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A gluten scientist explains why gluten-free diets are terrible for you

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15 hours ago, Myew said:


#1 Clickbait title, doesn't really explain much about it


It’s not click bait. They talk about what the title says. This, or you saw some other video.


15 hours ago, Myew said:

#2 When the video references 'gluten-free', they are referring to the processed junkfood in the GF aisle at any Wal-mart/Grocery.

Incorrect. Gluten-free refers to all food where gluten has been removed.

15 hours ago, Myew said:

#3 Little scientific evidence to support GF diet. Of course not, there's next to no money in making people feel better

There is plenty of money in making GF foods, just as there is in making lactose free foods. The reasons they are selling in your stores is not because they are good for you, but because people are willing to pay 3 times as much.


15 hours ago, Myew said:

#4 Wheat is fortified! /sarcasm poor-bioavailability synthetically processed nutrients...

I’m not really sure what you mean. Of course any fortified food is done so synthetically. It is a WHO recommendation to fortify wheat. Nutrients regularly used in grain fortification prevent diseases, strengthen immune systems, and improve productivity and cognitive development.


The idea that gluten-free is good for the general population is wrong, just like it’s wrong that lactose free is good just because your stomach rumbles a bit. Note: I am not talking about celiac or lactose allergy.


Against the Grain (The New Yorker)

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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12 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

The reasons they are selling in your stores is not because they are good for you, but because people are willing to pay 3 times as much.


And since they know that 99% of their customers will be part of the fad diet rather than an actual celiac sufferer, they'll be more lax with their standards since they know that almost nobody will be affected.


Case in point, Cheerios does not meet the Canadian government standards for limiting cross-contamination, yet in the US they are continuing to use the label anyway, under the assumption that if cross contamination does occur almost nobody would be affected.

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On 10/29/2017 at 6:44 PM, hatcheckgirl said:

My advice from my dietician was specific for my case.  The world uses a legitimate illness to label foods to seem "healthier" than they really are.  We can't take food labelling for granted and need to delve into it more to make sure what we are eating.

Lucy, I don't disagree with anything you've said. I'm very sorry if I have given that impression or if I've said anything to disturb or upset you. I understand how dangerous ketoacidosis is and why diabetics need to be very wary of low carbohydrate macro-nutrient diets. I'm trying to point out the differences between gluten free fad diets and sustainable diets which are gluten free.

18 hours ago, Thesauron said:

It’s not click bait. They talk about what the title says. This, or you saw some other video.

I'm not denying the dangers and risks of alternatives such as rice. However, how does that make not eating wheat or using any of the thousands of products derived from gliadin more terrible than eating the standard american diet that they are recommending? Over 1/3 of Americans are severely obese, these processed grains and foods being a significant factor. A recent study even showed that America literally has the worst health care among high income countries. http://www.commonwealthfund.org/interactives/2017/july/mirror-mirror/

One of my biggest changes in the early years of getting off the standard american diet was switching to rice rather than wheat noodles. The amount of relief that I felt with that change alone resulted in noticeably less cognitive deficiency, pain, sensitivity, and skin reactions such as eczema and hives. This encouraged me and gave me enough strength to keep making changes, to the extent that for the past couple years I've been able to attend meetings again which I hadn't been able to do for nearly 15 years. However, I do not have celiac disease. I have several autoimmune, brain, developmental and nerve disorders. Smaller studies have been done which show benefits in other cases such as autoimmune disorders and epilepsy as well. I have since gotten off of rice and all other grains as well, as I can't eat rice without getting full body severe itching, stinging pain and hives within minutes. I've never really noticed a major problem with oats, and I was eating Whole Grain Gluten Free Oats whole oats for a good while, but they always gave me a little bit of a stomach ache and made me feel sluggish in general. The milk didn't help.

Eating a proper diet now makes me feel lucid, full of energy, strong, at least relatively according to my limits. I'm not saying there aren't problems on a diet free of grain proteins. For example, I still have gut issues such as autointoxication, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, likely as a result of thyroid autoimmune disease. However, these problems were only far worse when suffering systemic inflammation from gluten proteins in the blood as a result of leaky gut and a haywire immune system.


18 hours ago, Thesauron said:

Incorrect. Gluten-free refers to all food where gluten has been removed.

