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had him so confused, along with others who were getting confused, but he turned it down b/c he had the surgery and was not up to being in crowds so he gave the ticket and invitation to............

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poor old Adam missed an awesome game at the Hockey tournament. Why even Macgyver was a guest coach...

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Adam said "that is ok b/c I feel better today and I need to go in field service w/the Memorial invitations" and then his friends realized Yes! he's had a concussion for the Memorial was a few weeks ago.

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on the side draw. His head was pounding. as it was Trevor his next door neighbor who usually like to bother Adam early in the morning to do a handy job around the yard. As Trevor was nearly 70yrs and forgot what it might be like to sleep in when you been ill or recover from an Opp....

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Story archives:

Pages 1-9

Pages 10-14

Pages 15-19

Pages 20-24

Pages 25-29 below:

--The Congregation Picnic--

Next Saturday at the annual congregation spring barbecue gathering, the Greendays Field Trip, Adam was responsible for bringing the Sack of Encouraging and Cheering Up that Gabe mentioned. Just in case a twister should hit the shores you will have something to hold on to, for you cannot be too safe, was the reasoning behind using a park with a storm shelter. Inside the Sack of Encouraging and Cheering Up that Adam brought was a huge helmet for salvation, a shield for the water balloon game, along with some koftas and snags for the BBQ, "and, not being too sure what Gabe is bringing, I thought I'd bring some potato chips and diet cokes."

Adam's friend Jack was there, and he brought the volleyball. But he forgot the net so they had to make-do with what they had. Some sisters at the picnic made nets from the branches, Jane remembered seeing it done in Hawaii, so she said follow me. Rick was happy with the improvise. The game's score was off the chart, Rick's team beat old Trottigy's 50 - 1, poor old trottigy, his team had to do the chicken dance, and we sisters so enjoyed seeing him put on the chicken skirt and dance away then the Papparazzi turned up, try to take photos but couldn't stop laughing. So they joined in too until the entire crowd did the chicken dance and "by the way, what is the chicken dance?"

"Its kinda like the nut bush but you know, chicken style and its kinda like the country western except you act like a chock." Nonetheless, Trottigy's team kicked butt at the poker and blackjack tournaments at the gathering. And then there were the girls playing "Psychiatrist" with the new sister in the congregation - and were so happy she is such a good sport!

--Chaos at the Gathering--

The Helmet of Salvation prize from the Sack of Encouraging and Cheering Up went to the champion of to Sister Peticoat Junction. She was given an award winning Sarah Lee apple pie, but before she could see the pie, it was scarfed down by Trottigy's little Jack Russell terrier Zoey. Zoey looked and smiled that cute smile of his and while petting him saying its ok, Trottigy decided it was time for a rematch at volleyball - but this time he still lost. Because he was chasing Zoey because he had seen some otters down by the lake and so it was either Zoey or the otters, Trottigy was exhausted, "Kids" he said "always chasing them and they always interupt whatever I do." He said, "I'm gonna KILL that dog!" But then he slapped his mouth, realizing what he had just said, "Ah my poor little Zoey."

Rick, Jane, Lynn, Adam, & Good-O, sister Faithful were histericaly laughing, because it turned into the Benny Hill chase. To follow Trottigy, then to follow Zoey who was chasing the Otters: Then Cowboy Joe got up with his cracking the whip indian after Zoey, they yelled, "poor Old Trotts needs help." As they were scurrying about trying to catch Zoey Brother Problematic, Rick, bumped sister Pain in the rear and they again all burst out laughing. However, Sister Pain In The Rear lost her balance and went rolling down the hill directly into the lake.

Old Trotts needed help because they had just been told there was an alligator in the lake so "GET HER OUT QUICK and by the way, she has already been baptized so we don't need to do that again!" So they called for Happy Gilmore, they said you better come quick, so with his awesome golfing arm, he was able to rescue Sister Pain from the alligator, she said with a smile, "Guys, guys, it was only a rubber alligator!" And she said: "You see how silly we sisters can become when we are having such fun; Why can't you brothers have the same fun?"

With that, it was decided to begin the water balloon game, and the shields were taken out of the Sack of Encouraging and Cheering Up to be used by the two teams. It was so much fun to watch because there was more water on the one filling the balloons than in the balloons - the others were getting the sacks ready for a race while saying goodbye to Trottigy and Zoey, as they were heading to Vegas, that is, heading back home to Las Vegas, and as we bid them farewell and a safe trip, the funniest thing happened. As they are all lined up for the sack race, Adam still trying to get in his sack at the last second lost his balance and fell toward the others all ready in their sacks, down like dominos they all went and in the process Adam accidently hit sister Foot in the mouth and Rick once again mannaged to butt sister Pain in the rear. Then, adding to the hilarity, Trottigy's dog Zoey ran over and licked sister Maxi in biggie and sister Strange in the face, after which she really had a strange face.

