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the audience loved it, they thought it to be part of the show, then they had to call 911?

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Story archives:

Pages 1-9

Pages 10-14

Pages 15-19

Pages 20-22 below:

--During the Night--

Nothing beats home sweet home, your own bed and proper shower and so they slept like logs and out snoring each other. Rick had the most unusual dream. He dreamed that he was flying over the earth looking at all the beautiful galaxies then he saw Capt Kirk. of the Voyager and Nimoy saying hello. Then he beamed down to Earth and Adam was there and Jane was there just waking up and heard the loudest, most blood curdling scream.

Suddenly Rick woke up and saw right there in the bedroom Jane staring at a HUGE spider, one of the biggest he had ever seen. It was as big as the last taco he had before the joint burned down! "And just as appetizing," thought Rick. By now, Jane was jumping up and down on the bed screaming "Get it out of here, get it out of here!!! Rick, can't you do something?!!"

Then Rick realized what he was looking at and ran so fast to get the shotgun out of the closet. But then he thought better of it and decided to use a frying pan but by then the spider had crawled and backed Rick into a corner, with Rick still unarmed. Jane with one whack smashed the bug and said: "Oh Rick you scaredy-cat." Since the spider was the size of a taco however the messy cleanup was left to Rick, because Jane had a mess of her own to clean up. The bug guts squirted onto her legs.

"Oh yuck," she frowned, "when ever I need a man he's not around, he's off helping some other Joe," she was just sad, she asked herself, "why didn't we just try to capture it into the mop bucket and take it outside"; oh well, it was too late now so yeah the meeting was over she and Rick went home poured a nice bubbly Ricordoni, and made a nice Italiano dinner, and played some Patrizo Buanne, "so I must still be dreaming because my friend Gabe is saying I had another drink, ate Italian and played a game. I wonder what is going on with me?" he began to wonder.

--Another Day At Work, in Service--

Then Rick peacefully woke up for real and realized the giant spider was just a dream, and he and Jane were still in bed in Hell (Michigan) sleeping off their trip to Texas, but then the phone rang. The in-laws were in town, very hungry, and would be there in 10 minutes. Rick pinched himself but no, this time it was for real, so he begged them to go to the house of his sister-in-law and explained how they had been sick and needed at least a day/night to get over this 'bug' (and the horrible nightmare). The in-laws replied, "Okay, but we will be back sometime!"

Rick heaved a deep sigh of relief but then the phone rang again but this time it was something he certainly could not excuse. He had a flight to take, it was his turn, this time a 24 hr to Australia, so he left the in-laws to jane, dancing because he didn't have to deal with them. He had such mixed feelings but duty calls!

Rick as he was coming into Aussie airspace could see the beautiful coastal eastern waters and thought about Nemo on the EAC, and how "Dory helped Marlin" and thought how Jane stood by him and how behind every man is a good woman; yes, he thought about Jane being such a good wife to entertain the in-laws and when he comes home he'd do something nice for her like: He stopped of at Airlee Beach bought Jane a nice black pearl necklace and some souvenirs and Rick couldn't get back to see Jane. He thought of another great holiday he could take Jane, to see some beautiful reefs and hoped it included the Great Barrier Reef.

24 hours after he started the flight, it being Thursday morning, Rick and Adam pulled into their duplex in Hell at the same time, both back from their respective places. And, were happy to be home! So Rick and Jane thought they had better go preaching tomorrow and invite people to come to the Memorial only a couple days left and they still had some invites. But then they realized that Adam was needing some time so the three of them decided to preach that afternoon; problem was, they had no transportation - so they walked, just like Jesus. And every person they met took a tract and said they would be there, and wanted to know how to get a Bible study; oh how they wished their Kingdom Hall would be standing room only on Thursday night. They had gotten home so they could get out preaching sooner!

--Dramatic Turn of Events--

Once they arrived home for the evening they each got their mail; Adam received the strangest request he had ever heard, how could he handle this? Adam was asked to act in this year's drama; he was asked to play Phillip the eunuch. Actually, he misread the invitation; he was to be the evangelizer who was to meet the Ethiopian eunuch on the road to Gaza & help him understand his reading; so, yes, he was excited at the invitation.

Adam immediately told his wife who told him to go for it! Meanwhile, Rick got something in the mail from the Society; he wondered what it could be and if it would be life-changing. Amazing! He got the same invitation as his friend Adam; what now? Rick saw that his assignment was to be the eunuch; so Adam the evangelizer was to preach to Rick on the chariot.

Now that he had cleaned his eyeglasses and had read correctly he was very happy; should he tell anyone? Just then the phone rang and it was the District Overseer and the CO and the rehearsal committee and the costume designer all wanted to talk to him at once "when can you come in" they said asap. So off he went to meet the DO and CO; what they actually wanted with him was to see how well he could do the roll; it was the first shoot; the director was impressed how well he could act, but he needed to work on; well, what he really needed to work on was too embarrassing to say. Rick zipped his fly and tried again.

He asked what kind of roll they needed as this is what Gabe mentioned. The CO replied that it was a TP roll, used as bandaging for someone whom the Apostles cured in this drama; but the DO didn't know about that and said, "I wonder if anyone else knows about that bandaging; what do you think?" After checking everyone knew what was to go on and what the bandaging material was; even Jane, whose role in the drama was as Queen Candace - wondered how that was going to play out.

--Reminiscing at Home--

After everything was done to satisfaction, the drama preparations ended for that day, and upon getting home the three of them, totally exhausted, began to laugh about all the good times they have had in past DC dramas. Like that one practice session where Adam's sword would not come out of the leather holder; and stabbed himself accidently during the DC and real blood spurted all over the stage! The audience loved it, they thought it to be part of the show, then they had to call 911. Adam was rushed to the hospital, but thankfully that was his last scene, and everything turned out okay.

Of course, they all had to look at his scar - and then they really had a belly-laugh because...

he didn't want to show them, but they saw anyway because...

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you know as they say curiousity killed the cat. So when they say the scar they wanted a bucket they turned:sick: one sister said " me , blood and scares don't mix. We just wanted to be here to see that You were ok Adam.now said the Sis, do you need some home care?

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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went to "Hell In a Handbasket" for some desserts but it was of course closed because of the boss being at the Memorial, so they went instead to "Screams Ice Cream" for a devilish good time.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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