The video itself showed a couple of Gluten Free labels on products at the beginning. The majority of processed products should not have wheat proteins in them in the first place, but they are such cheap filler and widely contaminated that greedy merchants don't care. Gluten Free labels are supposed to signify that the food has been tested to be free of gliadin, but more often than not it is just marketing. https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/05/19/many-probiotics-taken-for-celiac-disease-contain-gluten/

My point is thus: A diet consisting of processed foods labeled as Gluten Free is almost as terrible as a diet full of processed Gluten foods. However, to say that a nutritious and sustainable diet template which is free of gluten is terrible? That really hurts those who have invested years into feeling better and becoming healthier by avoiding it. The modern hybridized wheat proteins are far different from traditional forms of the grain and work together with pollutants like glyphosate to damage the intestinal walls and trigger autoimmunity in a very significant number of people. Over 20% of Americans are diagnosed as having an autoimmune condition - how many are undiagnosed and just chalk it up to aches and pains of aging? There are millions of people suffering from non-celiac gluten sensitivity who have no idea how it feels to have that fatigue or other symptoms lifted because not only do they not avoid other forms of gluten contamination such as in makeup, and neither do they have the proper balance of a nutritious diet. You can't start to see the long term benefits of avoiding gluten unless you do so in all of it's forms for over 6 months. http://newsroom.cumc.columbia.edu/blog/2016/07/26/columbia-researchers-find-biological-explanation-wheat-sensitivity-2/ 


18 hours ago, Thesauron said:

There is plenty of money in making GF foods, just as there is in making lactose free foods. The reasons they are selling in your stores is not because they are good for you, but because people are willing to pay 3 times as much.

I'm sorry, that is not what I intended to imply. Peter Green said: "There's very little scientific evidence to support the benefit of a gluten-free diet in anything except celiac disease." I was not referring to the money made by foods certified or labeled as gluten free. I'll try to make my point a little clearer: Of course there aren't going to be any major scientific studies done to support a diet free of gluten - studies cost money, and you don't make money by telling people to not eat processed food and live a healthier lifestyle. You make money by monopolizing agribusiness through lobbying. I've seen so many doctors who are unhealthy and overweight, they don't know what they're talking about, they just recommend whatever they are paid to. Satan's snare of greed doing everything in his power to ruin the earth, keeping the cost of food and healthcare as high as possible.

18 hours ago, Thesauron said:

I’m not really sure what you mean. Of course any fortified food is done so synthetically. It is a WHO recommendation to fortify wheat. Nutrients regularly used in grain fortification prevent diseases, strengthen immune systems, and improve productivity and cognitive development.

I was angry and sarcastic and upset, for which I am truly sorry. I took it personally when I heard people saying that my diet is terrible for me simply because I'm not eating grains which have been heavily hybridized in the past few generations for high yield at the cost of completely unsustainable and infertile soil with very poor nutrition which they have to synthetically add back in to an empty filler product as they pollute the earth. The only reason they need to be 'fortified' in the first place in because they are deficient due to their business practices. Have you ever heard of Beriberi, a terrible disease which resulted from people mostly eating polished rice without the bran? They literally couldn't metabolize the energy because they were suffering from such severe malnutrition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beriberi#Epidemiology

Adding nutrients back to foods synthetically is far less bioavailable than it is in whole foods, our bodies weren't designed by Jehovah to absorb or process nutrients in that form. It may help, but not near as much as a proper diet. It's like how the majority of people (at least here in the US) give their cats and dogs food which is made from leftover processed junk grains and filler, and they need to readd essential nutrients to it such as Taurine, otherwise the animal will suffer worse than the gut disorders they are now getting. Biologically, both animals are strict carnivores which can only digest living meat. The cooking and processing removes all of these essential amino acids. People may be squeamish about feeding their pets live food, but that is what Jehovah designed them to eat and we know that they've done so at the very least for the past 4000 years...

Except in our case, we are the animals trapped in Satan's cage, and he's shoving that junk down our throat.

I'm sorry, I should have stayed silent as usual and not commented in the first place. I'm too emotionally invested in this topic and lack self control. I allowed the video to upset me rather than just passing by. I don't know why it triggered me so strongly or what was causing me to feel so curt and unable to control my attitude when I woke up yesterday. Please forgive me. I might not be able to reply again because it's been taking me far too much time and stress to do so.

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5 hours ago, Myew said:

The only reason they need to be 'fortified' in the first place in because they are deficient due to their business practices.

The reason fortification is recommended is not because wheat has become more deficient over time, but because it is an easy way to support a good population health without asking people to take pills, which is harder. Instead, you fortify various types of food, such as wheat an salt, that people eat anyway. It has good scientific basis.


