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So how do you measure how far morals have sunk in recent times? By electing lesbian couple as homecoming king and queen.

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This just boggles my mind...


I graduated in 1994. At that time, there was still no tolerance for any student who showed even a hint of homosexual tendencies. I can remember by the late 90's and out of the high school environment there was some acceptance of a few of them in my social circle - but we were a rather non-conformist liberal bunch as it was.

Now, 18 years later, a lesbian couple it elected homecoming king and queen by their students. Keep in mind the setting -> this means that they are popular, and that the couple advertises it well, probably in the same way us heterosexual couples advertised our infatuations with each other through more than necessary public displays of affection.

Now mind you, I have nothing personally against anyone who struggles with homosexual tendencies - I bring this up as just one example of how shocked I am that the world has changed so much in only 15 years, give or take.


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I live one block from a large local high school and many times I've seen

lesbian couples kissing,walking home from school.I never see guys

doing it,it's always girls.My teenage son will say"Look at

those girls mom."They seem to be very brazen about it.

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I live one block from a large local high school and many times I've seen

lesbian couples kissing,walking home from school.I never see guys

doing it,it's always girls.My teenage son will say"Look at

those girls mom."They seem to be very brazen about it.

That's true. I think homosexual women are more accepted than homosexual men.

Also interesting, is that I read a survey one time about the number of people who claimed to be homosexual at one point and eventually abandoned the lifestyle in favor of a heterosexual relationship was actually quite high - showing that much of the time one is just following after the crowd, experimenting, or whatever, and that it is not necessarily something they are born to have a disposition towards.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Calls to mind the scripture (can't remember specific) "What is good is bad, what is bad is good" We ourselves don't condone it, neither would we "picket" or demonstrate against it. It is what it is....the "low sink of debauchery" this world's morals. Every time I think nothing can surprise me.....the ol' world proves me wrong. I'm so glad to have Jehovah's clear direction! Glad to be just a "spectator" watching prophecy unfold. :nope::popcorn:

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My sons ER doctor is gay {a woman},the girl at the Blockbuster is gay,a coworker of my husbands also(they adopted a baby,and had a shower,we didn't attend or get a gift)and the girl at McDonalds is gay,we are surrounded by gay people.And when you deal with them on a practically daily basis it does start to seem "ordinary."

It's a warped society nowadays.

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when you deal with them on a practically daily basis it does start to seem "ordinary."

It's a warped society nowadays.

I totaly understand the "ordinary" thing...this is off topic about gays but it goes with how far morality has sunk...my dads a paramedic for the childrens hopsital and does transports for sick kids all the time...he came home this morning taking a bout a kid he had to transport that had issues..but it is sad when he says thank god it was a "simple" abuse case. Then I had to this it shanking a baby is simple what does my dad see on a daily basis that's not "simple" its just sad to see how far people have sunk

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when you deal with them on a practically daily basis it does start to seem "ordinary."

It's a warped society nowadays.

I totaly understand the "ordinary" thing...this is off topic about gays but it goes with how far morality has sunk...my dads a paramedic for the childrens hopsital and does transports for sick kids all the time...he came home this morning taking a bout a kid he had to transport that had issues..but it is sad when he says thank god it was a "simple" abuse case. Then I had to this it shanking a baby is simple what does my dad see on a daily basis that's not "simple" its just sad to see how far people have sunk

This is off topic also,but thinking of what your dad sees daily we had a case here where this little boy,4 years old walked to the elementary school down the street from me,and asked the receptionist if he could get something to eat there.The receptionist asked why he had come there and the boy said"My brother and sister eat here."She called the police who then went to his house,I could walk to his house from my house,and there was NO food just empty beer cans and cigarettes.The mom,who was 21,said "Take the @#$%& kid,I don't want him."That's a quote from the news report.A starving little boy near MY house,it broke my heart.This world is an evil warped place.Soon to be destroyed,and justly so.