--That Sunday--

The next day at the Sunday Meeting the brother giving the talk could hardly keep a straight face as he looked out in the audience and faces reminded him of the hilarious events of the day before. Zoey went over and started liking sister Pain in the face. She said in a toffeed nose maner "Oh get that slimy mutt off me I am gonna be sick and need a bath of disinfectant, OH Trott's" she grawled. "Wait a second!" Rick exclaimed, "I thought Trottigy took Zoey back to Vegas with him yesterday?" But Trotts had fallen asleep on the bench, and the other's hadn't realized he missed his plane. So After seeing that Zoey was still here Rick and Adam kindly drove Poor Trotts back to Vegas. They wanted to see the city glitz and glamour anyhows. Well anyway that's what Rick and Adam wanted to do, that is until they realized that it was 1,972 miles by road, so instead they decided to put ole Trott up for the night and get him on the first available flight out in the morning.

But first Trott had to attend Rick and Adam and Jane's meeting, and Zoey was supposed to stay back in the apartment but he found a way to the Kingdom Hall. Someone was late coming into meeting so when the door opened Zoey, very quietly, came into the KH, sat in the back foyer for the entire meeting without making a sound for he was accustomed to attending the meetings back home. But he always snuck out before Trottigy could see him, such was how much he wanted to be near Trotts. And I would have thought that Zoey was a female since she was so quiet at the meeting and enjoyed such so quietly but then there you go! Brothers, or males, do the same - a good lesson for me today - so you can teach an "old dog" new tricks - thanks!

--At the Airport--

After the meeting, Trottigy and Zoey were driven down to the airport. As they were going through bag screening, wouldn't you know it, Trott was ask to step aside for a more thorough body check. Someone had whispered bomb and of course there was panic. But turned out be blonde the person who had said bomb, had a bad cold and a bad english accent, the blonde was a photo of Trotts sister that he wished he had for maybe if he had a sister he would understand women better, instead he had 2 older brothers - Scott and Bob (Bob being a blonde) - his mind turning to his little Zoey thinking, at least he doesn't have to go through this kind of screening where they x-ray your body. There was payback however when they demanded of Trott to take off his shoes, one would have thought a bomb went off, a stink bomb at that.

Trott said "do you think I am Maxwell smart. I have a phone in my shoe and a few other gadgets. I am clued up to all your demands. So the answer is where's 99 when you need her?" "Well, the last time I saw her she was with Lynn's sixty-six..." Trott was quite the jokester you see, but airport security was not amused so they detained him to the backroom and told him to think about what might happen.

The next time he was seen in this part of town and they said "you can go home today but if you ever come back we will have you arrested okay dude." So Trott was able to go home and put the hole saga behind him but he had quite the story to tell the friends back in Vegas anyway.

--Adam's Stories--

Meanwhile in Hell, MI some of us were beginning to get confused with the entire story and began to speculate as to what was true and not because some of it was just too much of a "tall tale". But that's the way Adam told stories to his friends in Ohio, the next state over, where he once lived; and it was all true and part of his and his neighbors' Rick and Jane's life. They said, "Well I can understand that because Texans can tell some tall tales - by the way, is he Texan?"

Adam replied, "No but my dad is, yup, born and raised right in the same place I was born in - no wonder we both understand all that malarky!"

--Adam's Injury--

While Adam was down in Ohio visiting his friends that Saturday, Rick and Jane were dog tired but the show had to go on so they rose and headed to the Moranski family's home for the meeting for field service. As they opened the door they were greeted by Adam's old friend from Purgatory, CO, Jack and his son Johnny. They had hoped to surprise Adam but it was not to be, so they instead joined in the local friends for service that morning since Adam would be returning from Ohio the next day and would be at the meeting.

While on break Adam took a tumble down a flight of stairs and broke his collar bone and his left arm. It goes without saying that he was in a lot of pain and was rushed to the hospital. Even though he was in such pain he was happy to know he would see the Sports Medicine Dr. Geoffrey who used to be a line-backer for the Pittsburg Steelers. The doctor insisted that he needed permission to give a blood transfusion but Adam, in excruciating pain said "NO! YOU MUST not do that. I will not. I will take any other solution but not a transfusion don't you know that idea has been tried tested and failed don't you know you can get all sorts of disease including mental disorders. Isn't there enough mentally disturbed behaved people in the planet without adding me to the list?" But the Dr. said, "I only need permission, I didn't say I had to give a transfusion, I don't want my hands tied."

