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London on lockdown as police face gangs armed with petrol bombs and poles on third night of riots

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Why is this going on? Did London lose a sporting event? I haven't seen anything on the local news station today. BTW, what is "lorries"???

In a nutshell; a young man was shot by Police on Thursday. I think there was a demonstration by local people, which deteriorated when others from outside the area joined in. Since then the rioting, violence, burning and looting of property has spread, first to other parts of London, and now to other parts of the country.

A lorry is a truck.

Very much like the shot heard around the world, huh? Back in 1914



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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In a nutshell; a young man was shot by Police on Thursday. I think there was a demonstration by local people, which deteriorated when others from outside the area joined in. Since then the rioting, violence, burning and looting of property has spread, first to other parts of London, and now to other parts of the country.

A lorry is a truck.

neat summing up Josie...:D

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Since the terrorist threats, UK Police have an Armed Response Team assigned to groups of county Police forces and in the cities. In the cities they are pretty close, but in the counties it takes too long for them to get where they are needed - which was the problem with the shootings in our town - no immediate response left the man to go where he wished shooting people.

Back to the riots in London - the protest about the young man who was shot by Police, that seemed to be a peaceful protest and had ended and the family and supporters gone home when all this violence set off. Some said it was after a 'stop and search' by Police. This means that Police can cruise the streets in their cars and if they see a suspicious group of youths, they have the right to stop and search individuals for drugs and weapons - often successfully. Problem is that youths can be stopped constantly because they 'look the part' by the way they dress or they are of an ethnic community that often forms gangs and hang out in the streets with others that look the same, so they feel harassed by constant 'stop and searching' and then there's backlash.

The previous government slackened the immigration laws and 3 million people came here legally with their families in 3 years, let alone the illegal immigrants coming through our ports. The local government education and housing authorities are overwhelmed with people who often can't speak English, so can't be employed straightaway. Children in schools in London who can't speak English get left behind educationally and many drop out. Many 'asylum seekers' come from countries where they trained as child soldiers and just come here forming gangs based on what they learned with machettes/AK47's back where they came from and recruit from the growing number of youths who do not value learning at school - it's not 'cool',but being a rebel and being expelled is 'cool'. Being in gangs anywhere gives youngsters identity and a kind of support they don't get from disfunctional families at home. Wrecking stuff , stealing, starting fires and running from Police with your friends is 'fun'.In cities it's easier as there are underground train services that can get you to somewhere else in minutes, which was seen in London. 300 youths had surrounded one Police station, daring any of them to come out so they were beseiged and did not come out, which left other gangs to do as they liked in the area.

Now the gangs in other cities further north - Bristol and Liverpool of youngsters contacted on networking, got going last night too.Arrests of 11-15 year olds everywhere - no respect for authority and the Police have been greatly reduced in 'spending cuts'. Last year, during the school summer break, it was gangs setting fire to the empty schools, this seems to be just progressing from that.

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great photo Stu...

what I cannot understand is... why are they destroying the area where they live...why don't they go to the West End and more affluent parts of London? ...not that I am suggesting that...

but if they thought that the cutbacks were effecting them hard ..it is going to be even worse for them now...how many million's of £'s of damage have they caused?

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there are very few places in the uk where you will not find disillusioned young people.In the last year they have seen politicions,police,priests and news services uncovered as corrupt and criminal.They need what we have at Mark:1;1. A trustworthy leader who they can respect- without that they have no moral guidance.May we use whatever time Jehovah allows to try to reach their hearts 2 cor. 6:1,2;

Hi Stephen...good comment...

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Ealing was one of the locations where there was trouble, and that is not far from where I live. There is a strong possibility that my borough (Hounslow - if you want to look on the googlemap above) may be involved soon. Very troubled times, where we have to rely on Jehovah.

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Many off the youths have become desensitised to violence... they play violent computer games all day long, and so this kind of mind set becomes the norm for many.... this also reminds me of the period of time during the GT when the population will turn on each other, very frightening indeed. The youngest person arrested last night was just 11 years old !!! it has also been mentioned on the news that they are prepared to use rubber bullets tonight... I think that matters will get worse, I feel so sorry for those who have lost their livelihoods that they were already struggling to keep... and in many cases their homes as well :(

I always remember the point brought out in a talk that we will have a 'measure of fear' ourselves... but not to be terrified as we know that Jehovah will bring his kingdom very soon... and to rely now on him :)

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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UK riots 'worst in memory'

The Prime Minister has warned robust action will be taken against anyone involved in serious rioting and criminality across the UK - branded "the worst in current memory" by the Metropolitan Police.