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Now, 18 years later, a lesbian couple it elected homecoming king and queen by their students. Keep in mind the setting -> this means that they are popular, and that the couple advertises it well, probably in the same way us heterosexual couples advertised our infatuations with each other through more than necessary public displays of affection.

And one does not necessarily have to with the other. Homecoming King and Queen need not be a dating couple. It's a popularity contest, pure and simple. It's not a matchmaking service. It's not a promotion of "this is the type of romantic couple you should follow." It's popularity. It's HOMECOMING King and Queen, for crying out loud. Sex and sexuality has no place in this arrangement. They aren't made to hold hands or kiss. It's not even like Prom King and Queen where they share a dance together.

The article starts out by saying

"I hope people understand that lesbians and gays do need the same rights," Adams told the San Diego television station.
Guess what? They DO! Any lesbian in that school had the right and equal opportunity to run for prom Queen. Sexual orientation has never been a qualifying factor.

Yet they choose to turn it into a qualifying factor. The students choose to reinvent the wheel in this case. It's as if they want to make a big deal out of it, attract attention, shock and awe and upset the social balance. Of course, that describes all teenagers in all of history.

Just another example of the "homosexual agenda" being pushed through. And yes, what will this system be like when those teen agers are the movers and shakers of society in another 20 years or so?

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I live one block from a large local high school and many times I've seen

lesbian couples kissing,walking home from school.I never see guys

doing it,it's always girls.My teenage son will say"Look at

those girls mom."They seem to be very brazen about it.

It's called "Lesbian Chic."

Compared to Ellen DeGeneres and the older generation of lesbians, Stepp explains that this generation is "way younger" and "way different from what most people think of as lesbians." They see lesbian or bisexual identity as chic and fashionable--even if they are just passing through a phase.

According to Stepp, this new trend towards "lesbian chic" is apparent in Washington, D.C. and its neighboring suburbs. In 2002, a teacher at Washington's Coolidge High School grew so frustrated that he began sending students involved in public displays of affection to the principals office. The issue was not boy-girl kisses, but girls openly and loudly kissing each other. Of course, Coolidge High School also features a student body that last year chose a lesbian pair as the schools "cutest couple."

And yes, it's almost always girl-on-girl. At least right now. No straight guy wants to see two guys kiss. No straight guy is looking at the guy when viewing a guy and girl kiss, either. Men generally are visual creatures whereas a woman is more mental. Since men are still the dominant gender overall, it's only natural that these fads will cater to the male mindset.

Mainstream media have been toying with the girl-on-girl for a while now. Lesbian kisses in TV shows and Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" (which idea was ripped off from Jill Sobule song of the same concept 13 years earlier).

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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My sons ER doctor is gay {a woman},the girl at the Blockbuster is gay,a coworker of my husbands also(they adopted a baby,and had a shower,we didn't attend or get a gift)and the girl at McDonalds is gay,we are surrounded by gay people.And when you deal with them on a practically daily basis it does start to seem "ordinary."

It's a warped society nowadays.

Why do you know these things? I don't mean you, personally, as if you're doing something wrong. What I mean is:

When I go to the ER, I don't know nor ask the doctor's sexual orientation. I don't even ask my family doctor. Of course, with my family doctor conversation brings it out. "My husband and I..." bla bla bla.

I definitely don't ask the Video Store girl or the girl at McDonald's if they're straight, bi or lesbian.

My point being why are these people flaunting it, promoting it or talking about it? I worked at Blockbuster. Never once did I discuss my sexual orientation with any of the clients. It's not the time or place.

With co-workers I understand. Just like I said above with the family doctor. If it's someone you develop a relationship with, even a working relationship, you'll start learning these things. When someone is a couple and you are chatting and being friendly, you start mentioning your partner. But the video store girl? the girl at McDonalds? The doctor in ER (unless one regularly visits ER). Who cares?!?