5 hours ago, Myew said:

Of course there aren't going to be any major scientific studies done to support a diet free of gluten - studies cost money, and you don't make money by telling people to not eat processed food and live a healthier lifestyle

You don’t do studies to support anything. That would be a faulty scientific method. You do studies to find out how stuff works by eliminitating ways it does not. When it comes to gluten, it seems to not have all the purported benefits pushed by various groups, except for incidental reports (ie., “it works for me”). This is how a lot of homeopathic medicines work, by the way. Instead, starting up a gluten-free diet without being a celiac might be detrimental to your health, and having far more downsides than upsides for most of us.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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8 hours ago, Myew said:

I'm very sorry if I have given that impression or if I've said anything to disturb or upset you.


Alex, all good :)  Happy to read your informed comments.  I learn a lot more about this from your experience and that of others here.  I hope I haven't imposed my views on anyone else here either.  It's important for me to keep in mind that I don't know everyone's personal struggles, so what I've said may not apply at all.



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11 hours ago, Thesauron said:

The reason fortification is recommended is not because wheat has become more deficient over time, but because it is an easy way to support a good population health without asking people to take pills, which is harder. Instead, you fortify various types of food, such as wheat an salt, that people eat anyway. It has good scientific basis.

Grains in particular have become progressively nutritionally deficient at a faster rate than other produce due to the monoculture and engineered agricultural practices. These practices are causing desertification, erosion, and pollution of the soil which is what the plant's health and nutrition is directly derived from. I am saying that if the majority of people replaced grains with more nutritious food, they would be functionally healthier and have less immune reactions or malnutrition. Jehovah designed very specific cycles for cultivating the earth and our health and nutrition coming from food. His way is always better than man's. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102000288#h=19 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102004609?q=soil&p=par#h=4 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102002207?q=soil&p=par#h=2 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102003722#h=23 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102009326#h=15 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desertification

11 hours ago, Thesauron said:

You don’t do studies to support anything. That would be a faulty scientific method. You do studies to find out how stuff works by eliminitating ways it does not. When it comes to gluten, it seems to not have all the purported benefits pushed by various groups, except for incidental reports (ie., “it works for me”). This is how a lot of homeopathic medicines work, by the way. Instead, starting up a gluten-free diet without being a celiac might be detrimental to your health, and having far more downsides than upsides for most of us.

You're right, I used a fallacy. Almost all studies have a bias, whether it's my hypothesis that pollution together with hybridized proteins are synergistic in damaging our biology, or agribusiness' hypothesis that they can get people to buy more of their product by finding a correlation between their product and health. Can I myself prove it? Not practically. All I can say is that everyone that I've known who has cut out grains has functionally improved their health in one form or another. Some very interesting reading here...

I've had some people emphatically recommend homeopathic remedies to me, saying that homeopathy and naturopathy cured their lyme disease from which they were completely bedridden. I've looked into the pathology of it a bit and tried some previously, but have never noticed any functional or practical changes in myself. ¯\(°_o)/¯ I am less inclined to trust that as they were not really advocating a healthier lifestyle, only cleanses, detoxes and supplements. They were making few beneficial changes, rather they just wanted to keep thinking that they could have their cake and eat it too (literally) without suffering the consequences of a poor diet.

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7 minutes ago, Myew said:

I am saying that if the majority of people replaced grains with more nutritious food, they would be functionally healthier and have less immune reactions or malnutrition.

We need a diverse diet, but cutting grains and gluten from your diet has no scientifically shown benefits, unless they make you seriously ill. Everything in moderation, though. Of course, everyone should strive to eat as nutritiously as they can, but if you think removing gluten somehow improves your health or nutrition, you’re out on very thin ice. The problem is that it is being sold to customers as a healthy option, when it really has very little do with health for the general population at all. Obviously, people are free to eat as they chose.


Gluten-free diet can do more harm than good for people without coeliac disease, scientists say (Independent)

4 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Not Be Gluten-Free (Time)

Gluten-Free Diet: Benefits & Risks (LiveScience)

Most People Shouldn't Eat Gluten-Free (Scientific American)

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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3 hours ago, Thesauron said:

if you think removing gluten somehow improves your health or nutrition, you’re out on very thin ice.

The gluten by itself wouldn't really be much of an issue if not for the pollution that is highest in said grains. The inflammation caused by glyphosate and other herbicides, pesticides, etc is the primarily cause of damage to the microbiome and lining of the gut as well as the blood-brain barrier. If the proteins weren't able to get into the blood, then the immune system wouldn't be causing systemic inflammation, organ and DNA damage which gets passed on to successive generations. http://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/15/4/1416/htm


I appreciated this article's points: Gluten-Free Diet: Benefits & Risks (LiveScience)
"People who only eat foods that are inherently gluten-free, like fruits, vegetables, gluten-free whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats, then gluten-free can be a healthy diet."

