But as you said the violence is ruining the earth for so many. Thank goodness Jehovah is in control of the universe.:sunshine:

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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At least we know that it cant be so bad that the people on earth wont get sucked in by the cry of Peace and Security! To think they will actually believe this - but for a moment before Jehovah destroys the nations.

Nothing bad can last forever!

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This issue has always fascinated me. In the days of Noah, the "Earth came to be ruined in Jehovah's sight'. Was this because of man's pollution? No, it was because of his violence, the same as today. This point was brought out at the DC this year. This isn't saying that man is not hurting the environment, but can he really do permanent damage with all the automatic "cleaning systems" Jehovah has in place?

I never looked at it this way. Interesting, and sensible - ruining via violence as in Noah's day.

Although, the "ruining" can be any kind of ruining. While pollution may not do permanent damage, it is still a ruining of the earth regardless.

We had a CO that mentioned this verse in Revelation 11:18 and said it was a prophecy were are seeing fulfilled today, and made the comment "What could you do to ruin the earth a hundred or more years ago? Hit it with a shovel?"

I liked his sense of humor.


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Yes, that is a good (and funny) thought. I have always thought that since the scripture in Revelation sounded very similar to the Genesis account that it was talking about man filling the earth with violence like he did in Noah's day.

Bod, what happened to the little men in your avatar? they were cute! :tongue:

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This is from the Revelation Climax book about Rev 11:18 -

Throughout history the nations have been ruining the earth by their incessant warfare and bad management. Since 1914, however, this ruination has escalated to an alarming degree. Greed and corruption have resulted in expanding deserts and tremendous loss of productive land. Acid rain and radioactive clouds have damaged large areas. Food sources have been polluted. The air we breathe and the water we drink are contaminated. Industrial wastes threaten life on land and in the sea. At one time, the superpowers threatened complete ruination by way of nuclear annihilation of all humankind. Happily, Jehovah will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth”; he will execute judgment on those proud, godless humans who are responsible for earth’s sorry state. (Deuteronomy 32:5, 6; Psalm 14:1-3) Therefore, Jehovah arranges for the third woe, to bring these wrongdoers to account.—Revelation 11:14.

It would seem both ideas are correct - a ruining in a moral sense and physical. Even the "Global Warming deniers" have to admit that humans are polluting this planet to "an alarming degree".

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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