Gays and lesbians want to point fingers and say that my simply wearing a wedding ring means I'm flaunting my sexuality and orientation. No it doesn't. It's a ring. It's not readily noticeable. Anyone can wear a ring on that finger. Granted, until this century it's always been heterosexual couples getting married, but those times are changing. Besides, not every married couple has an active sex life. So no, it's not blatantly screaming to the world my sexual activity.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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where I live in South Wales UK...if 2 girls or 2 boys went around holding hands or kissing ...they would probably be beaten up..

and I am at an age where if I saw 2 people of the same sex kissing...I would feel shocked and disgusted...because it just looks so weird...

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I didn't realise till I just did some research this bisexual thing is becoming more common place...


Although it can be found among both genders, it seems that bisexuality is becoming increasingly common in girls. Consider a few reasons.

● Attention

“Boys openly admit that they think lesbians are appealing. Girls who lack self-confidence will do almost anything to make a guy like them.”—Jessica, 16.

● Curiosity

“When you put something out there in movies, TV, and music that promotes girls kissing girls, teens will be tempted to try it—especially when they do not consider it to be wrong.”—Lisa, 26.

● Attraction

“I met two bisexual girls at a party, and later I found out from a friend that they liked me. Eventually I started texting one of the girls, and I started developing feelings for her.”—Vicky, 13.

If you want to please God, you should avoid experimenting with conduct that the Bible describes as unclean. (Ephesians 4:19; 5:11) But what if you’re really drawn to both sexes? Many would urge you simply to embrace your sexuality and come out as bisexual. However, you should be aware that same-sex attraction is often nothing more than a passing phase. That’s what Lisette, 16, found. She says: “Talking to my parents about my feelings made me feel better. Also, through my biology classes in school, I learned that during the adolescent years, hormone levels can fluctuate greatly. I truly think that if more youths knew more about their bodies, they would understand that same-sex attraction can be temporary and they wouldn’t feel the pressure to be gay.”

Even if your feelings are more deep-rooted than a short-lived growing pain, realize that the Bible presents you with a reachable goal: You can choose not to act on any wrong desires.


For more information, see “How Can I Avoid Homosexuality?” in chapter 28 of the book Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work, Volume 2, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

[Picture on page 23]

When it comes to popular opinion, Christians have the courage to walk against the crowd

Young People Ask

How Can I Explain the Bible’s View of Homosexuality?

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Not that I have muncheusen syndrome by proxie or anything but I spend Alot of time in the ER with a skateboarding,snowboarding,

trick bike riding kid who's done alot of face plants,so I know the ER doctor {up your direction by the way),pretty well.Plus I've also seen "them" shopping at the Giant Eagle.

The others I have almost daily contact with also,due to various circumstances,I used to work with one and the other works with a friend.

That's how I know them.

My sons ER doctor is gay {a woman},the girl at the Blockbuster is gay,a coworker of my husbands also(they adopted a baby,and had a shower,we didn't attend or get a gift)and the girl at McDonalds is gay,we are surrounded by gay people.And when you deal with them on a practically daily basis it does start to seem "ordinary."

It's a warped society nowadays.

Why do you know these things? I don't mean you, personally, as if you're doing something wrong. What I mean is:

When I go to the ER, I don't know nor ask the doctor's sexual orientation. I don't even ask my family doctor. Of course, with my family doctor conversation brings it out. "My husband and I..." bla bla bla.

I definitely don't ask the Video Store girl or the girl at McDonald's if they're straight, bi or lesbian.

My point being why are these people flaunting it, promoting it or talking about it? I worked at Blockbuster. Never once did I discuss my sexual orientation with any of the clients. It's not the time or place.

With co-workers I understand. Just like I said above with the family doctor. If it's someone you develop a relationship with, even a working relationship, you'll start learning these things. When someone is a couple and you are chatting and being friendly, you start mentioning your partner. But the video store girl? the girl at McDonalds? The doctor in ER (unless one regularly visits ER). Who cares?!?

Gays and lesbians want to point fingers and say that my simply wearing a wedding ring means I'm flaunting my sexuality and orientation. No it doesn't. It's a ring. It's not readily noticeable. Anyone can wear a ring on that finger. Granted, until this century it's always been heterosexual couples getting married, but those times are changing. Besides, not every married couple has an active sex life. So no, it's not blatantly screaming to the world my sexual activity.