"Addressing the claims by people without celiac disease that following a gluten-free diet makes them feel better, Tallmadge wrote, "… the feeling of wellness that many attribute to the removal of gluten from their diets is more likely due to the absence of the refined carb- and sugar-laden snacks and desserts that happen to contain the protein. But why not simply cut out those refined foods and keep the healthy gluten-containing foods?"

Between the pollution, malnutrients and carbohydrates, there are just so many downsides to grains with how they are produced en masse, I don't see the purpose of people constantly tempting themselves with them. Carbohydrates such as glucose and fructose can be a good short term energy source for building and refueling spent muscles. They are not very good at giving long term slow burn energy like fat. Kindling vs Logs. Carbohydrates cause your blood glucose to rise, signalling insulin hormone to be produced, causing your cells to switch to fat storing rather than fat burning mode. Because you need to keep eating carbohydrates to constantly keep your blood sugar up and the majority of them are in addictive refined forms, people run into insulin resistance where their body needs to keep producing higher and higher levels of insulin in order for your cells to listen and pull the glucose out of your blood. This results in so many people becoming overweight, obese, diabetes, etc. They never feel full or satiated.

There are people who can tolerate some whole grains well when they properly ferment, sprout, and soak them to reduce the phytic acid which chelates minerals like iron out of your body, introduces beneficial microflora and increases bioavailability. (Phytic acid may have some benefits such as chelating heavy metals, but when you can't properly digest nutrients in the first place...) However, that is very difficult and takes time. The majority of those who choose to eat some grains and not others almost inevitably fall off the wagon and make themselves overweight or sick eating too much or the wrong kind and end up back where they started healthwise. It becomes an addiction, a constant craving for what other people have. Most people have an emotional attachment to food, especially in family/social settings. It's so much easier for most people to just get rid of it completely in order to become healthier. I see it as:

(Matthew 5:28, 29) But I say to you that everyone who keeps on looking at a food so as to have a passion for it has already masticated it in his heart. 29 If, now, your right eye is making you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. For it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be pitched into Ge·henʹna.

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I totally understand Alex's problem with all of this because I feel a lot like he does in relation to what people are saying when they obviously haven't done any research over and above the coeliac problem. 


I love bread, cakes, biscuits, muffins, crackers, pasta and  yes, I can buy some of those in a gluten free form, but I can assure you that in comparison, gluten-free food tastes like cardboard.  As I have never had any weight or diabetic issues and I am not coeliac, why would I ever give up soft yummy crusty bread or cream cakes and chocolate biscuits that I love, and swap to eating cardboard? 


I'll tell you why.  Because all those delicious foods make me ill when I eat them. 


Both Alex and I, along with many thousands of others, have the same health issue, which is not Coeliac, but it causes us to be severely affected by gluten. Many of us have been told by our practitioners, naturopaths, MDs, etc., to cut gluten out of our diets and those of us who have taken their advice are feeling a whole lot better for it.  When I fall of the wagon, I suffer, severly.  


So bearing all this in mind, who do you think that I am going to take advice from?  A researcher, sitting in his little tower with his test tubes, telling me that God doesn't exist and I'm just on a fad diet and gluten isn't actually affecting me at all?  Or my practitioner who has given me advice that has made my daily life more bearable?  


If anyone is interested in learning a little bit more how gluten affects those who aren't coeliac, here are some websites.


















Edited by GeordieGirl

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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3 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

So bearing all this in mind, who do you think that I am going to take advice from?  A researcher, sitting in his little tower with his test tubes, telling me that God doesn't exist and I'm just on a fad diet and gluten isn't actually affecting me at all?  Or my practitioner who has given me advice that has made my daily life more bearable

Your practitioner should always base his recommendations on the best available science from “a researcher (actually, many researchers, otherwise it is bad science and bad practice), sitting in his little tower” no matter the researcher’s religious views.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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you know that in america they raised the legal pesticide limits in food 5 fold from the original level?   Personally i think its GMO and pesticides...doesn't make sense that Jehovah created food that makes us sick.  but i don't have the condition so... 

Its strange to me that these GMO test fields are in every 50 states....they cross contaminate.