Adam said: " Dr., I understand your point but please take a few minutes and let me explain my stand." The Dr. said, "Okay I have a few minutes, explain away." So, Adam, even in terrible pain, tactfully explained his stand on blood and the Dr. concluded: "Fine, I understand; I just wanted permission and, by the way, we don't do that for broken collarbone surgery but I was required to ask. So let's get on with a decision."

--Adam's Second Injury--

Adam had the surgery and was able to return to his lovely Hell (Michigan) where upon he was welcomed home and to his surprise his friend from Purgatory, CO was still there having a gay ole time with Rick and Jane, "gay" being in the 19th century sense of the term. Anyway the 4 of them decided to have a party and invite the friends over for some finger food, music and dancing. Adam needed the encouragement as he will be a while recuperating from his injuries. Now that Adam is the "one-armed man" all he could play was scrabble; his mind was still foggy from the surgery but he played the word "Hell" and won the game!

And in his exuberance, tipped back in his chair, beaning his noggin on the hardwood floor. Now they had to really watch him because he probably had a concussion but he was still so dopey from the pain meds they could not tell so he had to suffer with the headache but, of course, should he start to vomit that was another story! Rick and Jane stayed up all night with him, not allowing him to fall asleep for fear he would not wake up.

--Ice Hockey Invite--

Adam finally recovered fully in time for the Raiders ICE HOCKEY Tournament. He had won tickets to see them play live and thought he take Jane with him to see them play in Milwalkee but Rick thought that was a bad idea, after all Jane was his wife not Adam's. But Rick reread the text message and found that it actually said "Jan", not "Jane"; so he texted back "who is Jan?" While he was waiting for a reply Rick became anxious and worried about Adam wanting to take whoever this Jan was on a trip that would obviously be an overnight excursion to another State some 326 mi away.

It turned out that Jan was a long distant cousin. She had moved to Australia when she was 5 her family had been working undercover for Charlie's Angel's Parfum company. And she knew she had family in America and wanted to catch up. That's why the text message had him so confused, along with others who were getting confused, but he turned it down because he had the surgery and was not up to being in crowds so he gave the ticket and invitation to his old friend from Purgatory, CO, Jack and his son Johnny. In addition he helped them out with the airfare and room accommodations in Milwalkee, WI. Poor old Adam missed an awesome game at the Hockey tournament. Why even Macgyver was a guest coach.

Adam said "That is ok because I feel better today and I need to go in field service with the Memorial invitations" and then his friends realized Yes! he's had a concussion for the Memorial was a few weeks ago. So Adam laid down to get some more rest but the phone rang and he hit his head on the side drawer. His head was pounding as it was Trevor his next door neighbor who usually like to bother Adam early in the morning to do a handy job around the yard. As Trevor was nearly 70yrs and forgot what it might be like to sleep in when you been ill or recover from an Opp.

Adam felt better that day, but jokingly thought to himself, "What cruel masters of fate have made me get injured these 3 times?"

Anyone have questions about the continuity and canon of the story? Ask me separate from the story like this if need be, I've been with it from the start and copy and pasted it a lot.

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Rick & Jane come to check on Adam frequently and couldn't help but to find a bit of humor as they were reminded of the scripture in Ecclesiastes, "because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all."

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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At the recent assembly they were reminded about the new years resolution. That everybody agreed to at the conclusion of the District convention on how we need to keep our life simple. so the wrote up a set of goals each........

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Everyone was delighted for Rick and Jane's decision. But they were asigned to Vanautu.....

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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said Adam of a couple he knew, but Rick replied, "Don't worry, you must be thinking of Gilead; for in this school, you are given an assignment in your home country usually and only after some time there are you given a new assignment; besides, we haven't gone yet, schooling takes 2 months and its anyone's guess where we could go." Adam showed his friends his list of goals, and they were...

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Surfing, bunjijumpimping. golfing, rockstar and yes increase more hrs in the field?

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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How about now said Adam? Are you ready to do some beach preaching and surfing preaching. I have some laminated brochures and tracts in the pocket of my wetty and as the guys waiting to take of I just go up give them one with my phone no. want to have a go?

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Well have you ever seen endless summer the movie. Totally awesome. and as my Thank you to you Rick and Jane for your kind support. I have left a will from my uncle Harry and would like to share some with you and take you out of this Hell, MI, hole? We could start at Maverick Point.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Please remember the game RULES. Only one complete sentence allowed. You may finish the previous persons sentence in addition to your ONE sentence.

In reply Rick says: " Thanks but Jane and I like it here in Hell, MI, as there is so much need here and the people are so wonderful and receptive to the the Good News."

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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No matter how much they enjoyed being in their own personal Hell, the letter arrived in the mail the next day assigning them to an upcoming class of the Bible School for Christian Couples, and so they rejoiced, trusting that Jehovah would put them in a place where they could be in even happier and serve God more fully, sure as Hell (MI).

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