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where I live in South Wales UK...if 2 girls or 2 boys went around holding hands or kissing ...they would probably be beaten up..

and I am at an age where if I saw 2 people of the same sex kissing...I would feel shocked and disgusted...because it just looks so weird...

I live outside a small town. I have never seen or even heard of two people of the same sex holding hands or kissing. I think that people would actually be shocked if this happened where I live. Although most of the people around here accept homosexuals in the community, it's because they feel that what you do in the privacy of your own home is your business. I think a lot of people would be angered and disgusted if two homosexuals were elected as homecoming King and Queen.
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My original point in saying what I did was how common it is now,I don't know if I knew

a gay couple 5 years ago.Now it seems very common.I met a sisters daughter and that was

practically the first words out of her mouth to me"I'm gay."Flaunting it.Maybe they do it for shock value to.

Like piercings and tattoos.

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My original point in saying what I did was how common it is now,I don't know if I knew

a gay couple 5 years ago.Now it seems very common.I met a sisters daughter and that was

practically the first words out of her mouth to me"I'm gay."Flaunting it.Maybe they do it for shock value to.

Like piercings and tattoos.

I know what you mean...I have known people who said they were homosexual ...but as you say...they did not flaunt it...now its pushed into your face on the TV etc as it is a normal way to be...

interestingly there is an item in the newspaper today...Bullied schoolchildren 'told to act less gay by teachers'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2056115/Bullied-schoolchildren-told-act-gay-teachers.html#ixzz1cTf6LFes

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My original point in saying what I did was how common it is now,I don't know if I knew

a gay couple 5 years ago.Now it seems very common.I met a sisters daughter and that was

practically the first words out of her mouth to me"I'm gay."Flaunting it.Maybe they do it for shock value to.

Like piercings and tattoos.

I know what you mean...I have known people who said they were homosexual ...but as you say...they did not flaunt it...now its pushed into your face on the TV etc as it is a normal way to be...

interestingly there is an item in the newspaper today...Bullied schoolchildren 'told to act less gay by teachers'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2056115/Bullied-schoolchildren-told-act-gay-teachers.html#ixzz1cTf6LFes

The teachers in the article are probably my age group and we didn't tolerate "gay" acting kids when I was in school.So of course they are

not politically correct according to the feelings of the youths.

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I love the fact that one of the girls is wearing a cross in the picture. Even the churches today are OK with this, but not OURS!!!!

Jehovah has lifted his teachings above the mountains (where the idolaters worship their gods - sex being one of them) and to the mountain of Jehovah we stream!! (Isaiah 2:2-4)

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I graduated in 1990 and homosexuality while it was going on I'm sure, was kept very quiet. My nephew is 20 and when he was in High School, there were couples in his school. They held hands walking down the halls just like the hetero couples.

They also teach the kids, I forget which grade, to be tolerant of others. I remember my nephew telling me a teacher once told the class, "even if your parents have religious beliefs against homosexuals, that does not mean your beliefs have to be that" Now a days, the government is trying indoctrinate your kids, to make your beliefs sound old fashioned and not politically correct. They teach the kids about condoms and other birth control, political correctness, evolution, etc. It's like they are taking our kids away, it's really crazy. School use to be about teaching math, English, etc, now it's all about the world's values.

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My sons ER doctor is gay {a woman},the girl at the Blockbuster is gay,a coworker of my husbands also(they adopted a baby,and had a shower,we didn't attend or get a gift)and the girl at McDonalds is gay,we are surrounded by gay people.And when you deal with them on a practically daily basis it does start to seem "ordinary."

It's a warped society nowadays.

We has a lesbian couple a few doors down from us with a little kid. I didn't see them much, but if a situation arose, I was polite to them, and I always told my kids to be nice to their daughter. They no longer live here, but it was weird.

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