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1 hour ago, Thesauron said:

Your practitioner should always base his recommendations on the best available science from “a researcher (actually, many researchers, otherwise it is bad science and bad practice), sitting in his little tower” no matter the researcher’s religious views.


A researcher's religious views are not pertinent and couldn't interest me less, but as you didn't understand the point I was making, it is irrelevant.


A question I would like to ask you is whether you have any health problems that are in any way related to this conversation, or whether your comments are all based on a look at only one side of the scientific research.


Mine, and many others', practitioners recommendations, are using latest information from many researchers on why a large percentage of people who are not coeliac actually do benefit from removing gluten from their diet.


Several studies show a strong link between AITD (both Hashimoto’s and Graves’) and gluten intolerance. 

The link is so well-established that researchers suggest all people with AITD be screened for gluten intolerance, and vice versa.

The molecular structure of gliadin, the protein portion of gluten, closely resembles that of the thyroid gland. When gliadin breaches the protective barrier of the gut, and enters the bloodstream, the immune system tags it for destruction. These antibodies to gliadin also cause the body to attack thyroid tissue. This means if you have AITD and you eat foods containing gluten, your immune system will attack your thyroid.

Even worse, the immune response to gluten can last up to 6 months each time you eat it. This explains why it is critical to eliminate gluten completely from your diet if you have AITD. There’s no “80/20” rule when it comes to gluten. Being “mostly” gluten-free isn’t going to cut it. If you’re gluten intolerant, you have to be 100% gluten-free to prevent immune destruction of your thyroid.



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5 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

A researcher, sitting in his little tower with his test tubes, telling me that God doesn't exist


Let's please not make such attacks simply because we have a different opinion on a subject. Some of these researchers are our brothers and sisters, and they certainly do not deserve such baseless attacks based on what you imagine them to believe.

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Just now, Stavro said:


Let's please not make such attacks simply because we have a different opinion on a subject. Some of these researchers are our brothers and sisters, and they certainly do not deserve such baseless attacks based on what you imagine them to believe.


Oh please. I was referring to the specific researcher mentioned in this topic who is making black and white statements on a specific subject without considering other research that has been done on this matter. How is that affecting any of our brothers and sisters who are researchers. And it is not just a difference in opinion.  This is personal experience and solid research that is being denied. 


Some of the people who have gone gluten free are our brothers and sisters also, and are right here on this page.  Is it okay to make them feel demoralised by constantly trying to prove that they are in the wrong for doing so because they are not coeliac?


If your health was affected negatively by something that you decided to remove from your diet and then you had people telling you that you were in the wrong for doing so, you wouldn't feel very happy about it.  

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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18 minutes ago, GeordieGirl said:

And it is not just a difference in opinion.  This is personal experience and solid research that is being denied. 


Your research and experience has come under the guidance of a medical practitioner, and you should absolutely continue following that advice.


This researcher is not challenging valid research, he is denying the validity of "I saw it on facebook so it must be true", which is the basis used by the vast majority of people following this diet, and so many others.


20 minutes ago, GeordieGirl said:

If your health was affected negatively by something that you decided to remove from your diet and then you had people telling you that you were in the wrong for doing so, you wouldn't feel very happy about it.  


You're right, I don't feel happy about it.


But if I had a choice between getting my feelings hurt on a few occasions, or being forced to use my EpiPen at a dinner because the host has decided that "allergy" really means "I don't like it", I'll take the hurt feelings over the 48 hour ICU stay every single time. And I suspect that the same would be true of the many Celiac sufferers who have been victims of fraudulently labeled "gluten free" foods put out by companies who are profiting off those who rely on Doctor Facebook rather than any medical professional.

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15 hours ago, Thesauron said:

We need a diverse diet, but cutting grains and gluten from your diet has no scientifically shown benefits, unless they make you seriously ill.


And this is the point - grains and/or gluten ARE making some people seriously ill.  They know they feel better when they avoid what is causing them to feel sick.  They even have explained WHY it is that grains and/or gluten makes them sick.  They have their doctor's/medical practitioner's guidance on how to deal with their situation.


Generally speaking, the rest of us can choose to eat a wider variety of foods and maintain our health.  We don't need to eliminate gluten necessarily.  If we moderate our diets in consultation with a dietician or doctor's advice, we will usually be better off than just following the latest fad, be it "no gluten", "no carbs", "no fat" whatever is in vogue now.  From personal experience I was skipping carbs, thinking I was doing myself a favour.  But it put too much stress on my pancreas, and a diabetic needs a steady flow of carbs (the right ones tho) throughout the day.   So, for me, gluten isn't the problem.  The amount of carbs and the type of carbs is the cause of my issues.  Learnt that the hard way.