All leave for Met officers has been cancelled and the ranks patrolling the streets of London will be boosted from 6,000 to 16,000 on Tuesday night....


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UK riots 'worst in memory'

The Prime Minister has warned robust action will be taken against anyone involved in serious rioting and criminality across the UK - branded "the worst in current memory" by the Metropolitan Police.

All leave for Met officers has been cancelled and the ranks patrolling the streets of London will be boosted from 6,000 to 16,000 on Tuesday night....


That is so scary you guys. Be safe. Grumpy and I have been talking and we believe it won't take much for the same conditions to start here in the USA.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Grumpy and I have been talking and we believe it won't take much for the same conditions to start here in the USA.

I agree Vernalee...I think it is a turning point in society because...even when...if... this dies down...things cannot be the same...

people aren't willing to stay quiet...

“The increasing of lawlessness” ... Matthew 24:12 will continue

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This year of 2011 is full of impressive events, isn't it ?

So true Dages

to name a few ...and the word I keeping hearing "unprecedented"

Published on Thursday, June 16, 2011 by Associated Press

Extreme Weather Events Unprecedented, Scientists Say

by Randolph E. Schmid

www.middle-east-online.com/english...18 Apr 2011 – "We could find that the Arab Spring turns into an Iranian winter," he warned. Since the start of the unprecedented popular protests in ...

As the man became the first fatality of the 'unprecedented' London riots, David Cameron has come back from Tuscany early to deal with the unrest. ...Frost Magazine 9/8/11

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There are live text updates of the situation on this webpage, together with video news.

There were cars set alight in my local town, and 3 other towns nearby last night :eek:

Take care Josie! and all the rest of you. So sorry you are having to experience this but then this is just a foregleam of the things to come for all of us really. How do you see the technology helping/hindering us when the GT starts?



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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This year of 2011 is full of impressive events, isn't it ?

So true Dages

to name a few ...and the word I keeping hearing "unprecedented"

Published on Thursday, June 16, 2011 by Associated Press

Extreme Weather Events Unprecedented, Scientists Say

by Randolph E. Schmid

www.middle-east-online.com/english...18 Apr 2011 – "We could find that the Arab Spring turns into an Iranian winter," he warned. Since the start of the unprecedented popular protests in ...

As the man became the first fatality of the 'unprecedented' London riots, David Cameron has come back from Tuscany early to deal with the unrest. ...Frost Magazine 9/8/11

Here in America they use the word "unexpected", as in "The number of people applying for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose this week."

Unexpected by whom? Only the clueless.

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Here in America they use the word "unexpected", as in "The number of people applying for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose this week."

Unexpected by whom? Only the clueless.

yeah val, just like they "unexpectedly" cut the unemployment benefits....??...even though unemployment is "unexpectedly" rising.....go figure....

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The meetings around here have all been cancelled tonight. Better to be safe than sorry....
Please, Please be so careful. You are in our prayers.

45517=2098-group hug.gif

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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The meetings around here have all been cancelled tonight. Better to be safe than sorry....
Please' date=' Please be so careful. You are in our prayers.[/b']

45517=2098-group hug.gif

Thank you so much for you concern sis. It's wonderful to be part of Jehovah's loving family:)
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Have just got back from MS and Service meeting. There were two brothers manning the entrance gates to the grounds of the KH. Usually these are left open even during the meeting. Tonight they were closed when we arrived, and as we drove up to the gate it was opened to allow access and then shut again. The same on the way out. I just love the way Jehovah takes care of us. What a wonderful brotherhood we have. :heart:

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these riots are crazy, i really do feel its gonna get worse before they get better unfortunately.....although i've been watching the news tonite and london doesn't seem to bad at the moment......but i think they expecting it to get worse later, the worst at the minute is birmingham. I have quite a few friends in london and i heard today that one of them only just made it to a safe house before the mob came to her street and another nearly lost his flat to flames. One of them was supposed to be coming home (to ipswich area) due to family circumstances but has been unable to leave as they have been told it is too unsafe to travel, I've also been told that all the brother's are very much sticking together. All you guys in london, stay safe! thinking bout you all. :wave:

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Its day 4 and it doesn't look like they want to stop, the worst part is its all young people. I'm also a little surprised at how quickly the madness has spread and last night was so scary, no part of South London was left undamaged. All of this destruction over one incident. We really are in the toes


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