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1 hour ago, Stavro said:

And I suspect that the same would be true of the many Celiac sufferers who have been victims of fraudulently labeled "gluten free" foods put out by companies who are profiting off those who rely on Doctor Facebook rather than any medical professional.


I am sorry that you have to deal with the issue of companies fraudulently labelling products and putting lives at risk and people that minimise the importance of such a serious allergy..  Thank goodness for the EpiPen 

Australia has very stringent food testing laws and our gluten free products are less likely to fraudulently labelled than in other countries.  As an example of this, there is a particular breakfast biscuit made of oats which can be bought in the UK.  Oats are naturally gluten free  but could become contaminated via farming practices or on machinery used to process both oats and other grains. (Oats contain a different prolamin called Avenin that can't be measured using current tests.  Some Coeliac sufferers can eat oats, others react badly).

The company in the UK that makes these particular biscuits only use oats in their products. However, because these biscuits are labelled 'Gluten Free' they are not allowed to be imported and sold in stores in Australia because it hasn't been proven they are free from gluten contamination.




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I've seen similar issues in Amazon reviews for Gluten Free Oats.. some people have said that they still trigger their celiac. Another reason why I now say.. it's easier to just avoid them all.
It really frustrates me that despite the fact that I do everything possible, I'm probably still getting some cross contamination. However, I don't even know what from because I don't have celiac and I'm not spewing my guts out. I almost wish I was. ._. My thyroid issues aren't letting up, but there are likely other factors involved there such as flouride and chlorine molecules in my water replacing the iodine molecules in the formation of thyroid hormone causing it to be nonfunctional... sigh.

I just get miffed because #1 A diet which is free of gluten isn't terrible. However, a diet consisting only of "Gluten-Free" packaged/processed foods certainly is. #2 There is no myth surrounding gluten. If people want to believe in whatever they read on social media, either for or against something, especially when it comes to them in the form of advertising, then they're essentially choosing not to choose. I base my decisions on digging through research related to my issues as well as anecdotal evidence. There comes a tipping point when you can't just disregard that anymore. There are scientific studies which prove that these proteins can trigger immune reactions with gut tissue, thyroid tissue, and systemic inflammation. All of our blood is filtered through our thyroid about once an hour. If it's allowed to get into your blood, sooner or later you will likely develop some problems. Some people have relatively few problems overall healthwise, ironically many who are older and grew up with better biological and cognitive development, and they can just deal with it and keep on going.

The majority of people who are able to avoid grains, stay off them long term, and replace the nutrients with others, often feel better. This is not always the case, there are many exceptions due to how many varieties of permanent disease there are, but generally speaking it's true in today's society. There are hundreds of thousands of people switching to so-called 'paleolithic' or ketogenic diet templates who have realized this and come to agree with this revelation. Many top athletes with their nutrition counselors have done so and seen improvements. Thousands of books, documentaries, podcasts, videos showing what is wrong with our current system of food and healthcare and how some people are able to do better by making diet and habit changes. Will these fix all of our problems? Certainly not. All diets have their risks, such as fanatic ketogenics going overboard with long term fasting and running the risk of malnutrition, it is better used cyclically or for those suffering epilepsy or obesity. The key to everything is balance and research. You are your own best health advocate. No other human knows your body or how you feel better than you do. I'm not dogmatic about macronutrients such as carbs, proteins, fats. It's the microtoxins and malnutrition that cause me to suffer and become as insane as I am. Everyone has a different body somatotype, their ratios depend on what regulates their body at a stable, optimal body weight and how it makes them feel. Most people have lost that connection with their own body and aren't listening to what it is telling them anymore. Symptoms or health issues are a signal our body is giving us to let us know that there is an imbalance. Typically we are either not getting the right nutrients, or foreign invaders are stealing our nutrients or attacking our cells. Long term symptoms almost always result in permanent organ damage. It's become systemic as our children are born with human caused DNA damage and toxins. Jehovah designed us to be able to recognize many of our internal issues and get the treatment we need before it becomes serious, but much traditional knowledge on natural treatment has been lost to time and most are not able to grow or raise their own food anymore. The majority of people do not have access to the functional medicine approach of analysis, lab testing and understanding our unique microbiome that science should be affording us. Our only responsibility left then is to pray for holy spirit and wisdom in knowing how to make our earthen vessel the healthiest and strongest it can be for Jehovah's glory and service.

(1 Thessalonians 4:4) Each one of you should know how to control his own body in holiness and honor,
(Romans 12:1) Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason.
(Romans 14:1-3) Welcome the man having weaknesses in his faith, but do not pass judgment on differing opinions. 2 One man has faith to eat everything, but the man who is weak eats only vegetables. 3 Let the one eating not look down on the one not eating, and let the one not eating not judge the one eating, for God has welcomed him.
(1 Corinthians 9:23-27) But I do all things for the sake of the good news, in order to share it with others. 24 Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. 25 Now everyone competing in a contest exercises self-control in all things. Of course, they do it to receive a crown that can perish, but we, one that does not perish. 26 Therefore, the way I am running is not aimlessly; the way I am aiming my blows is so as not to be striking the air; 27 but I *strictly discipline my body and lead it as a slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself should not become disapproved somehow.
(1 Corinthians 10:31) Therefore, whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory.
(2 Corinthians 4:7, 8) However, we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the power beyond what is normal may be God’s and not from us. 8 We are hard-pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out;
(2 Corinthians 4:16-18) Therefore, we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day. 17 For though the tribulation is momentary and light, it works out for us a glory that is of more and more surpassing greatness and is everlasting; 18 while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. For the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting.
(2 Corinthians 6:3-5) In no way are we giving any cause for stumbling, so that no fault may be found with our ministry; 4 but in every way we recommend ourselves as God’s ministers, by the endurance of much, by tribulations, by times of need, by difficulties, 5 by beatings, by imprisonments, by riots, by hard work, by sleepless nights, by times without food;
(2 Corinthians 7:1) Therefore, since we have these promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
(2 Corinthians 12:9, 10) But he said to me: “My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you, for my power is being made perfect in weakness.” Most gladly, then, I will boast about my weaknesses, in order that the power of the Christ may remain over me like a tent. 10 So I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in times of need, in persecutions and difficulties, for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am powerful.
(Philippians 4:12, 13) I know how to be low on provisions and how to have an abundance. In everything and in all circumstances I have learned the secret of both how to be full and how to hunger, both how to have an abundance and how to do without. 13 For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power.

I've said too much. :wave:

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8 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

A question I would like to ask you is whether you have any health problems that are in any way related to this conversation, or whether your comments are all based on a look at only one side of the scientific research.

All my posts are personal to me.


8 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

Several studies show a strong link between AITD (both Hashimoto’s and Graves’) and gluten intolerance. 

No doubt some conditions make gluten intolerance more probable.

7 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

Is it okay to make them feel demoralised by constantly trying to prove that they are in the wrong for doing so because they are not coeliac?

Not at all. Everyone is free to eat what they want and what makes them happy. But it’s not wrong to point to the fact that conventional wisdom might not have the desired health effects.


5 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

And this is the point - grains and/or gluten ARE making some people seriously ill.  They know they feel better when they avoid what is causing them to feel sick. 

It is true that some get seriously ill from them. They should avoid them. Many who enter a gluten-free diet do not get seriously ill, but thinks it’s a healthier option.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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7 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

Australia has very stringent food testing laws and our gluten free products are less likely to fraudulently labelled than in other countries.


In the US, there's a 'diet cycle' that repeats itself every couple years, fed by the fraudulent labels and Doctor Facebook.


1. Some people have a medically-verified allergy/intolerance to some type of food, and they have to eliminate that from their diet.

2. Companies see the need for [food]-free products, so they label their products to assist others with that intolerance.

3. People see the labels, assume that labels must mean good, and spread their new "miracle diet" all over social media.

4. Other companies that are not [food]-free see the free marketing opportunity, and fraudulently label their products without any regard to those who will suffer.

5. Medical professionals will start a major campaign to convince people to stay off these fad diets because they are harming themselves by ignoring vital nutrients (which would otherwise be provided through the advice of their doctor), as well as harming others who are suffering due to the fraudulent labels that the fad diet helped create.

6. A new allergy/intolerance gains popularity on social media, and the cycle repeats.


On being told that someone has an allergy, a fairly common response is "I was allergic to that for a few years but I decided I like the taste". Or in a restaurant where someone requests that a dish not include something, that item will be put in anyway and picked off by the server. Or in someone's home, after rejecting something with an allergen, the host will say "try it, I'm sure you'll like it", or in extreme cases they might even slip it in to your food anyway to convince you that you'll like theirs.


7 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

Thank goodness for the EpiPen


The PEpiPen is not covered by most insurance policies, and hospital stays due to anaphylactic shock usually have a fairly high deductible. So if someone tells me "as a joke" that they served me the food I'm allergic to, and they only come clean after I've used my EpiPen, that's $600 out of my pocket to replace it. Or if they slipped it into my food because they think I use the social media definition of "allergic", that's a $10,000 bill for the hospital visit and a few (unpaid) days off work. And that's ignoring the whole issue of getting medical treatment within ~30 minutes in order to survive.



Your diet is under the advisement of a medical professional, and you live in a country where fraudulent labels are banned, and that's great, keep doing what you're doing. But the researcher in the linked article is not talking about your condition or your country, he's addressing the issues of ones with self-diagnosed "allergies", and they are the ones driving the fraudulent labels that have caused so much unnecessary suffering and death. By arguing against his claims, you're not defending yourself and your condition, you're supporting the medically unsound fad diet and the fraudulent labels that it has created.

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The only research i trust is bible meditation.  8D


I would like to trust worldly "research".... but there is so much special interest "research" that i just can't trust any of it.  Even the internet when you try to do multi sampling "research" it really just looks like copy and pasted articles that go viral from one source; and who is that one source?...


But i do understand that with Jehovah being a lover of variety that even our bodies can be differen't so that diet recommendations will be different.

But this is what i clean from marketed diets from the worldly advertising.


1)  more protein.... protein protein protein.... problem?  seems to activate cancer for some. "The China Study"  recommends trying to keep animal protein to 5%.  and if your already cancer sensitive plant protein to 10%.   So that means a high fruit diet; as plants actually can be high in protein.(didn't Adam and Eve eat a high fruit diet?)  fruit actually has .5 to 6% protein depending on the fruit.  Some say that we really don't need that much protein...as proof they say there is no such thing as a protein disease other then famine and your starving.... anywayz... how to herbivore animals get so big eating leafs and grass... this is somewhat supported by the fact that the "rich" in times past use to be the ones that got cancer because they had the money to eat meat all the time.  I know some don't want to admit the vegetable connection with Daniel.... but you can't remove the fact that Daniel wanted more vegetables rather then the more "delicacies" from the Babylon diet.


2) fats/oils/nuts....  for some who are diabetic and lean that way this really needs to be controlled... fats and oils attached to how they are in creation(nature).  Refined oils = no no.... over time you can clean out your cells of to much fat and reverse or drastically improve diabetes 2.  Even some diabetic 1 patients improve to some degree.  but if you still want to include oils in the diet.... get the cold pressed non refined.  But if your diebetic you need some fasting periods away from oils.


3) no sugar and using chemical "sweeteners".  If sugar is bad for you then why did Jehovah create fruit?...yaaa...I'm not even gonna keep going..lol   The problem is GMO sugar/  Highly prcessed sugar./  like refined oils.... it may not be good for us to concentrate it away from creation(nature).   But evaporated cane seems to be ok to me;  honey if you don't have a honey metabolic issue... my sister can't eat honey...currently...




anywayz... this is all temporary knowledge to try and get us thru this system.   All food in the new system will honor Jehovah in being able to support good health.  Personally i think its one of the greater crimes of this world right now that food we pray over for blessings the Devil has his "ministers" working at making it curse our health.  I'm sure some aren't talking with Satan and doing his bidding;  but the complete negligence of producing food that hurts others and only worrying about the all mighty dollar; in my book is the same thing.


sorry.. rambling on... some of this is redundant.... but i took the time to type it..lol

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I just thank Jehovah that we have a hope for the future and that whatever health issues each one of us is battling with and however we cope with it to get through to the end of this system, at least we, unlike the world, have a future ahead of us where we no longer have to deal with any of this and we will be strong in mind and body with perfect health, the way Jehovah purposed us to be. 

As Jehovah's people with His wisdom guiding us and lighting up our path, I would like to think that none of us will be taken in by the ridiculous fads of the world but use our commonsense, do research and consult reliable advisors before making decisions about our health, whatever those decisions might be.

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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9 hours ago, vern said:The only research i trust is bible meditation.  8D


I would like to trust worldly "research".... but there is so much special interest "research" that i just can't trust any of it.  Even the internet when you try to do multi sampling "research" it really just looks like copy and pasted articles that go viral from one source; and who is that one source?...

This is what gives people who trust the Bible a bad name, and leads to beliefs that people should abstain from all medication and hospital care. Of course, a Christian would like good care based on the best current research.


I am very careful with the sources I link to.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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